Forum > Gaming Discussion > 2004's Best Games...Steelattack goes apeshit
2004's Best Games...Steelattack goes apeshit
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Fri, 02 May 2014 21:26:45

As the man with so much Steel in his pants suggests, 2004 was a landmark year for us gaming assholes. It was that point in time when the consoles were being completely taken advantage of in terms of what was possible on them, and it was made all the more impressive coming on the heels of a relatively timid 2003 release year. 2004 was the year of the sequel.

  • #1: Half Life 2


  • #2: Grand Theft Auto San Andreas


  • #3: Ninja Gaiden


  • #4: Halo 2


  • #5: Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay


  • #6: Star Wars Kotor 2: The Sith Lords


  • #7: Metroid Echoes


  • #8: Shadow Hearts Covenant

Shadow Hearts: Covenant Boxart

  • #9: Pikmin 2


  • #10: Fable

Fable Boxart


  • Metal Gear Solid 3 (This is going on my 2005 list with the enhanced superior version)
  • Onimusha 3
  • World of Warcraft
  • The Twin Snakes
  • Prince of Persia Warrior Within
  • Tales of Symphonia
  • Jak 3
  • Theif Deadly Shadows
  • Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
  • Far Cry
  • Splinter Cell 2


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Fri, 02 May 2014 22:09:43

It really was the best year ever for gaming.

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Sat, 03 May 2014 00:33:09

Don't forget that two weeks after this year ended we got RE4. Never has there been so much concentrated gaming goodness.

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Sat, 03 May 2014 00:38:33

I'll never forget getting GTA, MGS3 and Kotor 2 on Christmas.  Good times.

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Sat, 03 May 2014 00:46:59

Second worst year so far.

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Sat, 03 May 2014 03:03:21
Foolz said:

Second worst year so far.

I actually agree. LMAO

I think 2000, 2001, and 2002 were all better.

Edited: Sat, 03 May 2014 03:04:48


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Sat, 03 May 2014 03:51:09
Foolz said:

Second worst year so far.

Proof that it's one of the best. Nyaa

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Mon, 05 May 2014 17:56:15

Should have added Otogi 2 Immortal Warriors to the Honorable Mentions list.


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Tue, 06 May 2014 18:20:50

Should have also added Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders to the honorable list.


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Tue, 06 May 2014 20:51:31

The year to end all years except 1998 which is the real greatest year in gaming. I wrote all this back in the UIF thread at the RoF.

10. ESPN NFL2k5 – The greatest football game ever made. The most amazing presentation ever put in a sports game, nothing EA or anyone has done since has been able to top the ESPN presentation. The gameplay was phenomenal with graphics that took a shit all over Madden. It was so amazing that EA had to be little BITCHES and pay up for exclusivity killing off this franchise. And video game football has been crap ever since.

9. Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay - A game based on that stupid Vin Diesel movie, hahaha no way it will be good. It wasn’t good, it was excellent. One of the most unique first person viewpoint games I have ever played. I don’t think a game has captured the melee combat in first person as well as this one did.

8. Halo 2 – Yes its one of the lesser Halo games but this revolutionized online gaming forever with matchmaking. Halo 2 online was what sold Xbox Live, it is probably the reason why console online gaming is the biggest thing now. The online portion is a masterpiece.

7. Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door – The best Paper Mario game ever and one of the finest light RPGs you will ever play. It’s not this giant serious stat tracking RPG, this is about simply having fun and guiding Mario through one of the most funny compelling worlds ever put in a game.

6. Star Wars KOTOR 2 – Yeah I know its not as good as the first one. I know its was practically not even finished. I don’t care its KOTOR and games like this don’t come very often.

5. Metroid Prime 2 – While it maybe the worst of the Prime games it is still light years ahead of most any action adventure games. The mix of combat, exploration, and puzzles remains top notch and this game has some of the most impressive boss battles of the series.

4. Ninja Gaiden – Maybe the most well made hack and slash action game. From its production values to its extremely long length with almost no down time at all. It is a masterpiece from start to finish and it is shocking that the series went down hill so fast, how does one make a game this well designed and is unable to make anything close to it again.

3. Half- Life 2 – Greatest FPS ever. To me it is the RE4 of FPSs because it is a series of ever changing action setpieces  that never gets boring, never gets old, and never stops the intensity for the massive 12+ hours of pure gaming bliss. No FPS has as good variety as this game. This game should be studied in any video game design class.

2. GTA: San Andreas – The ultimate masterpiece of the Grand Theft Auto series. The game that has everything. Just think of the sheer volume of activities you could do, it has never been macthed. The gigantic epic but extremely compelling world given to the players, 3 cities, one giant country side. A GTA game where FUN was the most important thing, so if that meant giving you a hoverpack or jets so be it.

1. Metal Gear Solid 3

Arguably the best in one of the greatest gaming series of all time and without question the one with the best story. Where other MGS games are bloated this one has a laser focus, one mission, one goal, one amazing story with an ending so incredible it left grown men crying. It has the greatest boss battles ever put in a video game. It has details that games of today still don’t match. The final two hours of this game are the greatest last two hours of any game PERIOD. MGS3 has it all, from an incredibly deep gameplay system to one of the finest stories ever told, it was the total package. I see this year TLOU win so many awards cause what did with its mix of story and gameplay and well MGS3 did that so much better so many years ago.

Notable mentions go to Pikmin 2, Burnout 3, Ratchet and Clank UYA, Metroid Zero Mission, Katamari Damacy and a few games I never played but clearly have a huge following Sims 2, World of Warcraft and Far Cry.

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Tue, 06 May 2014 21:36:40

1998 shits down on all other years from a great height. Yes.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 01:32:38

Vader, your list still only has 4 notable games, and one of them is shit. Meh year.

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Wed, 07 May 2014 03:23:26
Foolz said:

Vader, your list still only has 4 notable games, and one of them is shit. Meh year.

I'm afraid to ask, no I'm not. Go ahead tell us. (Oh thata right HL2, lol)

Edited: Wed, 07 May 2014 03:24:10
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Mon, 12 May 2014 09:20:45
edgecrusher said:

As the man with so much Steel in his pants suggests, 2004 was a landmark year for us gaming assholes. It was that point in time when the consoles were being completely taken advantage of in terms of what was possible on them, and it was made all the more impressive coming on the heels of a relatively timid 2003 release year. 2004 was the year of the sequel.

  • #1: Half Life 2


  • #2: Grand Theft Auto San Andreas


  • #3: Ninja Gaiden


  • #4: Halo 2


  • #5: Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay


  • #6: Star Wars Kotor 2: The Sith Lords


  • #7: Metroid Echoes


  • #8: Shadow Hearts Covenant

Shadow Hearts: Covenant Boxart

  • #9: Pikmin 2


  • #10: Fable

Fable Boxart


  • Metal Gear Solid 3 (This is going on my 2005 list with the enhanced superior version)
  • Onimusha 3
  • World of Warcraft
  • The Twin Snakes
  • Prince of Persia Warrior Within
  • Tales of Symphonia
  • Jak 3
  • Theif Deadly Shadows
  • Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
  • Far Cry
  • Splinter Cell 2

You played Shadow Heats Covenant? That is oe of my favorite JPRGs of all time.

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Mon, 12 May 2014 12:08:20
aspro said:

You played Shadow Heats Covenant? That is oe of my favorite JPRGs of all time.

Awesome game...surprised the shit out of me. Final Fantasy level stuff.

Unfortunately, the sequel was boring.


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