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My very late GOTY awards for 2010
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Sat, 06 Aug 2011 21:02:24
SteelAttack said:


Iva Jerkovic

Wow, let's replace Iga with iva.
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Sat, 06 Aug 2011 21:05:03

Meh! Replace them both with Ivan!

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Sat, 06 Aug 2011 21:05:51
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Who is Iva?

And no Vader we already had a GoTY awards. You participated in it and yet you did not choose ME2. Do you expect us to wait until you bought an 360 in 2014 before you submit your GoTY?

You had a GOTY award, I did not have my own yet.

Yes, you did. You participated. I did not. And Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 does not qualify. Unless you claim that if you hypothetically would own a 360 you would have chosen ME2 as your GoTY.  Is that what you are saying Vader?
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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 01:16:42
It does not matter what version I played, the year a game comes out is the year that counts. If not then RE4 should have won GOTY three years in a row for each version. That is moronic.
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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 03:28:10
phantom_leo said:

Meh! Replace them both with Ivan!

It's like a slightly less girly Fernando Torres!

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 03:32:08
Foolz said:

It's like a slightly less girly Fernando Torres!

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 03:33:34

Ok this is treading dangerous waters now. Thread is going to become the Mancrush Thread in less time that it takes Leo to whip out his wang.

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 03:34:48

Too late!

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 03:36:11

Your wang is already, out, is it?

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 03:38:19


**a self-erecting one, no less!**

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 03:39:37
SteelAttack said:

Your wang is already, out, is it?

Well YOU'RE the one talking about being all hot and sweaty! What do you expect from me?  angry

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 03:44:01

And now Bugsy is aroused too.

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 06:53:23
Dvader said:
It does not matter what version I played, the year a game comes out is the year that counts. If not then RE4 should have won GOTY three years in a row for each version. That is moronic.

RE4 Wii edition come out in 2007, the same year as SMG. No way that it would have won GoTY against that game. Seeing as that game was voted game of the decade.

But you are avoiding the question at hand. Are you saying that if you hypothetically would have a 360 you would have voted for ME2 as your GoTY during the VG Press GoTY awards?
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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 18:40:55
You are obsessed about this vgpress awards thing, that is irrelavant, this is now. Also it doesn't matter where I played the game. These are my GOTY awards for games that came out in 2010 not what games I played in 2010. Mass Effect 2 is a 2010 game. I purpose waited this year to do these awards caused I missed out on so much last year. Fallout was the last game I wanted to play before going ahead. Obviously I cant play all games but I haveplayed enough for me to feel like o have a good grasp of 2010. I did not feel that way when I voted in vgpress awards.

Also RE4 is better than Galaxy.
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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 19:06:34
Holy shit! @ Iva If I was wearing pants I would have jizzed in them. Nyaa


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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 19:32:54
Dvader said:

Also RE4 is better than Galaxy.

No, no no.

You created the VG Press Game of the Decade thread. I thought it was a stupid idea and tried not to vote, until I was forced to break the tie. The result was that Super Mario Galaxy is the game of the decade. According to your thread and your rules, so there is nothing for you to but to respect those results. SMG is the game of the decade

And you still have not answerd the damn question.

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 20:52:06

You penis.

And yes if I played ME2 last year it would have been my GOTY vote, why would you think other wise?

Edited: Sun, 07 Aug 2011 20:58:44
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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 21:07:45
Dvader said:

You penis.

And yes if I played ME2 last year it would have been my GOTY vote, why would you think other wise?

I don't but the court demands the answer.

So it is true, if you would own a 360 and had played the game on the 360 it would have been your GoTY.

But if you had a 360, you would have played the original first, because of the story.

So this quote.....

Dvader said:

Super Mario Galaxy 2, so amazing, so memorable and one of the best games this gen. This does not lose easily, it is a very close call but I played a game just like this two years ago.

.....would not apply, because they are both sequels.

UNLESS, unless there are other reasons why you would choose ME2 over SMG2. Vader are there other reason why you would choose ME2 over SMG2? I remind you that you are under oath and are required to answer my often illogical sounding questions.

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 21:18:10

Wow, why are you not a lawyer? The other side would probably kill themselves before trying to win a debate with you.

True if I had played ME1 maybe my opinion would change slightly just like if I had played SMG2 first. I cant tell you what impact it would have had.  As for choosing ME2 over SMG2 its not just which felt more fresh, ME2 is the type of game I have dreamed of for a long time. Basically a true action game with RPG elements and an interactive story, plus the setting is my favorite. The point of these awards are simply to choose which one I enjoyed the most and I enjoyed played ME2 a bit more than SMG2. Now did I enjoy ME2 as much as I enjoyed playing SMG1 for the first time I honestly don't know, I never really thought of it. I am more of an action guy so I think I would lean toward ME2.

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Sun, 07 Aug 2011 21:26:23

What about the scifi angle?

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