Dvader said:There are like 6 stalfos in the entire game! Its the complete lack of quality opponents that is so troubling. Most of the enemies is sword fodder. Compared to TP it has poor selection and quality of opponents. Also the lack of a enemy gauntlet cave is crazy. Now that you have a game where the combat is awesome you remove the combat areas. Its little things like that which get me upset about the game. The game is still excellent but so many simple choices could have been made to make it better.
No please let's not compare it to Twilight, because pretty much all enemies and bosses are fodder there. The only one that gives you any challenge are the darknuts when they are in groups. At least the Bokoblins put up a fight, nothing in Twilight Princess puts up a fight. And why do you want another gauntlet? You had one in Windwaker and you had one in Twilight Princess. I found them to be boring for the first 40 floors. And the pre final boss area is pretty much a super gauntlet.
And in Twilight the Darknuts appear not often enough, same can be said about Stalfos. A shame. Don't forget the Lizardfos they are awesome to fight too. Like I said before the problem is not the lack of variety, but the fact that they do not use the best enemies more often. What's the point of many different enemies if the ones that are awesome are used so little?
Dvader said:travo said:Have you tried boss rush mode yet?Yes, not as fun as an enemy gauntlet.
Boss Rush mode >> enemy gauntlet. I rather fight bosses than go to 40 floors of enemy fodder only to fight some nice enemies on the last few floors. I can pick which boss to fight and the bosses are more fun to fight than normal enemies.
travo said:Zelda impressions from a two year old:
Bokoblins are teddy bears, red teddy bears, blue teddy bears. "Get that blue teddy bear, Daddy."
Kikwee's are penguins, big penguin and very tiny penguins.
The best part, whenever Fi would pop out to talk, he would say, "Let's go daddy, hurry!"Everytime.
How is your 2 year old talking? My 2 year old nephew just says the odd word.
Iga_Bobovic said:Boss Rush mode >> enemy gauntlet. I rather fight bosses than go to 40 floors of enemy fodder only to fight some nice enemies on the last few floors. I can pick which boss to fight and the bosses are more fun to fight than normal enemies.
Now I know you are crazy. An enemy gauntlet is actual new content. It allows you to explore Zelda combat in a completely different way where health management is a huge issue. Each room mixes and matches new enemy combinations that create new scenarios. If TP had more combat rooms like that gauntlet the combat system would have shined. For a game like SS, OMG the stuff they could have done would have been incredible.
A boss rush mode you see the EXACT SAME fights again. Bosses have simple patterns that can be learned, once you do them once or twice they just become routine. A problem with SS is how much recycled areas and elements there are, adding an entire mode where all you do is play the same thing over again just makes the recycling stand out so much more. Instead of new content we get old content. I cannot believe you would defend that. There is nothing better than fighting the Imprisoned 3 more times, yay... Look if they mixed up the boss battles, added new patterns, maybe changed the conditions of the fights, had rankings, anything to make it different then it would be cool.
Also the part before the final battle was terrible and nothing like an enemy gauntlet. That was Dynasty Warriors, all of a sudden this awesome deep sword fighting game becames a waggle slash fest. You do nothing but run foward and swing like a maniac for like 5 minutes. I could not believe they put that at the end. To me the game started slow, hit its peak in the middle where it was stellar, as good as the series has ever been, 10 out 10 level stuff, then slowly declined toward the end with one really memorable dungeon as a highlight (which itself was made up of old areas).
Miyamoto thinks Retro would make a great Zelda game. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make this happen.
Dvader said:Iga_Bobovic said:Boss Rush mode >> enemy gauntlet. I rather fight bosses than go to 40 floors of enemy fodder only to fight some nice enemies on the last few floors. I can pick which boss to fight and the bosses are more fun to fight than normal enemies.
Now I know you are crazy. An enemy gauntlet is actual new content. It allows you to explore Zelda combat in a completely different way where health management is a huge issue. Each room mixes and matches new enemy combinations that create new scenarios. If TP had more combat rooms like that gauntlet the combat system would have shined. For a game like SS, OMG the stuff they could have done would have been incredible.
A boss rush mode you see the EXACT SAME fights again. Bosses have simple patterns that can be learned, once you do them once or twice they just become routine. A problem with SS is how much recycled areas and elements there are, adding an entire mode where all you do is play the same thing over again just makes the recycling stand out so much more. Instead of new content we get old content. I cannot believe you would defend that. There is nothing better than fighting the Imprisoned 3 more times, yay... Look if they mixed up the boss battles, added new patterns, maybe changed the conditions of the fights, had rankings, anything to make it different then it would be cool.
Also the part before the final battle was terrible and nothing like an enemy gauntlet. That was Dynasty Warriors, all of a sudden this awesome deep sword fighting game becames a waggle slash fest. You do nothing but run foward and swing like a maniac for like 5 minutes. I could not believe they put that at the end. To me the game started slow, hit its peak in the middle where it was stellar, as good as the series has ever been, 10 out 10 level stuff, then slowly declined toward the end with one really memorable dungeon as a highlight (which itself was made up of old areas).
That may be true, but the cave of ordeals only starts to be interesting during the last few floors. Before that it is only mindless hacking away. You had rooms with only bats, what is that supposed to challenge? My patience. And if I want to fight the Darknuts I have to go through all the floors only to fight them. The cave of ordeals is kinda fun to do once, maybe twice, but after that you never touch it. If I could choose the floors after I beat it once, perhaps I would replay more often, but not the way it is now.
There are some bosses like Ghirahim that are straight up sword fight and not just a simple pattern fight where you have to use the item from said dungeon to beat it. And the bosses are the high point of the game, why would you not be happy to fight them again? What is this bulshit about recycled content? The problem with most Zelda games was that you could never replay the bosses. I would be happy to fight Twilight Princess bosses over and over again, because they were awesome. But yet you nag about this mode in this game, where the bosses are fucking awesome? Also the 7th dungon has no recycled content whatsoever.
Also you claim Skyward Sword starts slow and this is true, but yet it starts so much faster that Twilight Princess. My least favorite part is the post dungeon 6 part, especially the tadnotes. Blergh.
Each room of dungeon 7 uses a previous dungeon as its inspiration, yes its new content but its not a new area. Not a big deal but kind of stood out as you do go back to old areas over and over and here is a dungeon that isn't a new area but once again revists older areas in an awesome cool way of course. The other problem with it is that its not a true dungeon, its more like one of the final half dungeons where there is no item and in this games case no boss.
Bosses are great cause they break up the usual gameplay for a big event, a cool gameplay change and its a memorable moment. When you take Zelda bosses out of context I dont really view them as fun things to replay. Personally I have never liked boss gauntlets, I guess Capcom has burned me out with so many of those. i do not find them fun, bosses are meant to be moments at the end of a level not a random thing to replay over and over. Really cool skill based bosses yeah I enjoy and Girhahim sort of falls into that but even he has an exploitable pattern so the fight is more repetition than anything once you get the pattern down.
What the hell after dungeon 7 you start the final battle right after that. No dungeon 7 does not have a boss, it has like 4 of them in quick succesion. And no item, who needs a stinking item when you get
Spoilers spoilers spoilers
The fricking Triforce
Iga_Bobovic said:What the hell after dungeon 7 you start the final battle right after that. No dungeon 7 does not have a boss, it has like 4 of them in quick succesion. And no item, who needs a stinking item when you get
Spoilers spoilers spoilers
The fricking Triforce
That is not an item...
And I didn't, I went around the world and wrapped things up. Dungeon 7 has no boss fight,
Dvader said:Iga_Bobovic said:What the hell after dungeon 7 you start the final battle right after that. No dungeon 7 does not have a boss, it has like 4 of them in quick succesion. And no item, who needs a stinking item when you get
Spoilers spoilers spoilers
The fricking Triforce
That is not an item...
And I didn't, I went around the world and wrapped things up. Dungeon 7 has no boss fight,
You can do that with all the other boss fight too. So I guess dungeon 1 to 6 had no boss fight either.
Iga_Bobovic said:You can do that with all the other boss fight too. So I guess dungeon 1 to 6 had no boss fight either.
Yup you are just arguing to argue now. This is idiotic.
Dvader said:Iga_Bobovic said:You can do that with all the other boss fight too. So I guess dungeon 1 to 6 had no boss fight either.
Yup you are just arguing to argue now. This is idiotic.
No idiotic is all your HDTV post in the 360 thread. This is poking holes in your logic.
Iga_Bobovic said:No idiotic is all your HDTV post in the 360 thread. This is poking holes in your logic.
Yes I am the crazy one, not the people defending SDTVs and wanting SDTVs to survive. SD defense force!!!! This place is like a Twilight Zone episode. And you cant poke holes in logic when you are using none.