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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Official Thread.
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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 04:31:57


Release date: Nov 20th US, Nov 18th EU

Requires Wii Motion Plus

Regular Copy $50


Limited Edition Collector's Edition: $70

Skyward Sword Limited Edition

It's been 5 years...

Five years since the last console Zelda adventure. As we all know Twilight Princess was not a true Wii title, meaning that for the entire Wii life span there has not been a Zelda game, until now. This is a Zelda game built from the ground up to use every single feature of the Wii Motion + controller. The result is a Zelda game unlike any other.

Anyone thinking this is just another Zelda OoT clone think again, Skyward Sword is changing the formula like no Zelda has done since OoT.


Motion Plus Control


It all starts with the controls which allows you to swing the sword with 1:1 motion creating the most interactive sword combat ever seen in a game. Every item will make use of the Wii's motion controls in unique ways.

New World Structure


The entire structure of the game has been reworked with the overworld acting like dungeons themselves. The game includes a huge sky world to explore much like the ocean in Wind Waker but without the tedium of changing winds. Here you fly on a bird at blistering speeds exploring a massive world. You can jump down to the world below the clouds where most of the dungeons and action will take place.

Upgrade System


The first Zelda with an upgrade system since Zelda 2. This time items used at the start of the game can be upgraded to stay relevant throughout the game. Plus now you have a reason to collect a billion rupees.


New trailer and videos:

Euro Trailer

Game Informer feature








ONM - 98

The highest score the magazine has ever given "The greatest Zelda game of all time"

Edge - 10


"How apt that this ultimate tale of hero-making should see Nintendo's hardware become the console it was always meant to be."

Edited: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 04:33:24
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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 04:47:15


Its the 25th Anniversary of Zelda so while we wait I will do a whole series retrospective. Please feel free to share your favorite Zelda games and experiences.


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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 04:47:45

"How apt that this ultimate tale of hero-making should see Nintendo's hardware become the console it was always meant to be."

Can thsese dickheads seriously not come up with less retarded hyperbole?

Edited: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 04:48:10

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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 05:39:54

The Legend of Zelda

Released: August 22, 1987


The original. One of the most influential, important games of all time. If you were around back then you know how most games were simple side scrollers with simple actions. In comes this game with an open world, an open game structure. Various items to find and use in combat and puzzles. It was a bold game that showed all what games could be.


No game is more responsible for why I have loved games all my life than this one. When I got that gold cart in my hand and started to play this game I was instantly hooked. I fell in love with this fantasy world and the ability to explore it, to find all heart pieces, all secrets and beat the awesome second quest. I honestly don't even remember how I learned what to do in this game. I think my brother tought me, all I know is that I somehow knew to blow a whistle at the lake to reveal dungeon 7. I knew to go north in mountains to find dungeon 5. I kind of wish I had first played this game when I was older so that I could figure this out on my own. To me that was the beauty of LoZ, it didn't really tell you what to do, you had to find out for yourself, burn every bush and bomb every wall to find all sorts of secrets.


The game was so open ended even in its dungeon design. There were no set paths to take in the dungeons, one can defeat the boss and miss the dungeon item completely. Just think about that for a minute, every modern Zelda dungeon is tied to its item to the point where its predictable. In the original I could enter dungeon 8 right at the start of the game and find the master key to use for all dungeons. Bombs would reveal all sorts of shortcuts that would skip chunks of the dungeon. I really wish modern Zelda games would be more like the original as it's all gotten too formulaic.


Oh and this game was difficult, remember when Zelda games were challenging, yeah its been a long long time. Enemies were brutal tearing down chunks of your life not 1/8 of one heart. Potions were actually useful, getting heart containers was necessary. Rupees had value as many items had to be bought, not throw away items, major ones like arrows.

I understand that modern gamers would be frustrated as hell if they played this game for the first time today. They would complain that the game does not tell you where to go, what to do, and has some pretty crazy puzzles that are almost unsolvable without a guide. I think that is the beauty of this game, I wish Nintendo would go crazy and make a game this open ended. Part of the reason why I love the Demon's Souls games is because they have that no direction feel, it forces the player to experiment and find the way on his own.


The Legend of Zelda remains a masterpiece and will always hold a place in gaming history. If you grew up with the NES this game is more than likely a major part of your childhood. I still find it to be very playable and enjoy playing it at least once a year. Everytime I step out into Hyrule and that incredible magical theme song plays I feel at peace, I feel like a 5 year old again without a care in the world.

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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 05:40:57
Foolz said:

"How apt that this ultimate tale of hero-making should see Nintendo's hardware become the console it was always meant to be."

Can thsese dickheads seriously not come up with less retarded hyperbole?

Its only just begun. The hyperbole will be glorious.  And then to counter that you will have the most idiotic hate reviews ever.

Edited: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 05:41:20
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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 05:54:02
Dvader said:

Its only just begun. The hyperbole will be glorious.  And then to counter that you will have the most idiotic hate reviews ever.

I hope that G4 (if that was it) woman reviews it. Whole thing would just be a long list of yawns. But anyway it's the backhanded Wii "compliments" that annoy me. At least hyperbole on consoles other than the Wii evolve with the game in question. OMG DA GRATEST STRGY GAME VARRR etc. With the Wii it's always holy shit a great wii game. The Wii game you've bene waiting for. Finally the Wii can be called a good console. Ugh.

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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 05:58:24
Foolz said:

I hope that G4 (if that was it) woman reviews it. Whole thing would just be a long list of yawns. But anyway it's the backhanded Wii "compliments" that annoy me. At least hyperbole on consoles other than the Wii evolve with the game in question. OMG DA GRATEST STRGY GAME VARRR etc. With the Wii it's always holy shit a great wii game. The Wii game you've bene waiting for. Finally the Wii can be called a good console. Ugh.

So true. LOL. The are reflecting the general feeling on forums though. Venture out of these waters and you will see that many people hate the Wii.

Morgan's review would be painful. Of course most of it will be how it looks ugly, how it has no voice acting, how it has no online modes, no trophies, no DLC. Then she will complain about having to move her hand around, cause that is hard to do. And then she will say its just like every other Zelda game and that Nintendo never does anything new. Meanwhile she will praise the millionth Assassin's Creed game in 4 years for being the same game over and over.

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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 06:01:21
Dvader said:

So true. LOL. The are reflecting the general feeling on forums though. Venture out of these waters and you will see that many people hate the Wii.

Morgan's review would be painful. Of course most of it will be how it looks ugly, how it has no voice acting, how it has no online modes, no trophies, no DLC. Then she will complain about having to move her hand around, cause that is hard to do. And then she will say its just like every other Zelda game and that Nintendo never does anything new. Meanwhile she will praise the millionth Assassin's Creed game in 4 years for being the same game over and over.

That's exactly why I don't except to troll. Nyaa


I would read it.

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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 10:59:58

This is a great thread Vader thanks.  +1 from me.  Enjoyed the retrospective on the original NES Legend of Zelda.  It's a game I've never been able to get very far with myself even though I really wanted to and even though I tried several times.  I've sort of given up by this stage.  Can appreciate its impact though and how it's been the start for this most revered of games franchises.  I look forward to reading a retrospective on all of the great games in the series.

And even more than that I look forward to getting my hands on Skyward Sword.  Twilight Princess is the best game I ever played so to say that it has a lot to live up to would be putting it very very mildly.


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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 11:25:11
Great thread.  I'm excited to experience all the changes in this game, especially the upgrade system.
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Sun, 23 Oct 2011 03:46:17

Have you guys seen the harp trailer, it has some awesome scenes in it!! There are also a ton of gameplay videos that show the world map of the ground world. It all looks incredible.

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Sun, 23 Oct 2011 06:30:43

I have steered clear of all trailers and gameplay videos for a long while now.  Really want to experience as much of the game as possible for the first time when I play it


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Mon, 24 Oct 2011 04:22:48

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Released: December 1st, 1988


The red headed step child of the series. A risky depature from the formula introduced in the original, this sequel took Zelda in a totally different direction, a sidescrolling action game. But it was an action game unlike any we have seen as many RPG elements were added like exploring an overworld, visiting towns and an upgrade system. In reality this "weird" Zelda game actually added a ton of elements that the series has incorporated since and elements that have not been touched until now with Skyward Sword.


Magic which has become an integral part of the Zelda universe was first introduced in this title. It was one of three stats you can upgrade, magic, life and attack power. This is the only Zelda game with exp and with that comes grinding to level up which was necessary cause this game was BRUTAL. By a mile it is the hardest Zelda game mostly cause its unforgiving death system where if you lose 3 lives you start all the way back at the start of the game, with all your items and upgrades but the trek back to where you died will more than likely cause you to die a few times. For most players the game was impossible but to the few that braved the difficulty the achievement was worth it.


I never owned this game myself, I would rent it a lot or borrow it from friends. I could never get really far, maybe 2/3 through but I would always hit a point where it became too much of a pain to keep moving forward. Yet I stilll loved playing it, there is a magical quality to the game as it really brought the world of Hyrule to life like never before. LoZ had no towns, it felt like a barren empty world but Zelda 2 felt alive with NPCs all over. Townspeople revealed hints about the game world which made talking to everyone a must. It felt so much like a magical world where the old man in the basement of town will teach you a new spell, it hits a certain magical tone that makes this world feel special.


The dungeons were absolutly devious with its maze like metroidish design and its hard enemies. Sword play was not as simple as attacking, now you can attack high or low. You can even JUMP, omg. Link's downward slash started here as did the never again used upward slash. Battles against darknuts became epic sword and shield battles as you desperately tried to sneak a hit past its defenses. In a way Skyward Sword is a return to this strategic sword combat.


Eventually I did beat the game but only with the help of an emulator. I am not ashamed to admit that, this game is really damn hard. As strange as it is, as different as it is from the normal Zelda formula it still remains a great title. It's one of the most awesome NES games out there with impressive graphics and incredible music. Oh the music, wow this games songs were epic. Personally Zelda 2 doesn't top any of the core formula Zelda games but remains a great bold depature that became one of the best action RPGs of the 8-bit era.

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Mon, 24 Oct 2011 07:30:10

Reminds me of Faxanadu Nyaa


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Mon, 24 Oct 2011 10:36:46
It took me years till I finally beat it as well.  I had a friend who worked with me on developing strategies to get through those brutal dungeuns.
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Tue, 25 Oct 2011 00:43:17

There is a lack of Iga in this thread.

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Tue, 25 Oct 2011 01:21:23
Ha! I beat Zelda 2 way back when it first came out and I needed no trickery to do it. Nyaa It's certainly down at the bottom of my favourite  Zelda games but it did have it's charm. I'm kind of tempted to download it on the VC and revisit it.


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Tue, 25 Oct 2011 02:11:06

And yet you breeze through Demon's Souls.

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Tue, 25 Oct 2011 02:19:16
Foolz said:

And yet you breeze through Demon's Souls.

The only reason a lot of the old games were hard wasnt cause they were hard it was cause there was no saving, no checkpoints. Replaying gigantic sections of the game untouched so that you can reach the end with full health is really really hard to do. If Zelda 2 had a checkpoint system it wouldn't be that bad at all. And that is how I played it with an emulator, with checkpoints.

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Tue, 25 Oct 2011 02:34:01

New videos on these Japanese pages.

There are 5 pages to go through, scroll down and you will see links. Each links gives you a tiny video. Warning some new areas and cool stuff you don't want spoiled is there. Many times I opened a video just to quickly close it.

Edited: Tue, 25 Oct 2011 02:36:22
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