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2013's Standout Titles....I shit you not.
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Sat, 10 May 2014 19:59:42

Well its now 2013, and guess what? We finally have new hardware from all the major hardware makers! That was a long ass generation wasn't it? Oh but don't worry...its still going, even with said new hardware in place. Hell, the 3DS probably had the best year out of any machine.

At any rate, here are last year's top games, ya morons!

                       10. Outlast                                                     outlastpc-dljpg-882fce_160w.jpg

                        9. Legend Of Zelda: ALBW                             alinkbetweenworlds1jpg-884e4b_160w.jpg

                        8. Fire Emblem Awakening                             fireemblemawakening1boxart_160w.jpg

                        7. Bioshock Infinite                                         bioshock_infinitepc1boxart_160w.jpg

                        6. Pikmin 3                                                    pikmin3finalwiiujpg-50ece6_160w.jpg

                        5. Splinter Cell Blacklist                                  scblpcbxshtjpg-e933ce_160w.jpg

                        4. Grand Theft Auto 5                                      gtavps3finaljpg-e937ba_160w.jpg

                        3. Super Mario 3D World                                 3dworld1jpg-88472d_160w.jpg

                        2. The Last Of Us                                           lastofusps31boxart_160w.jpg

                        1. Tomb Raider                                               tomb-raider-2013-eu-pcjpg-885b2e_160w.jpg


  1. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
  2. Metro Last Light
  3. Metal Gear Rising
  4. Far Cry Blood Dragon
  5. Crysis 3
  6. Animal Crossing New Leaf
  7. Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
  8. Devil May Cry
  9. Xcom: Enemy Within
  10. Assassins Creed Black Flag

Edited: Sat, 10 May 2014 20:06:56


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Sat, 10 May 2014 22:15:18

Good year not a stand out but good stuff.

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Sat, 10 May 2014 22:54:32

Not a stand-out year? Are you smoking crack? Go shove 1998 or 1999 or whatever it was up your ass, 2013 was the best year gaming ever saw.

Edited: Sat, 10 May 2014 22:55:09
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Sat, 10 May 2014 23:44:38
robio said:

Not a stand-out year? Are you smoking crack? Go shove 1998 or 1999 or whatever it was up your ass, 2013 was the best year gaming ever saw.

LOL....I was actually checking out the late 90's lists. 1999 was a very weak year sandwiched in between 1998 and 2000 which were both incredible. 99 was like some weird downtime transition year. Kinda like 2003.


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Sat, 10 May 2014 23:53:14
robio said:

Not a stand-out year? Are you smoking crack? Go shove 1998 or 1999 or whatever it was up your ass, 2013 was the best year gaming ever saw.

Loads of unneccesary sequels is the best year ever. You wanted God of War one to much, Gears of bore, Batman its the same game again. The top games are excellent but not one is the best of their respective genre or anything groundbreaking.

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Sun, 11 May 2014 01:22:32
Dvader said:

Loads of unneccesary sequels is the best year ever. You wanted God of War one to much, Gears of bore, Batman its the same game again. The top games are excellent but not one is the best of their respective genre or anything groundbreaking.

It was a great year due to the huge variety; especially after the crappy years (in terms of variety) leading up to it. But yeah, in terms of masterpieces or groudnbreaking games, there was Antichamber and...that was it.


1. Antichamber.

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Sun, 11 May 2014 01:43:03
Dvader said:

Loads of unneccesary sequels is the best year ever. You wanted God of War one to much, Gears of bore, Batman its the same game again. The top games are excellent but not one is the best of their respective genre or anything groundbreaking.

What year are you talking about?


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Sun, 11 May 2014 02:03:52

Unncessary sequels? Sure there were plenty of those. But there were plenty of excellent sequels that were the best ever of their series too. I'll take the improved sequel over the innovative original if it is in fact the better game.

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Sun, 11 May 2014 05:27:56
robio said:

Unncessary sequels? Sure there were plenty of those. But there were plenty of excellent sequels that were the best ever of their series too. I'll take the improved sequel over the innovative original if it is in fact the better game.

Like? Which sequel was the best in the series?

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Sun, 11 May 2014 12:15:32

Well off of this list I've seen people make compelling arguements that GTAV, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Pikmin 3, and Fire Emblem Awakening were all the best of the series. If you add in the honorable mentions you can throw in Luigi's Dark Moon and kinda maybe AC: Black Flag. If you want to make "handheld Zelda" its own category then Link Between Worlds would probably get a nod. And as far as what's not on this list Pokemon X/Y and possibly SMT:IV and Phoenix Wright 4.

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Sun, 11 May 2014 16:42:06

Well ok then, yes that argument can be made.

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Mon, 12 May 2014 09:11:41
robio said:

Not a stand-out year? Are you smoking crack? Go shove 1998 or 1999 or whatever it was up your ass, 2013 was the best year gaming ever saw.

Yeah. It had Papers, Please for crisake.

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Mon, 12 May 2014 12:15:17

I still need to play that.

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Wed, 14 May 2014 09:07:27
robio said:

I still need to play that.

Seriously though, I think 2013 was the best year in gaming, and not just for the games.

The breadth of quality that was available on all levels, from single-person development through to quadruple A games like GTA5.  More than any year that precedded it gaming hit a new high in quality, playability, diversity, accessibility and value.

And look at he platforms that were available in 2013 at retail: Mobile, PC, Wii, WiiU, 3DS, DS, 2DS, PS3, PS2 (yes still), PS4, PSP, Vita, 360, XBOne (and the Android home dongles).  There were more ways to play than were needed.

A wonderful year.

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Thu, 22 May 2014 08:10:06

2014 however.  Shit we are almost half way through the year and it's been pretty slim picking.

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Thu, 22 May 2014 13:05:26

Yeah 2014 has been a nice repeat of 2012 so far. The Wii U will have a decent year I suspect, but every other platform is still up in the air.  That can always change once we see what is announced at E3, but of course a few delays can make that completely moot as well.

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Thu, 22 May 2014 18:38:38

I will copy past from my GOTY thread:

;">Top Ten Games of 2013

;">10. Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon                  


;">9. Tomb Raider


;">8.  DmC Devil May Cry


;">7. Rayman Legends


;">6. Wonderful 101


;">5. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


;">4. Bioshock Infinite


;">3. Super Mario 3D World


;">2. Grand Theft Auto V


;">1. The Last of Us


Honorable Mentions: MGS Rising, Batman Arkham Origins, Far Cry Blood Dragon

Much better than 2012 but doesn't come close to the epic 2009-2011 years. What you have here are a few last gasps at groundbreaking titles. TLOU does storytelling extremely well but its not NDs best. GTAV maybe the most ambitious GTA but not as good as SA. Infinite was really awesome, but not as good as Bioshock. Mario is great not as good as Galaxy. Zelda was a nice return to old school not as good as the 3D stuff. Tomb Raider is just fake Uncharted. DmC is great not a masterpiece like their last ones. Rising is cool, but no Bayonetta.

It was a year of excellent but not special.

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Thu, 22 May 2014 18:41:52
aspro said:

2014 however.  Shit we are almost half way through the year and it's been pretty slim picking.

Dark Souls 2 and yikes... doesn't look like much will help either. So much has been delayed. DA3 looks to be the one to beat for this year. Batman which will be awesome but too much batman already. Nintendo has nothing. Sony has Order, lololol. Halo 5 do you trust it? Destiny should be sweet but not GOTY worthy I think. GTAV Next gen edition might be one of the most exciting games this year at this rate.

There is nothing next gen that is doing anything special yet. I feel like Witcher 3 will be the first real next gen game.

Edited: Thu, 22 May 2014 18:42:59
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Thu, 22 May 2014 23:10:44

Halo 5 isn't coming this year. Not until late 2015.

Yeah though, this year is definitely a classic downtime year while everybody is finally busy making games for NEW hardware. It will end up being a good thing though. 2015 should be insane.

Plus, I have so many games in my backlog I really don't mind a slow year.


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Fri, 23 May 2014 03:01:08

Now that I finished my lists I will at some point next week make a super epic post analyzing all my choices. What companies made the most top ten lists? I will rank the years. Which franchises were seen the most. Which country made the most games on those lists, did it change over time. And other answers to questions no one is asking! It will be a completely pointless thread of random stats for me, yay!

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