Forum > Gaming Discussion > Before the Flood Hits -- Your GOTY for 2011 as of RIGHT NOW?
Before the Flood Hits -- Your GOTY for 2011 as of RIGHT NOW?
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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 00:42:34

I've noticed over the last few years, games that are released in the last quarter of the year tend to get more attention and wind up being Games of the Year over games that may have come out in January, for example. It's true that more games are sold in the last three months of the year than the entire rest of the year, but that doesn't mean they are the year's best.

This being true, before "the season" hits and we forget everything that came before it, what would you say is your GOTY as of this very moment?

Please try to pick out a game that actually came out in 2011... and, no Vader, you aren't allowed to pick Skyward Sword... yet!

I have a strong feeling many of the US and Canadian guy's picks are gonna sound an awful lot like "Day of Sex" and the European Alliance pick will probably rhyme with "Peno-Grade" but I am curious if that's ALL we feel are contenders!

Will it be disc-based? A portable? A downloadable?

Myself personally, quite a few of the games I finished this year came out LAST YEAR, so I am having touble deciding... but I will eventually! Anyone have a strong feeling for any other 2011 game?

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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 01:06:21

Yep, Deus EX, even with my limited play time would be my GOTY.  I glad I've got to see this world open up and see how many different ways to tackle missions.  It's certainly a unique experience.   I've actually considered calling in sick sometime this week so that I could have more playtime because in two weeks.....The"gaming season" officially starts.

God, Skyward Sword and Uncharted 3 come out in the same month!  Sorry, getting waaaay ahead of myself.

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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 02:54:54

My GOTY of 2011? Hmm . . . come to think of it, I haven't actually played any games released this year. LOL

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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 03:24:19
Not fair. My GotY for 2011 is less then 2 weeks away. Gears of War 3. As for what my GotY right now would I'll have to give some thought first.


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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 03:37:10

Technically: Proun.

Otherwise maybe Bastion.

Overall Killzone...2. Nyaa

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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 07:19:37

A tossup between Deus Ex or Portal 2. Maybe even Dead Space 2.

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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 07:41:34

I just checked all the games I played this year and the only one that is released in 2011 is Xenoblade. The rest were games that were brought for hobo prices.

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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 10:42:33

Well, I can say with certainty my GOTY won't be Street Fighter IV again. There weren't enough changes in AE to justify that much praise!

Mortal Kombat was probably the BEST example of a series revival I've seen since Street Fighter IV.

Deus Ex for the little I've played it, it is absolutely brilliant in its execution.

Bastion and Outland turned out to be stunning too.

This is turning out to be harder than I thought!

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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 10:42:58

Sorry inFAMOUS 2, it's NOT going to be you!

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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 10:46:45

I could be completely cheesy and say it's Disgaea 4, but I've barely gotten by the introductory chapter...

Portal 2 I didn't play nearly enough!

I can't make up my mind in my own topic!


Gonna give this more serious thought!

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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 12:08:35

I've played 5 or 6 new games this year. LA Noire and Mortal Kombat were the standouts but even those are not game of the year material.  So if I end up being able to chose a game it'll be one not released yet. But two of my favorite franchises drop new installments this month so time will soon tell.

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Thu, 08 Sep 2011 18:46:36

The Witcher 2, hands down. As great as Deus Ex is, Witcher 2 just really impressed me with all the additions and improvements they made to the storytelling and pacing. Granted, it was a bitch getting it to run well at first, and its a glitchy game...but that's to be expected with such a technically advanced game.


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Fri, 09 Sep 2011 22:56:39

Just cause I cannot decide. Here's all the games I bought this year (that I can remember).


Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

Dead Space II

Two Worlds II

Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Dragon Quest VI


Killzone 3

Radiant Historia

Pokemon Black

Dragon Age II


Yakuza 4

Crysis 2

PilotWings Resort

Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars

Super Street Fighter IV 3D

Monster Tale

Mortal Kombat

portal 2


Dream Trigger

L.A. Noire

Dead or Alive Dimensions

Red Faction Armaggedon


Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition


Child of Eden

Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Shadows of the Damned

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armaggedon


Adventures of Shuggy

Boulder Dash XL

Galaga Legions

Half Minute Hero Super Mega Neo Climax

Ms. Splosion Man


Might and Magic Clash of Heroes

Wizardry Labyrinth of Lost Souls


From Dust

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

El Shaddai

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

The Baconing

Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition

BloodRayne Betrayal

Disgaea 4

Resistance 3

Dead Island

Crimson Alliance


Red = Didn't Finish, Not interested in Finishing, Disqualified.

Green = Finished but not GOTY material.

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Fri, 09 Sep 2011 23:10:43
You sure it's not Brink?
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Fri, 09 Sep 2011 23:23:19

Which Leaves:


Dead Space II

Dragon Quest VI

Killzone 3

Yakuza 4

Crysis 2

Mortal Kombat

portal 2



Shadows of the Damned


Half Minute Hero Super Mega Neo Climax

Ms. Splosion Man


Might and Magic Clash of Heroes

Wizardry Labyrinth of Lost Souls


Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

The Baconing

Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition

BloodRayne Betrayal

Disgaea 4

Resistance 3

Dead Island

Crimson Alliance


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Fri, 09 Sep 2011 23:26:49

Some Games just --AREN'T-- GOTY material:


Dead Space II

Dragon Quest VI

Killzone 3

Yakuza 4

Crysis 2

Mortal Kombat

portal 2



Shadows of the Damned


Half Minute Hero Super Mega Neo Climax

Ms. Splosion Man


Might and Magic Clash of Heroes

Wizardry Labyrinth of Lost Souls


Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

The Baconing

Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition

BloodRayne Betrayal

Disgaea 4

Resistance 3

Dead Island

Crimson Alliance


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Fri, 09 Sep 2011 23:28:03

Which Leaves:


Dead Space II

Dragon Quest VI

Killzone 3

Yakuza 4

Crysis 2

Mortal Kombat

portal 2



Shadows of the Damned




Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition

Disgaea 4

Resistance 3


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Fri, 09 Sep 2011 23:29:07

(See why this is so hard for me?)


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Fri, 09 Sep 2011 23:29:21
travo said:
You sure it's not Brink?


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Fri, 09 Sep 2011 23:37:05

Strike the ones that --ARE-- GOTY worthy, but I probably won't finish, or finished and wasn't overly thrilled with:


Dead Space II

Dragon Quest VI

Killzone 3

Yakuza 4

Crysis 2

Mortal Kombat

portal 2



Shadows of the Damned




Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked

Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition

Disgaea 4

Resistance 3


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