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PSN trouble?
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Thu, 05 May 2011 19:33:25
robio said:

They're just going to keep it disconnected for another month and then announce it's grand return at E3.

If it takes that long they are going to lose a large portion of the base.

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Thu, 05 May 2011 20:12:13

Well according to this article, Sony still says they're going to have PSN up this week:

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Thu, 05 May 2011 20:43:51
robio said:

Well according to this article, Sony still says they're going to have PSN up this week:

Believe it when we see it.

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Thu, 05 May 2011 22:55:56
Sony really means business this time.  They're even copying the quality of Nintendo's online service.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 05 May 2011 23:01:16
Yodariquo said:
Sony really means business this time.  They're even copying the quality of Nintendo's online service.


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Thu, 05 May 2011 23:44:05
travo said:
Yodariquo said:
Sony really means business this time.  They're even copying the quality of Nintendo's online service.



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Thu, 05 May 2011 23:49:21

LOL  I guess when Sony said PSN would be up this week, they meant 11:55 pm on Saturday night.

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Thu, 05 May 2011 23:50:22

This was Sony's way of getting me off my U2 mp addiction.

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Fri, 06 May 2011 03:26:09

It's not over yet, another attack planned for this weekend. SHIT I hope these little retards get busted and have to do time...

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Fri, 06 May 2011 14:59:46

Nothing to see here move along. Twidles his thumbs , whistles....

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Sat, 07 May 2011 04:12:52

May 06 2011

Service Restoration Update

+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

As you may know, we’ve begun the process of restoring the service through internal testing of the new system. We’re still working to confirm the security of the network infrastructure, as well as working with a variety of outside entities to confirm with them of the security of the system. Verifying the system security is vital for the process of restoration. Additional comprehensive system checks and testing are still required, and we must complete that process before bringing the systems online.

As you’ve heard us say, our utmost priorities are the security of the network and ensuring your data is safe. We won’t restore the services until we can test the system’s strength in these respects.

When we held the press conference in Japan last week, based on what we knew, we expected to have the services online within a week. We were unaware of the extent of the attack on Sony Online Entertainment servers, and we are taking this opportunity to conduct further testing of the incredibly complex system. We know many of you are wanting to play games online, chat with your friends and enjoy all of the services PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have to offer, and trust me when I say we’re doing everything we can to make it happen. We will update you with more information as soon as we have it. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience of this network outage.

Looks like Monday at the earliest!  I kind of knew it was not  making this weekend... sad face.

Edited: Sat, 07 May 2011 04:14:15
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Sat, 07 May 2011 16:39:43

OMG more delays WTF is this?!?!?! That stupid other hacker attack delayed it as well! Send Seal Team Six to stop these assholes (not kill them though).

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Sat, 07 May 2011 18:17:57
Dvader said:

OMG more delays WTF is this?!?!?! That stupid other hacker attack delayed it as well! Send Seal Team Six to stop these assholes (not kill them though).

This is getting crazy, I am really starting to hate the youngest generation of brats. Let's be selfish and do what we want crowd, who cares who it effects? I don't understand what they are trying to prove but this has to stop these kids need to be held up to the letter of the law and do serious time for wasting time  and disruptting so many peoples life for so long.

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Sat, 07 May 2011 19:24:54
Wow. Still no PSN. This is getting to be a bit much. I bet some developers must be getting impatient as well especially those who have released a game not that long ago.


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Sat, 07 May 2011 19:38:01

So, apparently there was some deal where people who preordered Portal 2 for PS3 got a free copy of the game for the PC. Is that right? Something similar?

A friend of mine was gifted with a key for one of said PC copies, and she wants to give it to me. She just needs to create a dummy PSN account for me so the game can get tied to my Steam account. This hack attack came at the worst possible time for me, since this is probably the only time I'll have any dealings with PSN, as I don't have a PS3! angry Fuck those hackers!

I need weapons. 61!

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Sat, 07 May 2011 19:41:15


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Sun, 08 May 2011 03:31:45
Angry_Beaver said:

So, apparently there was some deal where people who preordered Portal 2 for PS3 got a free copy of the game for the PC. Is that right? Something similar?

A friend of mine was gifted with a key for one of said PC copies, and she wants to give it to me. She just needs to create a dummy PSN account for me so the game can get tied to my Steam account. This hack attack came at the worst possible time for me, since this is probably the only time I'll have any dealings with PSN, as I don't have a PS3! angry Fuck those hackers!

I need weapons. 61!


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Sat, 14 May 2011 00:10:17

Any news anyone? WTF ?!!!!!

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Sat, 14 May 2011 00:14:13

Nope. It's Gears 3 time again!

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Sat, 14 May 2011 00:19:02

guess so only few days left on the beta!

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