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On the DL: Downloadable Games are Where It's At!
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Wed, 29 Jun 2011 01:12:42
SteelAttack said:

Don't worry, it's playing like shit today. Hard freezes, bad framerate, lots of glitches. It's a beta alright.

Damn probably won't have it DLed until later tonight, we only have a few days with it...

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Wed, 29 Jun 2011 01:15:17
I downloaded it not too long ago, took less then half an hour. I started it up just to see if there were going to be any extra downloads, there was none. I haven't tried any matches yet as I was just finishing my second play through of Dragon Age II. Now that that's done I'll probably try to play later on. From the sound of it though that may not happen.


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Wed, 29 Jun 2011 01:24:12

I am about 50% another hour I would say, my old router slowing things down.

Edited: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 01:33:25
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Thu, 30 Jun 2011 01:56:25

Coming Soon: Impressions of Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax (XBLA) and Galaga Legions DX (XBLA)!

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Thu, 30 Jun 2011 01:58:19

Sweet you got the 2 new games! They all look good too! LEO Uncle LEO.

Edited: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 01:58:47
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Thu, 30 Jun 2011 02:51:41

Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax (XBLA)



Imagine if WarioWare and Y's Book 1 and 2 had a baby... Yeah. Half Minute Hero! The game is basically Marvelous Interactive's way of giving every last tired RPG convention the finger! From Flirty Goddesses to Broken Bridges to Evil Wizards trying to End the World with the Ultimate Spell of Destruction... ALL the cliches are there! The gimmick here is: You have 30 seconds to save the world! You Dash around a world map as the timer counts down from 30, looking for Towns in which you can Find Quests. These Quests will either Clear the way between you and the Ultimate Boss or Level Up your character. I'm sure there's more variety than this, but this is the basic idea. On the world map, you are Randomly attacked. You have no control here! The Hero basically bashes himself against his enemies until he wins! You do have the ability to use an Item during the fight using the "Y" button, but you better be quick about it! This game moves FAST! In the towns you can purchase Weapons, Armors and Items to increase your Stats, but don't expect elaborate Equip Screens and Materia here! JUST EQUIP and RUN! 30 Seconds doesn't sound like enough time? Well, you are Right! That Flirty Goddess I mentioned before happens to be THE Time Goddess; Find her Statue in Town and give her Gold (Time is Money!) and she'll grant you 30 seconds more! Keep in mind though, each time you do this, it costs you more and more! "Ridiculously Addictive is the only way I can describe this game!"

If you notice there are two different screen shots above. One is the Traditional Pixel art version of the game; the other is the StoryBook art mode designed for XBLA. I, of course, went straight for the Pixels!

Another thing to note: What I described is only ONE of the Four different GamePlay Modes in the Game. One is the Hero's Quest. Another tasks the Hero with Protecting a Mage whatever way he can. Yet another has you Escorting a Princess through Hostile Territory, and supposedly plays out like a Shooter? Finally, the Last Mode (I think) has you Playing as the Bad guy and Throwing Enemies at Heroes. This could be entirely wrong, as I only have the Hero Quest opened to me at the moment and I am going off of quick comments I read in some tiny Previews, but HELL the Quest mode is almost enough for me!

Awesome and Unique! Give it a try, it's only 800 Points!



Edited: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 02:58:17
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Thu, 30 Jun 2011 03:16:55

Galaga Legions DX



Yep. Every bit as Epileptic Seizure inducing as Pac-Man CE DX! You've got Wave after Wave of Galaga Legions, flashing in Trippy Colors against Trippy Backgrounds, attacking you in Formation! You've got Leaders of these Formations whom, if you attack, will make them ALL explode. Sometimes these Leaders come in pairs. There seems to be some kind of Commander Units too that, when destroyed, produce a Black Hole that sucks in all the enemy units too! Do this and you gain Legions of your own that add to YOUR firepower! New to this game is the ability to pick a Straight Fire Attack or 3 Different Direction Fire Spread. I *think* the Right Stick allows you to control the direction in which you fire too; at least that's what it LOOKS like in the video --BUT-- I just played the game for a full half hour and didn't even realize this! (Yes, Lads and Ladies, I pulled an Aspro!) The Early Warning Slow Down that occurs juuust before you die in Pac-Man DX also seems to have been adopted here! In truth, you NEED this! There will be moments, every other second, where you will be Swarmed, Surrounded and Lost in the Fray! This is the visual cue you need to PAY ATTENTION! Seems like a lot of fun and already there is a Link in the Title Screen which will enroll you in Championship Tournaments! Think you're good? Now you'll be able to prove it! Better than Pac-Man? Yet to be seen, but I am LOVING the direction these Generation titles are taking!

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Thu, 30 Jun 2011 12:38:18

Will be buying Half Minute Hero as soon as I get some Microsoft points. That PSP game was bloody great, and for that price, I'll go for another version.

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Thu, 30 Jun 2011 13:12:52

Oh no, no, no, no, no, no....... the new art style of Half Minute Hero???? WTF!!  That's awful. Part of the game's charm was the pixelated throwback look of it.

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Fri, 01 Jul 2011 00:47:35

I guess I didn't make myself clear? You --CAN-- choose the pixel art version too. It's what I immediately did! By accident, I started the game this morning with the new art style and was like "WTF?! Ewww!" and immediately had to start over!

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Fri, 01 Jul 2011 01:23:26

I'm glad they included the original graphics.  I wonder why they made it over at all?

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Fri, 01 Jul 2011 01:50:46
phantom_leo said:

I guess I didn't make myself clear? You --CAN-- choose the pixel art version too. It's what I immediately did! By accident, I started the game this morning with the new art style and was like "WTF?! Ewww!" and immediately had to start over!

No I understand you can choose, I just don't get why they even offered the option. It's like going to a restaurant and having to choose between a big juicy bacon cheeseburger and a shit sandwich.

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Fri, 01 Jul 2011 13:10:10
aspro said:

I'm glad they included the original graphics.  I wonder why they made it over at all?

For the people that either:

A: Cannot stand pixel art.

B: Need HD graphics for their HD console.

C: Are fucking idiots.

D: Microsoft requirement.

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Sun, 03 Jul 2011 19:55:06

As of 07/03/11:



  • Bangai-O HD
  • CastleVania: HD
  • Galaga Legions DX
  • Geometry Wars Evolved 2
  • Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax
  • Hard Corps: Uprising
  • Ikaruga
  • Jade Empire
  • Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
  • Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
  • Plants vs. Zombies
  • Super Meat Boy
  • The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile
  • Torchlight
  • Trials HD


  • Everyday Shooter
  • DeathSpank
  • DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue
  • Lumines Supernova
  • Castle Crashers
  • Space Invaders: Infinity Gene
  • Shank
  • Vagrant Story
  • Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes
  • Tetris
  • Chime Super Deluxe
  • WipeOut HD
  • Dead Nation
  • Wizardry: Labryrinth of Lost Souls
  • Under Siege
  • Magician Lord
  • CastleVania: Symphony of the Night
  • Pac-Man CE DX
  • Super Stardust HD
  • Lumines


  • 3D Classics Excitebike
  • Donkey Kong '94
  • Art Style: Pictobits
  • Shantae: Risky's Revenge
  • Cave Story


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Sun, 03 Jul 2011 19:59:10

I'm trying to write little blurbs here and there for most of the games on this list, but there's too many and I don't know which ones people would be interested in. Obviously, I'm not going to include anything on games like Symphony of the Night or Vagrant Story as most people should know all there is about them already. Anyone have any questions on any specific games that would help narrow things down?

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Sat, 16 Jul 2011 18:10:35

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Sat, 16 Jul 2011 18:16:46

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Sat, 16 Jul 2011 20:35:14
GAH! Now I want Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. Must .... stop .... watching .... videos. Nyaa


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Sat, 16 Jul 2011 20:52:27

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Sat, 16 Jul 2011 20:56:58
Archangel3371 said:
GAH! Now I want Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. Must .... stop .... watching .... videos. Nyaa

To be fair, almost all of these games appeared in the Best XBLA Games of E3 2011 story I posted...

...but I've been following the lot of them since way before that too!

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