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Sony's E3 Press Conference - What'll They Do?
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Sat, 14 May 2011 21:47:41
Archangel3371 said:
As for what Sony should do for their conference they should definitely have PSN up and running by then, they should certainly be humble and apologetic but don't dwell on the PSN being down too much, and they should show confidence in the new PSN and their other products without taking any shots at the competition. They need to strike a careful balance of humility and confidence.

Yeah, 2011 is not the year to take shots or brag.  They need to be as humble as possible.

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Sat, 14 May 2011 21:48:47

I didn't realize how much I relied on online and multiplayer games till this happened.

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Sat, 14 May 2011 22:03:25
gamingeek said:

Good to hear. I heard that PS3 trade ins had doubled and half were trading for 360s. As someone who doesn't use online gaming I just thought, what?

Idiocy. Though Archie makes an argument for it.  I could see if I were in High School and all my friends and I played online everyday after school or whatever -- with some peer group pressure, if all my friends were bailing out on the PS3 and trading it for a 360... maybe.

Yodariquo said:
  1. Get PSN up before E3
  2. Business as usual

That's about it.  After the apocalyPS3 how many people cared 12 hours later?  I know it was a much shorter outage, but after a few online matches of whatever, the furor will subside.

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Sat, 14 May 2011 22:04:56
Archangel3371 said:
This is crazy, it's still not up. While I wouldn't get rid of my PS3 I certainly understand those that do especially if it's to trade in for a 360. Online is a very important aspect for a lot of gamers these days and while online multiplayer may be the biggest there are a lot of other important online features like Netflix. I already have a 360 so there's not much of a point for me to trade it in plus there's a good number of games coming for it that I want to play but if I didn't already have a 360 I'd probably trade in my PS3 for one right now.

Netflix will work, Robio said you have to unsuccessfully log into PSN a few times (through Netflix) and ultimately it will let you use it.  Not best case, but just mentioning it in case it helps.

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