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2010 - A Personal Year in Review
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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 15:21:01
Shamefully stolen from bugs, here's the rundown of my 2010.  I only bother with this because it's been an absurd year.

Happy January 2 - Arrive in Windsor and am moved into my new apartment.  First time on my own.

Sad January 4 - Grandfather died

Sad January 5 - Canada loses the World Junior Hockey Championship in overtime

Sad January 6 - Return home in preparation for the funeral

Hrm January 11 - Start school - missed the first day already

Sad Janurary - My heat doesn't work

Sad January - Fall into severe depression

Cry January 31 - Shower breaks, still freezing, hate everything.  Lowest point in my life.

Happy February - Start to turn things around thanks to meeting a friend

Sad February - I suck at linear algebra

Sad February - My heat still doesn't work, I file papers with the landlord and tenant board


Happy March - I'm pulled out of depression to the best I'd been since before college.  Everything's coming up Milhouse.

Happy March 4 - My first hearing with the landlord and tenant board.  I am at the highest point in confidence in a decade.  The hearing in delayed until April but I don't care -- I'm going to win.

Sad March 20 - That friend I mentioned becomes the first girl I ever ask out.  She's in a relationship.

Happy March 23 - I am contacted for a job interview for a web development position

Sad March 24 - Worst. Interview. Ever.

WTF March 26 - I get the job.

Happy March - I'm not back in crippling depression

Sad March - I still suck at linear algebra

Happy April 14 - Second tenant board hearing. Landlord doesn't appear, I win escaping my lease.

Happy April 15 - I sign a lease for my new apartment

Happy April - That friend and I are still friends, exchange emails

Happy April - I at least pass linear algebra

Happy May 1 - Move into new apartment!

Happy May 2 - Emails with friend begin an ongoing near daily exchange

Hrm May - I become lead developer at work

Happy June 4 - Yearly golf tournament with my dad.  Excellent food and surprisingly unsucky play.

Sad June - I become the only developer at work

Sad July - Crushing loneliness

Hrm August 4 - I am contacted for an interview with the University IT Services

Happy August 12 - Best. Interview. Ever.

WTF August 14 - I don't get the job.

Sad August - Beginning to lose it, I visit a doctor

Sad September - New semester starts, looks disturbingly similar to previous semester

Sad September - Friend moves out of town

Hrm September 14 - I am contacted again about the IT services position, offered the opening.  I take it for resume padding and a faint hope of making friends.

Sad September - I suck at calculus

Sad September - Am referred from doctor to doctor

Happy September - Another developer at work!

Hrm September - I finally start on getting my driver's license

Hrm October - Diagnosed with moderate depression

Happy October - I manage to suck less at calculus

Sad October - Have to deal with employer being behind in pay

Sad October - Work at the university is pretty much alone other than the IT support

Sad October - Crushing loneliness

Hrm October - G1 license acquired, driving instruction finished

Happy November 2 - Two years of The VG Press!

Sad November - Pretty much hate every part of my day

Happy November 24 - Got what I thought was an indication of mutual interest from friend

Uneasy November 26 - Inquire into said seeming mutual interest

Sad November 28 - Get convoluted and mixed rejection. Stare into the absolute abyss that is my future

Sad November 29 - Break down to tears in therapy

Cry November 29 - Conclusion of 2-email rejection.  Hit new record low.  Stand in the rain at 4AM.

Happy December 4 - Student Consulting end-of-semester bowling outing.  Actually enjoy myself the entire time, and get an absurdly high score.

Happy December - Everyone now knows about my depression.  Get very good support.

Happy December - Reach my goal of entering into the exam in Intro to Algorithms II with 100% in the class.

Sad December 13 - Do decently at calculus exam, fire alarm goes off, exam gets thrown out and rescheduled.

Sad December 14 - Server hacked at work, spend my day off doing 5 hours of remote recovery work.

Sad December 15/16 - Get most things set to begin restoral and go home sick from home.  Other guys left reboot system while still missing critical system files.  Go back to work sick to clean up disaster, work the next 16 hours until 5:30AM to get things working.

Sad December 17 - Two exams, suck hard due to screwed up schedule and exhaustion

Sad December 21 - Calculus exam sucks hard

Happy December 21 - Get suprisingly, if not inaccurately, high mark in one class.

Happy December 22 - Get the hell out of Windsor for the holidays.

Sad December 29 - One last try with friend, at least to clarify the confused messages.  Shot down entirely.

Sad December 30 - End the year the way it started: hating every waking second.
Edited: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 15:23:21


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 16:51:42

You know, the very fact that you're able to talk about this in the open with us has to mean something good. I wish I could have something more to offer you that written posts. You seem like a great guy to hang around with.

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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 17:57:46
A ride in a limo didn't even make the list GASP

"Stand in the rain at 4AM" - You're gonna catch a cold!

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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 20:38:21
SteelAttack said:

You know, the very fact that you're able to talk about this in the open with us has to mean something good. I wish I could have something more to offer you that written posts. You seem like a great guy to hang around with.

You and your avatar are plenty.  Empty all day but one look at that avatar has me giggling like an idiot.

Yarcofin said:
A ride in a limo didn't even make the list GASP

Meh, it's like riding in the trunk of an elongated hatchback.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 22:01:44

My favorite bit:

Happy March 23 - I am contacted for a job interview for a web development position

Sad March 24 - Worst. Interview. Ever.

WTF March 26 - I get the job.

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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 22:09:31
Sorry to hear that man, again like Steel said you can talk about it which is a good step. As always we are here for you.

And now I present my year in review

January - Unemployed
February - Unemployed
March - Unemployed
April - Fail license exam and stil unemployed
May - Unemployed, PS3 breaks.
June - Pass Exam! Still unemployed.
July - Unemployed
August - Unemployed
September - Pass another license exam, am super qualified, still unemployed
October - Unemployed
November - Unemployed
December - I will sell my soul for a job.

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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 22:23:51
I'm beginning to think this site is cursed.  That or life just sucks for everyone regardless.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 30 Dec 2010 23:37:00

I look upon your list of woes; I have a feeling and can't describe it.

As bad as life seemed to have been, through your own strength, you survived it.

A win in Court. A new abode. An interview you aced.

I wish you could see your great victories and not just adversities faced.

Its true sometimes, friends cannot stay. Its true sometimes good people die.

Its way beyond my reason and logic to give a good answer to: "Why?"

As I sit here at my desk (alone too) wanting to help, eyes full of frustrated tears,

I want you to know, when things feel their lowest PLEASE know WE will ALWAYS be here.

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Fri, 31 Dec 2010 00:28:07

I have no doubt that things will pick up for you, man.  More Fabio?


Edited: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 00:33:58
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Fri, 31 Dec 2010 02:28:23

"My heat doesn't work"

I read that as heart, so it could have been worse!

Seriously, though, I hope next year is better. Happy

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Fri, 31 Dec 2010 07:12:47

We are all truly grateful on the work you've put in for this site. Happy

You're one of the smartest and wisest guys I've ever chatted with in the forums.

Hang in there, Yoda. I hope 2011 is better for all of us. For one thing, the 3DS is coming out so that should be one thing to smile about! Happy

Edited: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 07:14:14


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Fri, 31 Dec 2010 11:42:18
Sad March 24 - Worst. Interview. Ever.

WTF March 26 - I get the job.


Here is my year:

It sucks.

My year is like a rotten orange that someone crushes with his foot onto a dirty sidewalk.

At least be consoled Yoda that there are other people suffering.

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 05:49:44
I hope you get a job you want Vader. Would a move help? Are there other areas where your speciality is needed more than where you are?

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Sat, 01 Jan 2011 16:02:23

...Yeah, should and should not go without saying: I wish the very best for you too, Vader!

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Mon, 03 Jan 2011 17:24:11
Yes a move would help, I have no money to move.
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Tue, 04 Jan 2011 16:25:19

You forgot to mention

GASP June 26 Fedor lost

Yodariquo said:
I'm beginning to think this site is cursed.  That or life just sucks for everyone regardless.

Hey now. 2010 was a pretty good year for me. Sure work was on and off, but work is nothing more than breaks between training anyway.

For the rest of you, yes, life does indeed suck

The VG Press
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Tue, 04 Jan 2011 16:41:31

2010 was the year I started to notice that my hair is showing the early signs of thinning.  For someone with a sexy mane like mine that's pretty bad.  Fortunately I've identified the problem early and am fighting it every way I can. Other than that, things were good this year. In the meantime, here's to 2011 being a better year for everyone who needs it to be.

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