Forum > Gaming Discussion > 2006's Best Games.....the year of the overpriced console.
2006's Best Games.....the year of the overpriced console.
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Sun, 04 May 2014 19:59:09

2006 was a year much like 2005 overall, but with a higher emphasis on the new consoles and really starting to take advantage of the Xbox 360 with some pretty games. Funny that the best game to release in 2006 was an enhanced version of a game from 2004, despite all the great brand new games. Subsistence just really was THAT much better than the flawed original. It still blows my mind that they didn't come out with THIS version of Metal Gear Solid 3 in the first place.


  • #1: Metal Gear Solid 3


  • #2: Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Boxart

  • #3: Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion


  • #4: Final Fantasy 12


  • #5: Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter


  • #6: Bully


  • #7: Rainbow Six Vegas

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas Boxart

  • #8: Viva Pinata


  • #9: Tomb Raider Legend

Tomb Raider: Legend Boxart

  • #10:  Xenosaga 3



  • Prey
  • Hitman Blood Money
  • Saints Row
  • Splinter Cell Double Agent
  • Valkyrie Profile 2
  • Onimusha 4
  • Kingdom Hearts 2
  • Dead Rising
  • Okami
  • Devil May Cry 3 SE


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Sun, 04 May 2014 22:39:11

Excite Truck = 2006 GOTY.

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Sun, 04 May 2014 22:50:15

Viva Pinata alone makes this year the greatest ever. Fuck everything else ever.

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Mon, 05 May 2014 01:29:34

Metal Gear Solid 3, and not a single other game of note. Sad.

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Mon, 05 May 2014 17:49:15

Wow I completely forgot to put Gears of War on the list.

I'd have to put that as my #10 spot game and bump Xenosaga down to Honorable Mentions.


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Tue, 06 May 2014 07:02:46

I went back to my old GS blog to check out my GOTY list. Turns out 2006 (and '07 a bit as well) was a big handheld year for me. Omit games that didn't come out in '06 and I had:


9. Yu-Gi-Oh GX Spirit Caller


8. Brain Age


7. Trauma Center: Under the Knife


6. New Super Mario Bros.


5. Elite Beat Agents


3. Castlevania series (Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, Portrait of Ruin)

Making appearances that year were also games like Okami, Twilight Princess and my GOTY Guitar Hero II. Good year Happy

Edited: Tue, 06 May 2014 07:04:41
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Tue, 06 May 2014 07:57:19
Foolz said:

Metal Gear Solid 3, and not a single other game of note. Sad.

And that game didn't even come out that year.

Screw you for hating on Zelda. Nyaa You know I don't think we ever discussed a Zelda game, have we on the podcast? Do you simply not enjoy them?

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Tue, 06 May 2014 09:43:08

I find it hard to fathom that most can't enjoy Zelda's gameplay, at least.

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Tue, 06 May 2014 10:05:38
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

Metal Gear Solid 3, and not a single other game of note. Sad.

And that game didn't even come out that year.

Screw you for hating on Zelda. Nyaa You know I don't think we ever discussed a Zelda game, have we on the podcast? Do you simply not enjoy them?

LOL Edge has fucked up the lists with his re-releases.

I love Zelda games, but there's absolutely nothing notable about Twilight Princess. It's a great game, but in an historical context it's redundant.

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Tue, 06 May 2014 10:31:51
Foolz said:

LOL Edge has fucked up the lists with his re-releases.

I love Zelda games, but there's absolutely nothing notable about Twilight Princess. It's a great game, but in an historical context it's redundant.

Couldn't agree more.

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Tue, 06 May 2014 12:13:01

It took me over 3 years to finally finish Twilight Princess, lol.

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Tue, 06 May 2014 17:21:02
Foolz said:
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

Metal Gear Solid 3, and not a single other game of note. Sad.

And that game didn't even come out that year.

Screw you for hating on Zelda. Nyaa You know I don't think we ever discussed a Zelda game, have we on the podcast? Do you simply not enjoy them?

LOL Edge has fucked up the lists with his re-releases.

I love Zelda games, but there's absolutely nothing notable about Twilight Princess. It's a great game, but in an historical context it's redundant.

Well that is true.

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Tue, 06 May 2014 18:06:42

I only put down Metal Gear because the change in camera control literally CHANGES the game. This is a far better game than the original in 2004, and the rankings show that.

And I put the Orange Box in 2007 because its the best package ever made. You get the entire Half Life 2 package plus Team Fortress and the awesome Portal. Without question, one of the best discs to pick up in 2007.


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Tue, 06 May 2014 18:19:00

Twilight Princess wasn't as innovative as other Zelda's, but in my opinion it probably has the best pacing from start to finish out of any game in the franchise. Much better than Wind Waker or Skyward Sword, for sure. For that reason alone, its a more polished experience than most Zelda games and easily deserves to be a top 10 2006 game.


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Tue, 06 May 2014 18:38:44

Maybe it is to do with the fact that I didn't have the chance to play Ocarina of Time at the time of release, but to me Twilight Princess was and still is the perfect Zelda and pretty much an all around perfect game.

It's also made Ocarina of Time just impossible for me to play (I tried several times the farthest I got was the Volcano/2nd dungeon).


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Tue, 06 May 2014 18:40:45
Ravenprose said:

It took me over 3 years to finally finish Twilight Princess, lol.

It took me over 15 years to finish Zelda 1


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 06 May 2014 20:48:22
edgecrusher said:

I only put down Metal Gear because the change in camera control literally CHANGES the game. This is a far better game than the original in 2004, and the rankings show that.

And I put the Orange Box in 2007 because its the best package ever made. You get the entire Half Life 2 package plus Team Fortress and the awesome Portal. Without question, one of the best discs to pick up in 2007.

I understand about MGS, still the game itself was experience back in 2004, thats when we experienced the incredible story and gameplay. It got way better in 2006, its the only version I play now but it is still a 2004 game at least to me. Regardless what is important is that its #1.

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Fri, 09 May 2014 19:25:17

What the fuck, seriously. This year was pure doo doo. I must have been playing 2005 games during this year. The console transition sucked the life of everything. I wont even put pictures except for zelda, this year doesn't deserve them.

1. Zelda: Twilight Princess

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Boxart  Wii version way better.

2. TES4: Oblivion

3. Okami

4. Final Fantasy XII

5. Kingdom Hearts 2

6. Castlevania Portrait of Ruin

7. GTA Vice City Stories

8. Yakuza

9. Dead Rising

10. God Hand

Top 5 are fantastic, after that there is a massive drop off.

EDIT: Yakuza came out this year, so yay I get to add something. KH2 as well, after some edits it is not so bad. Gears just missed the list.

Edited: Fri, 09 May 2014 20:14:56
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