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On the DL: Downloadable Games are Where It's At!
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Wed, 20 Jul 2011 10:44:29
darthhomer said:

I'd say it's closer to something like a God of War or that type of action game rather than a Zelda.

Wuh? Now THAT was unexpected! They are still saying it is a great, great game though!

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Wed, 20 Jul 2011 13:26:29


From the IGN Review of Bastion:

"Bastion is one of the best downloadable games this year, but I didn't believe it right away. From the first time I saw it, I knew that the game was witty -- as evident from the narrator who literally narrates just about everything you do as you do it -- but Bastion was still just an action role-playing game. I moved through an area with my two weapons, shield, and special attack. No big deal. However, then Bastion started revealing itself to me, and I couldn't stop playing.


When I beat Bastion for the first time, I reloaded my save and played through for the second ending. When that was done, I started my new game plus. I'm not the repeat type of gamer, but Bastion's leveling, weapon upgrades, and difficulty tweaks are just too gosh-darn addictive. The story could've been better, but it doesn't matter. This game is amazing and you owe it to yourself to download it."


From 1UP.Com's Bastion Review:

"Though Bastion focuses mainly on combat, it provides a surprising amount of choices for dispatching the waves upon waves of enemies sent your way. Nearly every level introduces a new weapon or skill, allowing you to optimize your character for any situation; and since any weapon can be assigned to either of the main attack buttons, your Kid can play the role of a melee-focused berserker, a sniper that prefers projectiles, or a happy medium between the two. The game's progression system adds even more customization, as you can upgrade each of Bastion's many weapons through multiple tiers of interchangeable effects, and level up your Kid to equip various stat bonuses -- which can also be swapped around at will. Bastion's action may seem somewhat simple, but the game gives players enough options to make experimentation both worthwhile and rewarding.

This experimentation extends to the Bastion itself; as the Kid brings back crystals from ruined lands, you can build (and later, upgrade) various structures that yield stat and weapon enhancements, an Achievement system that rewards you with in-game currency, and further ways to shape the action in a way that suits you best. While each player's Bastion will look identical by the game's end, the building priority is up to you; and if you're wondering about alternative possibilities for your home hub, there's always the New Game + mode -- though one playthrough of Bastion is fulfilling, you're not going to see everything without giving it a second go.

Truthfully, Bastion could be sold on its presentation alone; the game's hyper-detailed 2D graphics along with its eclectic and moving soundtrack perfectly match the well-told and understated story. But beneath this pretty packaging, there's a real game here -- and a good one at that. Supergiant Games seems to have done the seemingly impossible by creating the perfect mesh of game and story, all while preventing each of these elements from overpowering one another. Other developers, take note: this is how it's done."


From the Gamespot Bastion Review:

"Bastion is a wonderfully diverse game that offers up a great deal of flexibility in how you approach its many challenges."

"The world of Bastion is brought to life with some truly exceptional hand-painted environments. Every stylish bit of scenery is filled with tiny touches that add to the game's fairytale vibe. While the world may be filled with color, its muted tones help underscore a somber tale that grows darker and darker as you progress. It's a wonderfully crafted adventure that presents a fun and focused challenge you can customize in all sorts of ways. Once you finish, a new game-plus feature opens up that lets you carry over all your weapons and experience from the previous game. Even though it may be the end of the world in Bastion, it's still an amazingly good time."


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Wed, 20 Jul 2011 13:59:52
Foolz said:

Get a boy and his blob instead of Limbo.

Good game and can get it for cheap now.

Also Nyxquest. Fuck each and everyone of you (in an unpleasant way so don't get any ideas Leo) who has not bought this

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Thu, 21 Jul 2011 17:48:31

Bastion is officially my favorite DL'able game of all time now and is up there amongst my favorite disc based games too!

Don't just take my word for it:


“By wrapping every gameplay element around story conceits, Bastion becomes something new and exciting.” – Game Informer (9.25 / 10)

“Bastion isn’t just one of the year’s best titles. It’s also one of the best stories you’ll see in an indie game.” – GamePro (5 / 5)

“This game is amazing and you owe it to yourself to download it.” – (9.0 / 10)

“It’s frightening to think how much the human voice has done to distance Bastion from the crowd.” – Edge (9 / 10)

“The entire game drips with passionate artistry from the gorgeous watercolor aesthetics to the stirring soundtrack.” – Wired (9 / 10)

“Bastion…wishes to persist, as a living artwork that may be revisited forever.” –Kill Screen (9 / 10)


Edited: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 17:48:56
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Thu, 21 Jul 2011 17:50:13

Bastion E3 2011 Award Nominations

Game CriticsBest Original Game, Best Downloadable Game

Game InformerBest Downloadable Game of E3 & X-PlayBest of E3, Most Original Game

Official Xbox MagazineMost Valuable Game

PC GamerMost Valuable Game

GameSpotBest Downloadable Game

EurogamerGame of Show, Honorable Mention

1UP.comBest Download Game

Machinima.comBest Original Game


GameSpyBest of E3

The Electric PlaygroundBest of E3

Game RantBest Original Game

GamingExcellenceBest Graphics

Videogamer.comBest of E3

Boys’ LifeBest Downloadable Xbox LIVE Game of E3

XBLA FansBest of E3

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Thu, 21 Jul 2011 18:06:44

I hate to say this Robio, because the game hasn't been announced for PS3 (yet), but the game that Bastion keeps on calling up in my mind is Legend of Mana! The ruined world you are piecing back together, the watercolor graphics, the way you choose Gods to invoke during game-play, the varied weapons and skills you can choose and equip. It's not adventure like Zelda after all, it is a blending of genres. It tried to be many things, like Mana did, but this is the ultimate evolution of the concept. I'm not even going to get into the absolutely MASTERFUL, real-time Narration! EVERYONE AND ANYONE THAT HAS THE MEANS ---HAS TO--- PLAY THIS GAME ! ! !

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Thu, 21 Jul 2011 18:15:16

Well that sounds lovely Leo. In the meantime shut your piehole and stop talking about it. You're making me feel sad.

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Tue, 26 Jul 2011 13:34:02

Okay after listening to the podcast I was reminded that I didn't complain about Limbo in this thread. Game sucks. It'll leave you sad and disappointed. Don't buy it!!

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Wed, 27 Jul 2011 16:05:40

Just grabbed Costume Quest since it was 50% off and while I've only played 30 minutes I've enjoyed it immensely. Really looking forward to spending more time with it.

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Wed, 27 Jul 2011 20:13:21
Got Bastion from XBLA today. The game received great reviews and impressions so I'm really looking forward to playing it.


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Mon, 01 Aug 2011 20:47:22

Please post impressions here after you do. I am curious to hear how someone else feels and comments often get lost in the News Forum!

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Mon, 01 Aug 2011 20:50:31
travo said:

More Outland impressions:  The color scheme is a nice change from the usual browns and the animations are superb. I especially like the Tron like electric suit which is just amazing.  Each section is colorful, but not overdone.  The environments are lush jungle areas, mostly covered in shadows.  I really want a 2D sidescrolling HD Metroid for Wii U now.

Gameplay and control are note perfect.   I've always loved exploration type games ever since the first Metroid and that style was perfected with Super Metroid and Metroid Prime.  Outland adds nothing new to this genre.  In fact, everything is borrowed (inspired) from other series.  But why reinvent the wheel?  The Dark and Light powers make for interesting puzzles and powers.

Bosses? Well, I've only battled one, but it was a blast and I eagerly anticipate others.  I just hope there's more than just a couple bosses here.  I also hope that this is a lengthy game (eight hours or more.)

I would be in heaven if an exploration game was released like this for download every year.  We had Shadow Complex two years ago, now Outland, bring on the rest!

I have a confession to make.  I've never played Symphony of the Night.blush  I plan to fix that by the end of the year.

Moved this from the News Forums so it doesn't get lost in the daily comments! There's too many INCREDIBLE DLC games coming to --NOT-- keep this topic alive and thriving!

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Mon, 01 Aug 2011 22:26:24
aspro said:

I've heard nothing bad about this game at all, it seems like they've hit it out of the park on their first try.  I do wonder how much of the praise comes from aspirational game reviewers though (as in, "see, Greg made it, I could do that, I could totally do that").

The other thing I find amazing is that in every instance they call the narration "innovative".  Clearly none of these people have played a sports game in the last 4 years.  The "narration" in MLB The Show, for example is absolutely incredible in terms of the quickness in which a relevant comment is pulled and played (and the depth of comments so you don't get hardly any repetition).

phantom_leo said:

I don't think aspirations have anything to do with it. If that were the case, I think we would see the other side of the coin and see "jealousy" reviews too. Greg K's been out of the reviewer's chair for so long now, I don't think that was even taken into account. This is just a damn solid, great game! It's very unique but also very personal in the way that you play it. The options you are given weapon-wise, the adjustability of the difficulty, the new game + when you are done, the customizable weapons...

You take the game and make it your own... and that's the secret to the narration too:  It feels personal, like you are part of a living story. The quality of the voice-work, the words that are chosen and how they are said... IT'S all that and more! Sports have a language all their own and situations that tend to repeat themselves due to the nature of the sport itself. A game in which a narrator is describing what an individual is doing combined with the natural, flowing quality... it's like nothing else before it!

I hate to use the cliche, but you won't understand until you've played it yourself.

Just to add to this: Bastion succeeds thru it's narration in doing something a lot of games cannot. It makes you FEEL. Wonderment, Longing, Pride, Fear, Remorse, even Guilt.

NO other game ever has made me stop and think about my actions as one particular scene that just occurred in Bastion. Wow. Hauntingly BRILLIANT ! ! !

Edited: Mon, 01 Aug 2011 22:27:35
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Mon, 01 Aug 2011 23:52:53
My Outland impressions will be here from now on. Nyaa Do you guys have it for 360 or PS3? I want to co-op.

When does Bastion come out on PSN ?
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Tue, 02 Aug 2011 00:03:09

Maybe our next gaming club game should be a DL title?  Leo, can you hold off on getting Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet?  We can all experience it at the same time.

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Tue, 02 Aug 2011 00:21:54

Or, I can get it and just not play it yet!

ITSP is only for 360 though, so it limits who can be in on this club.  Sad

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Tue, 02 Aug 2011 00:23:16
travo said:
My Outland impressions will be here from now on. Nyaa Do you guys have it for 360 or PS3? I want to co-op.

When does Bastion come out on PSN ?

I played Outland on 360...

...and about Bastion on PS3... ummmm... well... you see... about that...


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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 13:16:57
travo said:

I played the demo of From Dust today.  I've never played a Populous type game, except the SNES Sim City,  so this experience is new to me.  You're basically helping your tribe of men to populate the land by creating villages, vegetation and moving to distant lands to build on.  Each time you bring your men to a totem, a new village emerges.  You play as the Breath, which is a magical force that can manipulate the elements to help your tribe.   I guess it plays somewhat like Sim City because you have to maintain a balance between your villages, the animal population and the vegetation.  You can pick up the  earth to create a bridge, use lava to build, water for life.

The demo is a lot of fun, but I'm not sure I could recommend it because of the steep price (1200 points).  If it was about 800 points, then it would be an instant buy.

phantom_leo said:

The game gets to be a lot more intricate than you would think. You gain powers to evaporate water, jellify water, put out fires, amplify the breath, etc... You start to encounter Trees that burst into Flames and Trees that retain and release Water. The flame trees dry out wet areas and evaporate water. The water trees release a huge amount of water when they encounter fire. Putting a fire tree next to a village to dry the stream that is constantly flooding it, may seem like a good idea... until the fire tree starts to burn the village's vegitation. Putting a water tree barrier between a village and some fire trees may seem like a good idea, until they all burst at once, flooding your village. Everything needs to be kept in perfect balance, as it is in Nature... 'cept YOU'RE playing as the Deity that controls nature!

You get explosive trees later to break formerly unbreakable earth. You need to manage the repel water spells to counter the floods of the Water Trees... and just wait until you reach the "Breathing" Earth! Yeah, there are areas where the earth expands and contracts as if it were built on the giant chest of a god or beast... Tides come and go... where you place your water trees is vital. At one point they may be below a village, protecting its crops from fire, the next moment, they may be above the village, waiting to pop and flood the people below!

I'm about half way thru the story (I think) and it introduces new concepts every chapter. The game is totally intriguing! As you do better and better on the story maps, the game gives you Challange Maps to play on, increasing the playability 100-fold! Yes, there's even a map called Xuaenylom, as a tribute to their source of inspiration, which I thought was rather cool!

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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 13:18:38

I don't know where to put these replies anymore!

I have a topic devoted to the 360 and I have a topic devoted to Downloadable games...

...but all I am playing at the moment on the 360 are Downloadables! Don't know if I should just stick to one or the other!  Nyaa

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Wed, 03 Aug 2011 13:20:04

I guess that's why i got confused and put my reply in the 360 thread. LOL

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