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Mass Effect 3 OT: I am Commander Shepard and this is my favorite thread on VGP.
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Thu, 12 Apr 2012 03:06:30
Dvader said:
phantom_leo said:

The Crucible sent massive amounts of energy along the pathways of the mass relays. Sure the relay may have exploded, but it wasn't the same as if a planetoid crashed into it and all the energy was released THERE. It shows the energy traveling along the mass relay paths... It was a contained explosion where the bulk of the energy was used to chain destroy the rest of the relays. Joker and the Normandy just happened to get caught in the wake of one of the energy releases.

...and who was supposed to be dead?

Did you pick Blue (Control), Red (Destruction and Freedom) or Green (Synthesis)?

My partners, they specifically said EVERYONE during the charge died, so they died. Then they magically show up at the end in the ship perfectly healthy. I choose blue, I could not kill EDI or the Geth.

Chose Blue? So you sided with the Illusive Man's ideas? For me, I just wanted whatever option it took to keep Shepard alive. I couldn't bear the thought of he and Liara not being able to have their bunch of little blue babies...


Edited: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 03:09:17
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Thu, 12 Apr 2012 03:22:08
phantom_leo said:

Chose Blue? So you sided with the Illusive Man's ideas? For me, I just wanted whatever option it took to keep Shepard alive. I couldn't bear the thought of he and Liara not being able to have their bunch of little blue babies...


I hated that analogy in the game, no I do not agree with the Illusive Man. TIM wanted to control the Reapers for power, Shepard just wanted them to leave. I chose blue to save everyone.

Edited: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 03:22:47
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Wed, 15 Aug 2012 20:51:46

I'm four hours in now.



I must be doing something wrong with my weapons load out because I am stuck in a mini-boss battle getting the female Krogan off the planet (the battel with the mech).

I have a lot of money too, so that's probably a sign I should have been buying better defensice gear as well.

Anyway. So far the game is cruising along at an "8". Feeling like there was a little lack of imagination in terms of the story structure. I just spent X hours in ME2 rounding up the posse for some big event, then I get to this game (totally confused because I did not get the ME2 DLC that sets up the start of ME3) and then the story devolves into "lets round up the posse" AGAIN.

Well, I'm only 4 hours in, maybe it changes direction from here.

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Wed, 15 Aug 2012 21:24:19
aspro said:

I'm four hours in now.



I must be doing something wrong with my weapons load out because I am stuck in a mini-boss battle getting the female Krogan off the planet (the battel with the mech).

I have a lot of money too, so that's probably a sign I should have been buying better defensice gear as well.

Anyway. So far the game is cruising along at an "8". Feeling like there was a little lack of imagination in terms of the story structure. I just spent X hours in ME2 rounding up the posse for some big event, then I get to this game (totally confused because I did not get the ME2 DLC that sets up the start of ME3) and then the story devolves into "lets round up the posse" AGAIN.

Well, I'm only 4 hours in, maybe it changes direction from here.

Not sure what you mean as this game you start with basically the full team you have for the whole game. What the game does is take you to visit all characters and get closure on most of them as the galaxy comes together to fight.

Do you have the Javik DLC cause he is the best character in the game.
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Wed, 15 Aug 2012 22:03:29
Dvader said:

Not sure what you mean as this game you start with basically the full team you have for the whole game. What the game does is take you to visit all characters and get closure on most of them as the galaxy comes together to fight.

Do you have the Javik DLC cause he is the best character in the game.

So far it looks like I'm going from system to system to get diplomats. Just as in the first game I went from system to system to get my party together (whom all died at the end of ME2).

I'm rolling with a bunch of randoms.

EDIT: No on Javic.

Edited: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 22:04:12

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Wed, 15 Aug 2012 22:30:32
aspro said:

So far it looks like I'm going from system to system to get diplomats. Just as in the first game I went from system to system to get my party together (whom all died at the end of ME2).

I'm rolling with a bunch of randoms.

EDIT: No on Javic.

The plot of the second game was very basic where it was basically assemble your team for the big assault. This game is split into three acts and while you do go to talk to people the story is moving forward. Its much more like the first game.

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Wed, 15 Aug 2012 22:46:18

Okay, cool. Yeah like I said, only 4 hours into it. Any advice on upgrading weapons/ armor?

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Thu, 16 Aug 2012 11:55:36

Looks awesome on the U:


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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 09:18:04

Okay weapons were the problem. I slightly upgraded adn combat is easier now.

Going and playing Red Steel 2 for an hour also made me appreciate Mass Effect 3 much more. I'm sorry ME3, I'll never say bad things about you again, just don't make me go with the bad man.

And a reference only Leo will get. Deadly Premonition called, they want their dream sequences back.

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Mon, 20 Aug 2012 09:21:34

Those two pictures look like they're from different generations. LOL

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Tue, 21 Aug 2012 07:41:00

I see Mass Effect likes to borrow from the best.  I just did the Reaper Data Cluster mission.

This is from Saint's Row The Third (Major Spoiler if you have not played the game):

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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:24:44

So this happened:

For the record, I don't have another 360. It took me back before my last checkpoint (which was at the very end of a mission), threw me into a cutscene I had not had earlier, I chose a dialog option and got a different achievement from the first time I finished the mission.

I'm not complaining, two cheevo's for a few minutes of inconvenience.  But uh... yeah... premium development skills, not much.

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Thu, 23 Aug 2012 07:43:24

I have to say, if you listen to the spoiler sections on the end of the last two podcasts (including the one coming today), it is amazing how completely different the story sections are based on what has happened before. It's like Vader and me have played completely different games.

Like I said, we talk about it at the end of podcasts 126 and 127, if you have finished the series it might be interesting to listen to.

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Thu, 23 Aug 2012 07:55:05

I've barely started the series and 126 was still interesting. Nyaa

For some reason I couldn't care less about ME3 spoilers. Maybe I'm just expecting the ending to be completely pointless because of how much everyone hated it.

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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 03:09:53

So was a choice given?  I only had one ramp to go up, shot up something or other and then the galaxy was destroyed.

If given a choice I would have chosen to wipe out all organic life, so I guess I got what I wanted.

The ending, while nebulous, was not unsatisfying at all.  The last 3 hours of the game made the preceding time spent with the game seem rather trivial.

So... all in all, I thought the game was better than mediocre.  I fell through the world once more. I'll read up on wikipedia what the actual story was.

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