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Last time you played an OLD Game?
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Tue, 20 Mar 2012 09:01:31

Seriously, when was the last time you played a really f'n old game ON THE ORIGINAL HARDWARE?

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy 7 on a PS2. Frankly, it doesn't feel old at all, pretty much like any RPG on a DS I've played recently (only of course much better in design).

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Tue, 20 Mar 2012 09:08:48

Well I played gba Fire Emblem sacred stones on 3DS on Saturday. But before that on original hardware.... eh. I played Majora's Mask on GC 3 months ago. Oh, I played Rhythm Heaven on DS about 3 weeks ago. Cool shit.

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Tue, 20 Mar 2012 10:25:19

The last really old game I played on original hardware was Jet Grind Radio on the Dreamcast. And damn....I think that was like 2 years ago.

I also played Halo 2 on the Xbox with the original Duke controller not long ago.

I am all for being able to get enhanced versions of old classics and being able to download them onto new machines, but there's something to be said about playing them the original way they were designed to be played. Especially games that were built around one system or another.


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Tue, 20 Mar 2012 10:46:58

I played Breakout and Super Breakout on my Atari 2600 about a month ago. Happy

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Tue, 20 Mar 2012 12:02:40

Yakuza 2. Hrm

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Tue, 20 Mar 2012 15:36:09
Aspro and GG you are not playing those games on the original hardware. I know they are backwards compatible but still.

I still have my Saturn hooked up, that is as far back as I go. I played nights on it a few years ago. I play my DC every once and a while. I play my PS1 games on my PS3 as well.
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Tue, 20 Mar 2012 15:41:57

I know.

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Tue, 20 Mar 2012 16:46:07

About a year ago I broke out my original brick Gameboy when i found my copy of Final Fantasy Adventure. I played in for 10 minutes before I decided I could be playing something else much more fun instead.

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Tue, 20 Mar 2012 22:57:52

Last time I played an old game: Today - played about 5 hours of the original PSX Metal Gear Solid (199Cool but it was on the PS3 not original harware.  It looked god-awful.  The characters all look like leppers or like they've had vitriol thrown in their faces.

Now on original hardware ... hmm I don't know.  I still play my DS regularly despite having a 3DS, does that count as old hardware now?  I also played a liitle bit of Mario Picross on my Gamboy Color last summer.  I enjoyed it except the cartridge battery was dead so I couldn't save my progress.


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Wed, 21 Mar 2012 08:40:35

I guess by my own standard the oldest game I played on the original system (not just pick up and play, which I do all the time, but a proper completion) was XIII on PS2 in January.

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Wed, 21 Mar 2012 22:16:16

Is XIII any good? It's one of the free to play PC games on Gamefly, and I was debating if it was something I wanted to mess with the next time they screwed me with a week and a half of downtime.

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Wed, 21 Mar 2012 23:18:01
robio said:

Is XIII any good? It's one of the free to play PC games on Gamefly, and I was debating if it was something I wanted to mess with the next time they screwed me with a week and a half of downtime.

I played it on the gamecube, quite enjoyed it.  Pleasant enough shooter based on an obscure French comic.  It has a great cell-shaded look to it and a lot of the action is done in a true-to-its-comic-roots frame by frame way which is great fun


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Wed, 21 Mar 2012 23:30:00

It's French? Oh dear..... that doesn't sound promising.

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Thu, 22 Mar 2012 05:29:00
robio said:

Is XIII any good? It's one of the free to play PC games on Gamefly, and I was debating if it was something I wanted to mess with the next time they screwed me with a week and a half of downtime.

Very good. Though long by today's standards, and tough in one or two places, I found it to be in the four outta five stars range.

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Thu, 22 Mar 2012 05:31:09
robio said:

It's French? Oh dear..... that doesn't sound promising.

David Ducovney voices if that helps unfrenchify it. I think it's Belgian anyhoo.

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Thu, 22 Mar 2012 06:29:09
aspro said:

David Ducovney voices if that helps unfrenchify it. I think it's Belgian anyhoo.

It was sounding promising until you pointed that out.

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Thu, 22 Mar 2012 06:35:23
Having been a vetran of Area 51(xbox) I can safely say no one phones in a voice acting job like Mr. Ducovney.

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Thu, 22 Mar 2012 08:52:06

XIII is decent, the controls aren't quite there but the presentation and story and a few stealthy bits make up for it. There are some difficulty spikes though.

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Fri, 30 Mar 2012 18:21:32

I played Monstania last night. It's a super short tactical RPG for the SNE. I did an entire blind run in about four hours. It was never released in North America, so the emulator I played it on is kind of the original hardware, apart from not being hardware.


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Fri, 30 Mar 2012 23:28:14
Dvader said:

I still have my Saturn hooked up, that is as far back as I go. I played nights on it a few years ago. I play my DC every once and a while. I play my PS1 games on my PS3 as well.

That's interesting. I find it much easier to go back to the 8/16-Bit games than I do the 32-Bit era games.

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