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Mass Effect playthrough thread.
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Tue, 28 Feb 2012 13:16:35
Foolz said:

Why isn't the mako upside down?

My Mako can go up any mountain or over any terrain without flipping over. lol


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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 01:46:26
edgecrusher said:

My Mako can go up any mountain or over any terrain without flipping over. lol

If you didn't have a screenshot of it I wouldn't believe you.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 02:11:42

I just got to the first solar system to explore. I appear to be woefully under levelled for combat. I am level 6, about 90 minutes in.  Is there a good place to grind in this game? I have no money for upgrading my equipment (only about 600 credits).

I am going through the planets of the Artemis Tau Cluster.  First a big worm killed me about 12 times before I gave up, then I went to second galaxy (there appears to be only one planet per galaxy that you can land on) and found a huge refinery that I have no chance of surviving against.

Edited: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 02:29:57

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 03:12:16
aspro said:

I just got to the first solar system to explore. I appear to be woefully under levelled for combat. I am level 6, about 90 minutes in.  Is there a good place to grind in this game? I have no money for upgrading my equipment (only about 600 credits).

I am going through the planets of the Artemis Tau Cluster.  First a big worm killed me about 12 times before I gave up, then I went to second galaxy (there appears to be only one planet per galaxy that you can land on) and found a huge refinery that I have no chance of surviving against

Yeah the game starts pretty hard. Forget the weapons, its the powers that get you through the combat, focus on that. There is no grinding, just play.  Do the regular missions.

BTW now you have seen everything there is to see on the side planets. Its literally the same room over and over with different enemies.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 03:58:12

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 04:11:22
aspro said:

Biotic and tech powers.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 04:24:55
yeah. I don't have those.

but i am making progress by running people over with dune buggy powers.
Edited: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 04:36:40

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 05:13:45
aspro said:
yeah. I don't have those.

but i am making progress by running people over with dune buggy powers.

Then bring teamates with them.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 05:48:10

Don't forget the weapons, what kind of a deranged advice is that? o_O

Max out pistols. Marksman ability is critical for clearing out entire rooms of enemies in a jiffy. You can outdo assault rifles and shotties at midrange once you're leveled enough on pistols. Couple it with a teammate with high level singularity (or you, if you chose singularity as your extra ability) and another one with sufficient tech powers such as sabotage and you're pretty much covered. If you're having a hard time just tone the difficulty down. Some encounters like the ones before going down in Feros (that must be the refinery you're talking about) are pretty offhanded, especially when the game pits you against a fucking Geth colossus. Ideally, you should beat all of your encounters on foot (i.e. getting out of the Mako to kill baddies), since you get a lot more EXP that way and you can level up pretty easily. However, if you're having trouble with the game's difficulty early on maybe you should just focus on trying to stay alive.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 05:52:37

When leveling up (both you and your teammates) don't try to allocate points covering all possible skills. Choose a couple (so different teammates can cover several abilities in the same team) and focus on them until you max them out. It will largely depend on the kind of build you want your character to be.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 05:56:54
SteelAttack said:

.. the game pits you against a fucking Geth colossus...

This is where I am stuck.

I have the auto-leveling option on I think. I've been assiduous about upgrading my weapons as I find them, and using the force buffs I have found as well (taking Vaders advice). Then I took Wrex for brute force and Tali for tech.  I'll have to figure out how to "cheese" this battle somehow, right now though as soon as I get out of the unskippable cutscene I am getting sniped immediately.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:00:21

Run to the back of the structure you have at your left right at the beginning of the mexican standoff. The colossus won't follow you there and you can focus on picking up the lackeys one by one. When you're done with them get your teammates and yourself behind cover and try to get Tali to sabotage the colossus' weapons so you can get some free shooting time.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:04:30

Singularity, max it. Any power that can immobilize groups of enemies is a must. Then you can pick off enemies easily. Always have an overload guy for shield dudes.

If you are a soldier then you have to focus on guns, but if not pick one weapon you like and focus on that. Shooting in this game kind of sucks, using powers is better.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:05:07

Okay, I was trying to get to that structure, I'll try that.  I think the key breakthrough you provided to me there is that I have to instruct my partners to do stuff.  I was hoping they could handle themselves.

This was the same problem I had in KOTOR -- keeping up with the tactical stuff while trying to fight.

If shit keeps getting real I'll wind down the difficulty, because otherwise I'm enjoying the game greatly.

vader -- yeah I'm a soldier.

Edited: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:07:52

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:08:00

The kind of can, especially with powers, but you still need to micro some stuff, unless you want Wrex to go Leroy Jenkins agains a couple of colossus on his own with only a shotgun.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:09:08


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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:11:22

If yoyu're a soldier max out pistols and another gun, either AR or sniper. AR is good for all kinds of distance except of course very long ones, shotty is not really advisable since going up close and personal in a game with such shitty shooting mechanics is kind of suicidal. And a recipe for frustration. If you focus on guns, always bring people with you with other kind of talents. Wrex and Garrus would cover you with some basic biotic/tech support, but not to the level that Liara and Tali can bring you. Just remember you're probably going to be the tank of the party, exception made if you have Wrex tagging along.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:14:03

Okay, I'm going back to it in about an hour, I'll let you know how it goes.  I was leaning on the shotgun (as it suits my regular play style), I'll switch to sniper and AR and bring along Liara instead of Wrex (though I do love the big guy).

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 06:18:56

You can play shotty, but Wrex excels at them anyway, and to be honest it's kind of hard to get that close so shotguns will be efective. If you do choose sniper don't panick if you can't seem to even aim the rifle at first. Just keep leveling the weapon and eventually you'll become that old dude from MGS3.

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Wed, 29 Feb 2012 09:16:34
Yay! All the changes helped. Onto the next mission.

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