Forum > Gaming Discussion > Rune Factory Frontier: Not Just Harvest Moon's bastard stepchild anymore
Rune Factory Frontier: Not Just Harvest Moon's bastard stepchild anymore
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Tue, 31 Mar 2009 02:48:53
Very interested in this game, but alas it would have to be a bargain-bin purchase as it's just not justifiable to add another Wii game on the pile of the unplayed.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 04 Apr 2009 18:13:34
Uh. Where did I get the Pumpkin Head from?

Is that unlocked if you beat the Watermelon Pinata challenge on the First day of Summer?

Or, was it just a seasonal thing?

I bought it from the shop immediately upon seeing it, but have no idea how I got it to be there...
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Sun, 05 Apr 2009 15:28:28

phantom_leo said:
Uh. Where did I get the Pumpkin Head from?

Is that unlocked if you beat the Watermelon Pinata challenge on the First day of Summer?

Or, was it just a seasonal thing?

I bought it from the shop immediately upon seeing it, but have no idea how I got it to be there...

The Pumpkin Head is added when you beat the Green Dungeon I believe.  When you complete a dungeon merchants will add more to their shops.  That's series worked previously and I noticed it the day after I completed it.  In this case Ganasha started to carry high quality crystals and a few more weapons, Rosetta had a few more accessories, and Selphie offered about twice as many books as before.

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Sun, 12 Apr 2009 01:10:05

I'm now 40 hours into the game which puts me in mid-fall of the first year.  In the original Harvest Moon, 40 hours was about the length of time required to beat the entire game.  At the moment I'm at best half-way in.  Rune Factory is a little harder to estimate on time than other games though because there comes a point where your character's stats have all reached a certain point and everything suddenly becomes a complete breeze.  You can literally spend a half your play time on the first 20% of the game.

Overall I'm still real happy with the game.  It is reptitious because at it's core it's still built on the Harvest Moon farming formula, but it does an excellent job of bringing in a new element right around the time when things start to get a little slow.  A new neighbor moves in, a new season arrives, a festival takes place, etc.  Very well balanced in that regard.  

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 08:26:16
I know I should have not bought it... I have no time to play, I have no time to chat, I don't even time to hang out on forums anymore... but yesterday I couldn't bear it anymore and bought it and managed to find an hour to play it...

Looks good and I need some holidays Sad
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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 08:29:28

Mekere said:
I know I should have not bought it... I have no time to play, I have no time to chat, I don't even time to hang out on forums anymore... but yesterday I couldn't bear it anymore and bought it and managed to find an hour to play it...

Looks good and I need some holidays Sad

 I thought that you had nothing but holidays in France (and 30 hour work weeks).

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 08:53:00
30h sounds dreamy Nyaa Nah the minimum is 35hours a week (7 hours a day) but atm I'm more at 45/48 hours a week plus 1hour and half of train every day and I'm renovating my kitchen and I still have my violin lessons and I have my share of housework to do and this and that...

And no holidays before June, previous ones were in December for Christmas. So.. sorry to disappoint the only people who have lots of holidays here are kids and they are not even able to enjoy them! Stupid kids >_<

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 09:27:43

Mekere said:
...the only people who have lots of holidays here are kids and they are not even able to enjoy them! Stupid kids >_<


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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:32:03
I thought france had strict laws on working hours?

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:18:31
Yes, there is. But I work in a small company and we're on a very big project atm, so I have to bear with it, after all it's only temporary ^^ If we get the contract I'll have a big raise, so it's worth it Nyaa

More money, more games /o/


Ok maybe I'm kinda workaholic too :/
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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:29:51

Mekere said:
Yes, there is. But I work in a small company and we're on a very big project atm, so I have to bear with it, after all it's only temporary ^^ If we get the contract I'll have a big raise, so it's worth it Nyaa

More money, more games /o/


Ok maybe I'm kinda workaholic too :/

Just threaten to cook them a tomato cake.

That will get you a raise.

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:35:40
but it's good! You have bad tastebuds really >_>
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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:50:02

Mekere said:
I know I should have not bought it... I have no time to play, I have no time to chat, I don't even time to hang out on forums anymore... but yesterday I couldn't bear it anymore and bought it and managed to find an hour to play it...

Looks good and I need some holidays Sad

Yeah the game needs to be played in large hour incriments. Particularly the early portion.  But a wise move in buying it all the same.  'Tis a fine game indeed.

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:52:51

Mekere said:
but it's good! You have bad tastebuds really >_>

I have the finely honed palette, of a true gourmet.

The other guys here like Robio eat two KFC chicken fillets put together with cheese.

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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 17:03:52

gamingeek said:

Mekere said:
but it's good! You have bad tastebuds really >_>

I have the finely honed palette, of a true gourmet.

The other guys here like Robio eat two KFC chicken fillets put together with cheese.

 ... and streaky bacon with some funky looking sauce!!!

estimated to have about 62.4 grams of fat and 858 calories.


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Tue, 20 Apr 2010 19:32:45

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 00:41:16

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:

I have the finely honed palette, of a true gourmet.

The other guys here like Robio eat two KFC chicken fillets put together with cheese.

... and streaky bacon with some funky looking sauce!!!

estimated to have about 62.4 grams of fat and 858 calories.

The sauce is a melted pepperjack sauce. Spicy and tastey.

And for the record this is the natural evolution of the sandwich.  Bread is on the way out.  And once again, what country is on the cutting edge???  America. And god bless us!!

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Wed, 21 Apr 2010 04:58:29

robio said:

Mekere said:
I know I should have not bought it... I have no time to play, I have no time to chat, I don't even time to hang out on forums anymore... but yesterday I couldn't bear it anymore and bought it and managed to find an hour to play it...

Looks good and I need some holidays Sad

Yeah the game needs to be played in large hour incriments. Particularly the early portion.  But a wise move in buying it all the same.  'Tis a fine game indeed.

 I'll have to ask Mrs. Aspro why she stopped playing Rune factory DS before deciding when to get it.  She was digging Rune Factory -- but then this has been a disastrous year for game completion for her, so it may have had nothing to do with the game.

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Sun, 09 Oct 2011 21:25:06



Guess what game came out early... or at least earlier than the date it was pushed back to...?


Between Disgaea and Dark Souls, it's not like I am lacking in games to play at the moment, but something made me seek this out today. Dunno why...

It starts out with a somewhat unique premise. You (male) and your female friend are about to go to a Dragon Shrine to pray for your safe journey to a distant farm. You have special Earth powers that make you a popular guy when it comes to successful harvests. You are about to depart to the shrine when a bright, white light shines from a lake and you awake to find you and your female friend are trapped in the same body! **Awkward!** The light also either propels you into the future or puts you in a parallel universe to your own time or island. I just started playing so I don' know which one is correct yet.

The game was made for the Wii and the PS3. It is in pleasant HD for the PS3 and although the textures and environment look simpler than most PS3 games, they don't look bad at all! They are clean, colorful and functional! The game happens to support motion control for both systems via the Wii-mote and Move, but even on the original Rune Factory for the Wii, I never used them... but they are there if you so desire!

Game starts out the same. You are given a place to stay. You are given a tour and introduced to some of the locals. They all have pretty clear cut personalities... I am ashamed to admit it, but there's actually a character that makes me feel... a tad... uncomfortable... The Priest on the island, a man by the name of Gerard... is... well... flaaaaaming... His eyes bug out of his head when he is introduced to you; little hearts surround his character in his dialog box when he speaks to you. Wouldn't be SO weird if he wasn't a PRIEST and also happens to take care of all of the island's orphans... **Awkward!** Meh! Whatever! Makes the game interesting, though, I suppose!

Speaking of which: I haven't gotten to the farming portion yet. Apparently it is different from the previous RF games! If what a heard is true, you don't even plant seeds! The crops that grow are dependent on the monsters that are tending your field! Definitely different! You can still forge (I think), cook, and of course fight. The calendar of events is still there. The bathhouse is still there. You still give gifts on birthdays and festivals, so MOST of the usual stuff is still in. We'll see just how different the farming is once I get to it!

And when I do, I'll post some more!


**Hit him in his weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE!**

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Mon, 10 Oct 2011 02:01:34

Damn! The game is addictive!!

I don't want to say too much 'cause the fun of discovery is as strong as it is in all of the other Rune Factories... if not more!

I just played for another hour and a half. Spoke with all the people in town. You have a map that you can access at any time that shows where all the townspeople are at that moment. Handy!

You have a billion upgradeable stats in this game! I found myself walking around town and suddenly *Skill Up!* I levelled up in Walking. I spoke to a bunch of people and levelled up in Friendliness (I think)... or Talking... one or the other! Jumped around a bit... yup! *Skill Up!*

I got to an island via my... walking... monster barn... thingee... not gonna say more! Fought a bunch of monsters. Tamed some with my brush. Found a few Treasures. Got my first Mark of Bravery and Lump of Iron! Typical stuff, but fun nonetheless!

Got tips on how to cook. Got flirted with by the younger sister of the Inn owner... The other resident in my body didn't like that too much. This is gonna be weird! I wonder if I can marry myself...? Also got hit on by the Priest. Wonder if I can marry him? Weirder...

Still haven't touched my farm! Don't even know where it is yet!

More to come!

Edited: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 02:03:59
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