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Brütal Legend: The VG Press Game Club Part 2
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Wed, 01 Jun 2011 13:33:34

Sounds good, but I cannot get past Jack Black.

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Wed, 01 Jun 2011 15:33:46
gamingeek said:

Sounds good, but I cannot get past Jack Black.

I think both you and Robio are really missing out for no good reason if this is all the reason you have for avoiding the game.  I've seen it for as little as 7-8 pounds.  You can't even buy a pub meal for that amount, what have you got to lose?


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Wed, 01 Jun 2011 16:07:01
bugsonglass said:

I think both you and Robio are really missing out for no good reason if this is all the reason you have for avoiding the game.  I've seen it for as little as 7-8 pounds.  You can't even buy a pub meal for that amount, what have you got to lose?

I wish it were that simple. That £8 could get me graphic novels, blurays, older games or be put to use towards slightly more expensive hobo game grabs.

Also I dont like Metal music.

Edited: Wed, 01 Jun 2011 16:09:23

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Wed, 01 Jun 2011 18:05:26

Maybe one day I'll go back and check it out, but I'm actually taking a little break from gaming. After RDR and LA Noire I've actually been gaming pretty hard (at least for me), and I'm a bit burned out. Break time for the next week or two for me.

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Wed, 01 Jun 2011 22:32:47
bugsonglass said:

I started it today but I didn't get to play that much.  Think I just got to where I can move about in the hub with the car.

Wasn't sure what difficulty to choose.  After what Homer and Leo said about it being frustrating later on I was tempted to choose easy, but I went with medium.  Hope one has the chance to change if necessary.

I went with medium and so far it's been easy playing. There is an option to change it later should you need to.

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Wed, 01 Jun 2011 22:35:53

After the opening intro the Jack Blackism of the game is not noticable (at least to me).

I'll be getting back into the game this morning.

Sometimes early in the game (in the first 2 hours) the signposting is a little obscure (not really knowing what to do next). Stick with it, a lot of the features of the environment will become apparent as you do more missions.

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Thu, 02 Jun 2011 22:55:12

For those of you playing Brutal Legend, you better get back into it -- with all those controls to remember this is the kind fo game you have to stick with.

I just had my 3rd or 4th RTS-like battle.  I told the missus I'd be like, 10 minutes -- it ended up lasting close to an hour.  Mostly because I was learnign as I went.

I'm now probably half-way through the game though and they ARE STILL throwing new game mechanics at me.

I'm still very impressed with the overall quality of the game.  I did not think Double Fine had this kind of discipline in them.

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Fri, 03 Jun 2011 04:07:47

Have you played psychonauts?

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Fri, 03 Jun 2011 05:50:53

A little. I was turned off by the overly large portal world (and as teh record shows, I hate platformers).  I was not a mature gamer at that point though, and having seen this game I am certainly going to re-visit it.

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Fri, 03 Jun 2011 06:43:51

Well it was pretty consistent in quality, though there were some sections that definitely stood out. It's not a Mario Galaxy or anything, but it's definitely worth revisiting.

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Fri, 03 Jun 2011 09:26:53

I was wondering Aspro, I might have misheard but I remember you saying that you were new to gaming in 2003 ish when Freedom Fighters came out? Considering your collection I assumed you were gaming like Raven, through the 70s till now. What made you become such a rabid collector and gaming fan?

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Fri, 03 Jun 2011 22:53:04

I played Atari in the 80's, but for the most part I was a PC gamer up until the Dreamcast.  I went from TRS-80, Commodore 64, GameBoy, 286,386,486 and on until I got an old SNES one day (about a year after Donkey Kong Country came out) and from there it just spiralled out of control. I got an N64 and was a rabbid fanboy for a great deal of time, then a Dreamcast and so forth.

Oh so... and for a great deal of time I was a collector first and a gamer second -- I would mosly only play FPS games or arcade type games -- pick up and play.  That flipped around 2002-2003, when I started seriously looking at games, and finishing them etc...  Prior to about 4 years ago, I'd probably play 30-40 games a year and beat 1 or 2.  Now I try to beat about 2 games a month, and try not to start a game I won't finish.

Edited: Fri, 03 Jun 2011 22:55:40

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Fri, 03 Jun 2011 23:02:51
aspro said:

I played Atari in the 80's


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Sat, 04 Jun 2011 04:00:40

Here's the songlist: 108 FUCKING SONGS!!

“A Serpentine Crave”     Bishop of Hexen

“Ad Notics”     Rotting Christ

“Am I Evil?”     Diamond Head

“Angel Witch”     Angel Witch

“Angels Don’t Kill”     Children of Bodom

“Assault Attack”     Michael Schenker Group

“Back at the Funny Farm”     Motörhead

“Battle Angels”     Sanctuary

“Battle Hymn”     Judas Priest

“Believer”     Ozzy Osbourne

“Betrayal”     Lita Ford

“Birth of the Hero”     Tvangeste

“Blackout”     Scorpions

“Blitzkrieg”     Deathstars

“Bomber”     Girlschool

“Breadfan”     Budgie

“Cathode Ray Sunshine”     Dark Tranquillity

“Children of the Grave”     Black Sabbath

“Crack the Skye”     Mastodon

“Cremation”     King Diamond

“Cry of the Banshee”     Brocas Helm

“Dawn of Battle”     Manowar

“Deadly Sinners”     3 Inches of Blood

“Destroy the Orcs”     3 Inches of Blood

“Diary of a Madman”     Ozzy Osbourne

“Die For Metal”     Manowar

“Dr. Feelgood”     Mötley Crüe

“Drink the Blood of the Priest”     Brocas Helm

“Fast as a Shark”     Accept

“For the Glory Of”     Testament

“Free Your Hate”     KMFDM

“Frost”     Enslaved

“Girlfriend”     Kabbage Boy

“God of Thunder”     Kiss

“Goliaths Disarm Their Davids”     In Flames

“Hall of the Mountain King”     Savatage

“Her Ghost in the Fog”     Cradle of Filth

“High Speed Dirt”     Megadeth

“Holiday”     Scorpions

“Ignisis Dance”     Wrath of Killenstein

“In the Black”     Motörhead

“Insomnia”     Dark Fortress

“Kickstart My Heart”     Mötley Crüe

“Lay It Down”     Ratt

“Leather Rebel”     Judas Priest

“Live Wire”     Mötley Crüe

“Loke”     Enslaved

“Love Dump”     Static-X

“Machine Gunn Eddie”     Nitro

“March of the Crabs”     Anvil

“Marching Off to War”     Motörhead

“Master Exploder”     Tenacious D

“Murmaider”     Dethklok

“Metal Church”     Metal Church

“Metal Storm/Face the Slayer”     Slayer

“Metal Thrashing Mad”     Anthrax

“More Than Meets the Eye”     Testament

“Mr. Crowley”     Ozzy Osbourne

“Mr. Scary”     Dokken

“Narita”     Riot

“Never Say Die”     Black Sabbath

“Nightstalker”     Cloven Hoof

“No Love Lost”     Carcass

“Oblivion Instrumental”     Mastodon

“One Shot at Glory”     Judas Priest

“Overnight Sensation”     FireHouse

“Painkiller”     Judas Priest

“Progenies of the Great Apocalypse”     Dimmu Borgir

“Pure Evil”     Iced Earth

“Queen of Desire”     Ostrogoth

“Queen of the Masquerade”     Crimson Glory

“Riding the Storm”     Running Wild

“Rip the System”     KMFDM

“Road Racin”     Riot

“Rock Bottom”     UFO

“Rock of Ages”     Def Leppard

“Skeleton on your Shoulder”     Coroner

“Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck”     Prong

“So Frail”     Mirrorthrone

“Soul Thrashing Black Sorcery”     Skeletonwitch

“Stigmata”     Ministry

“Still of the Night”     Whitesnake

“Sulphur Injection”     Apostasy

“Superbeast”     Rob Zombie

“Swords and Tequila”     Riot

“Symptom of the Universe”     Black Sabbath

“Tag Team”     Anvil

“Technical Difficulties”     Racer X

“The Axeman”     Omen

“The Beautiful People”     Marilyn Manson

“The Hellion/Electric Eye”     Judas Priest

“The Metal”     Tenacious D

“The Somber Grounds of Truth”     Bishop of Hexen

“The Wild and the Young”     Quiet Riot

“Thieves”     Ministry

“Through the Fire and Flames”     DragonForce

“Thus Spake the Nightspirit”     Emperor

“Tornado of Souls”     Megadeth

“Warriors Dawn”     Slough Feg

“(We Are) the Road Crew”     Motörhead

“Welcome Home”     King Diamond

“Wheels of Steel”     Saxon

“When the Night Falls”     Iced Earth

“Witches”     Candlemass

“World of Hurt”     Overkill

“Y.R.O.”     Racer X

“Youth Gone Wild”     Skid Row

“Zoom Club”     Budgie

Edited: Sat, 04 Jun 2011 04:01:47

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Sat, 04 Jun 2011 11:39:22
aspro said:

I played Atari in the 80's, but for the most part I was a PC gamer up until the Dreamcast.  I went from TRS-80, Commodore 64, GameBoy, 286,386,486 and on until I got an old SNES one day (about a year after Donkey Kong Country came out) and from there it just spiralled out of control. I got an N64 and was a rabbid fanboy for a great deal of time, then a Dreamcast and so forth.

Oh so... and for a great deal of time I was a collector first and a gamer second -- I would mosly only play FPS games or arcade type games -- pick up and play.  That flipped around 2002-2003, when I started seriously looking at games, and finishing them etc...  Prior to about 4 years ago, I'd probably play 30-40 games a year and beat 1 or 2.  Now I try to beat about 2 games a month, and try not to start a game I won't finish.

Ah I see. You aussies got Commodores? Did america get them too?

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Sat, 04 Jun 2011 12:02:36
Ravenprose said:
aspro said:

I played Atari in the 80's


Didn't we all play Atari in the eighties?  Anybody remember Ralphie from a Christmas Story? He was the Atari kid.

Anyway, I just beat my third boss and I'm enjoying this game a lot.  I can tell that the RTS sections are gonna get annoying real fast.  I'm playing on easy just because of the RTS stuff.

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Sat, 04 Jun 2011 17:29:22

I don't like the large battles at all. What a mess they are. Pikmin, Overlord, they control infinitely better than this game. Who thought a RTS game and Heavy Metal mix. I hope I get back to the standard action/adventure segments.

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Sat, 04 Jun 2011 19:08:43

I played a bit today.  Got as far as the Lair of the Spider Queen in search of the heavy duty bass strings.  Apart from the "controlling your minions" aspects of the gameplay which I understand will get heavier as the game moves along, the mix reminds of something like the Jak and Daxter games.

I'm enjoying the writing and the story more than the gameplay but I guess it was what we all expected.  The "Metal" universe is a lot of fun and the witty one-liners always hit the spot.

By the way is there anything tangible to be gained by completing side missions?  I'm not sure if I should be bothering.  Races are kind of fun but ambushes not so much.

Travo the difficulty is adjustable in the options so I will switch it down to Easy if the RTS stuff gets too heavy


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Sat, 04 Jun 2011 23:01:04

The soundtrack was easily my favourite part about the game...except the part where songs restarted if you paused or entered the place where you get upgrades.

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Sat, 04 Jun 2011 23:03:10
gamingeek said:

Ah I see. You aussies got Commodores? Did america get them too?

Very few of them.  You'll occasionally hear a games podcaster who has fond memories of them.

travo said:

Anyway, I just beat my third boss and I'm enjoying this game a lot.  I can tell that the RTS sections are gonna get annoying real fast.  I'm playing on easy just because of the RTS stuff.

I found the first 2 RTS battles to be a bit of a mess, confusing even. But by the third one I had figured it out and they introduce a new ability to Eddie in that third RTS battle that makes everything a lot easier.

Dvader said:

I don't like the large battles at all. What a mess they are. Pikmin, Overlord, they control infinitely better than this game. Who thought a RTS game and Heavy Metal mix. I hope I get back to the standard action/adventure segments.

Your hopes will not be met. Asides from the occassional driving or herding mission it's RTS.

bugsonglass said:

I played a bit today.  Got as far as the Lair of the Spider Queen in search of the heavy duty bass strings.  Apart from the "controlling your minions" aspects of the gameplay which I understand will get heavier as the game moves along, the mix reminds of something like the Jak and Daxter games.

I'm enjoying the writing and the story more than the gameplay but I guess it was what we all expected.  The "Metal" universe is a lot of fun and the witty one-liners always hit the spot.

By the way is there anything tangible to be gained by completing side missions?  I'm not sure if I should be bothering.  Races are kind of fun but ambushes not so much.

Travo the difficulty is adjustable in the options so I will switch it down to Easy if the RTS stuff gets too heavy

Try not to switch down to easy until you get all of Eddie's abilities.  There is one particular RTS mission in the snow that I got hung up on until I realized I was playing the level incorrectly (who knew RTS would actually require strategy).

Losing the RTS stages can be very frustrating, as you play for what feels like an hour and have to start over, but I've only lost twice so far.

Side missions -- I have not done any of them. With the points you get from them you can upgrade your combos, weapons and vehicle. But so far I've gotten enough points from doing the main mission in order to get the required upgrades (like weaponizing your vehicle).

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