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MegaCon pics - The good ones
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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 06:25:50
Foolz said:

Shepherd got a kickarse tan between ME1 and ME2.

Getting blown up does give you a good tan Nyaa

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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 06:26:53
Dvader said:

Getting blown up does give you a good tan Nyaa

I didn't say he became a black guy.

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 00:17:22

That's racist! Black dudes aren't the only ones that can get blowjobs.

What were we talking about?

Oh yeah, Vader sucks. Vader, you are my Mass Effect nemesis. The Udina to my Anderson.

Let's both hope ME3 will find a better balance between leeway for customization and action mechanics.

Dvader said:

You said skillset, that only effects the gameplay.

As for the image, all weapons have their own upgrades that you find and spend elements to upgrade in ME2, does the same basic function as those skills. Charm and intimidate are handled by your actions which makes much more sense. First aid is just like weapons, armor upgrades are available that increase health. The rest are the same powers you find in ME2, just simplified to focus on changes that matter.

Yes you can customize more in ME1, no denying that. The big difference is that guns are removed from the skill set equation so that you dont have to choose between weapons or powers. In ME2 weapons are good by default (which I agree with as the effectiveness of the gun should be on the players skill and not stats), it allows you to really focus on powers which is what makes the combat interesting and so different from other shooters. To me they refined the system to put emphasis on the areas that will enhance the gameplay.

Clearly many like the choices in ME1 so Bioware is finding a middle ground in ME3 with the weapon mods returning and more choices in power upgrades.

Nonononononono. You said combat. That better combat makes for better choices. Explain yourself, krogan anus.

About the rest, it's the simplified part that bothers me. Taking your weapon example, I can honestly say there is no sense of progression by having so many weapons being good from the get-go. In ME, for example, if you wanted to be a good sniper, you had to allocate skill points towards sniper rifles so your damage dealt and handling of the rifle improved over time. In ME2 the aim is steady from the very beginning, no need to improve on a critical skill for a soldier or infiltrator. Might as well have a big red "WIN" button in the middle of the lame skill window on ME2.

The reason you liked ME2 changes so much was because they allowed you  to focus on action and tighter shooting mechanics while still keeping good track of the plot with interactive shit that looks good on screen. For me, those changes were detrimental for RPG elements, to the point where there is barely a sense of character development throughout the game, at least from a skill/abilities standpoint. I can't deny the changes yielded a better action game, but you can't tell me the game AS A WHOLE turned out to be better because I didn't want more flashy action stuff like you did. I wanted deeper RPG elements.

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 18:52:15
SteelAttack said:

That's racist! Black dudes aren't the only ones that can get blowjobs.

What were we talking about?

Oh yeah, Vader sucks. Vader, you are my Mass Effect nemesis. The Udina to my Anderson.

Let's both hope ME3 will find a better balance between leeway for customization and action mechanics.

Nonononononono. You said combat. That better combat makes for better choices. Explain yourself, krogan anus.

About the rest, it's the simplified part that bothers me. Taking your weapon example, I can honestly say there is no sense of progression by having so many weapons being good from the get-go. In ME, for example, if you wanted to be a good sniper, you had to allocate skill points towards sniper rifles so your damage dealt and handling of the rifle improved over time. In ME2 the aim is steady from the very beginning, no need to improve on a critical skill for a soldier or infiltrator. Might as well have a big red "WIN" button in the middle of the lame skill window on ME2.

The reason you liked ME2 changes so much was because they allowed you  to focus on action and tighter shooting mechanics while still keeping good track of the plot with interactive shit that looks good on screen. For me, those changes were detrimental for RPG elements, to the point where there is barely a sense of character development throughout the game, at least from a skill/abilities standpoint. I can't deny the changes yielded a better action game, but you can't tell me the game AS A WHOLE turned out to be better because I didn't want more flashy action stuff like you did. I wanted deeper RPG elements.

No I am Anderson, Anderson is a soldier, he likes guns, he likes combat. You are Udina, liking to sit at a desk and read menus and crap.

As for the sniper part, its a shooter! Why should stats change my aim, I am in control of the gun, not hidden stats. In an action game the guns should always be in my complete control, success should be determined by my skill with the weapon. They made sure all the guns work as they should so that the player can focus on the powers, which is the RPG side of it. ME1 was kind of unbalanced with the powers and weapons, here they are almost in harmony.

The rest is personal taste. I have played many RPGs where I wish they would just cut back so much of the tiny micromanaging and just let me enjoy the game. I love RPGs for their stories, for the epic worlds you get to explore and the variety in combat most have. ME2 pretty much nails those three things. I have never been big in customizing my characters, in most games I wish there was a button that just automatically equips everything that is best for my character so I dont have to shift through menus to determine what gives me the best stats.

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 19:19:08

Get this shit out of here. You guys ruined a potential internet drama with your talk about which game is better.

They both suck and so do you.

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 19:48:03

There is nothing to ruin, she is gone, probably cause of you. Nyaa

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 20:02:50

I still can't believe someone cares about stuff that someone on the Internet puts in their blog. A blog that is viewed by 10 people and a picture and quote that nobody thought anything about until said person mentioned it. Uncertain much?

And most of all I can't believe Robio chickened out and remove said picture. I knew I should have quoted it.

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Fri, 24 Feb 2012 22:21:43

Honestly I just got rid of it because the longer it stayed the more I was inclined to argue with her. I deal with cosplay drama shit on virtually every social media site I'm a part of. I just wanted one little corner of the internet where I can escape that crap. If that means I have to delete the picture of a girl who felt guilty of hooking up at a con after-party then so be it.

The irony of all of this though is that in the comics Marvel has kind of gone out of their way to turn Blackcat into a slut over the past few years. Over the past 2 years they've had her hook-up with Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Daredevil.

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Sat, 25 Feb 2012 00:16:07
There is cosplay drama, lol.

I just had the thought that wolverine doesn't have to deal with STDs with his self healing dick.
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Sat, 25 Feb 2012 01:19:06
Wolverine could cure AIDS!
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