Welcome to the 2011 Robio Awards
Wed, 28 Dec 2011 16:52:21
Awesome awards, mang. I logged in just to get my pic taken while holding my penis shaped trophy.
Holy heck, Fortune Street in a best of list, outside of the west?
Yeah, I can see why you'd put it there. Because fucking hell, that game is seven kinds of indecipherable and smart.
Yeah, I can see why you'd put it there. Because fucking hell, that game is seven kinds of indecipherable and smart.
The more I play Fortune Street the I'm increasingly boggled by it. If people can understand some of the level trees and skill sets of some of the more complicated RPGs, I don't get why they couldn't understand this. It's like Monopoly with an added feature of stocks, but that's directly tied into the properties so it's not like it's a far out concept to understand. Maybe they just need to create Candy Land with Mario characters...
BTW if anyone is interested I've almost got my worst of 2011 list done. It's similar to this, just much more negative. I need a better name for it than worst of 2011 though as that doesn't entirely fit.
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