Iga, you should be praising Vader for doing shit with his friend in person. You really have turned into a self-help robot: the inconsistencies behind the perfect philosophy have started to show.
Foolz said:
Iga, you should be praising Vader for doing shit with his friend in person. You really have turned into a self-help robot: the inconsistencies behind the perfect philosophy have started to show.
If he was going out meeting new people, then you might had a point. But then again you rarely do!
Iga_Bobovic said:If he was going out meeting new people, then you might had a point. But then again you rarely do!
I'm afraid you're wrong. Your self-help spiel has included chastising him for not spending time in person with people he is already friends with.
So anyone what to do one. I am free.
Oh and are any of you really annoyed by stuff like screen tearing. I want to pick your brain.
SteelAttack said:I play on a GT220. Screen tearing is my bread and butter.
You mean you are ok with it?
Not exactly ok, but I won't lose my shit over it in a game. I've just never been really bothered with it. Same as framerate, I can stomach even low framerates as long as they're not slideshows. Of course I like it better when FR is stable and relatively high, but I usually don't adhere to the fabled 60 fps mantra, either on PC or consoles. Guess if I was playing on a significantly more powerful system I might be singing another tune, but as it stands now, no. I'm not bothered.
SteelAttack said:Not exactly ok, but I won't lose my shit over it in a game. I've just never been really bothered with it. Same as framerate, I can stomach even low framerates as long as they're not slideshows. Of course I like it better when FR is stable and relatively high, but I usually don't adhere to the fabled 60 fps mantra, either on PC or consoles. Guess if I was playing on a significantly more powerful system I might be singing another tune, but as it stands now, no. I'm not bothered.
Right I feel the same way. I am asking cause people on gaf are freaking out about the RE6 demo. It has bad screentearing, very noticeable, but its just a line that flashes on the screen every once and a while, it really doesnt get in the way of the game much at all, its simply ugly, annoying. I can see how it can annoy people but not say stuff like "the game is broken" cause I can play it just fine. Big drops in framerate actually effect gameplay all of a sudden you are used to a game playing at a certain speed and then you have to adjust to another one all of a sudden. That does not happen with screen tearing. I just dont get it and I want someone to explain it to me.
*Sees Steel post on podcast thread after Vader aks if anyone wants to make a podcast*
*Is crushingly disappointed*
He can come, come on steel.
So does anyone want to do one? Or do you want to wait to see if Aspro shows up?
Dvader said:Right I feel the same way. I am asking cause people on gaf are freaking out about the RE6 demo. It has bad screentearing, very noticeable, but its just a line that flashes on the screen every once and a while, it really doesnt get in the way of the game much at all, its simply ugly, annoying. I can see how it can annoy people but not say stuff like "the game is broken" cause I can play it just fine. Big drops in framerate actually effect gameplay all of a sudden you are used to a game playing at a certain speed and then you have to adjust to another one all of a sudden. That does not happen with screen tearing. I just dont get it and I want someone to explain it to me.
Eh, that's just GAF being GAF. Whereas most regulars can just shrug that stuff off, a few of the most vocal ones will flip their shit about things like screen tearing. I guess some people are more sensitive to that kind of stuff.
I was hoping for a Vader/Steel 'cast to listen to. I'm still out until at least the weekend. (no guarantees for that either.)
Steel, stop posting random disappointing shit in here.
I'm about to hit the shower and switch to netbook for some quick before bed browsing, so I'm not good for it tonight.
SteelAttack said:I'm about to hit the shower and switch to netbook for some quick before bed browsing, so I'm not good for it tonight.
Ban IMO.
SteelAttack said:I'm about to hit the shower and switch to netbook for some quick before bed browsing, so I'm not good for it tonight.
Ohh a bed podcast would be sexy.
That would be one way to get Leo on.
Good night.
Will do.