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E3 2012 Predictions
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Wed, 30 May 2012 22:15:56

Lay them out before next week:

Last of Us gets E3 Game of the Show.

Retro Studio’s project is revealed.

Black ops 2 will be on vita day and date and support COD Elite.

PS3 price drop on “core” unit to $199

+No pictures, names or details on new consoles from Sony and MS. Perhaps just vague, "...and as we look toward the next generation we intend to continue to be the leader in X" comments.

Edited: Wed, 30 May 2012 22:16:38

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Wed, 30 May 2012 23:13:15
  • Retro Studios new game is Kid Icarus or Zelda
  • Microsoft will disappoint everyone by focusing on Kinect crap
  • Sony will have a strong show with a nice PS3 lineup
  • Wii U will be renamed, console will look very different. Launch in black.
  • Lots of surprise announcements by Nintendo
  • Resident Evil 6 will be announced for Wii U
  • Halo 4 will be just like a Bungie game.
Edited: Wed, 30 May 2012 23:14:21


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Wed, 30 May 2012 23:32:38
  • Nintendo is bringing back Star Tropics
  • S-E announces DQX will be localized and available in the West by Christmas (let a man dream dammit).
  • Sony offers a free two weeks to a month for the new revamped PSN+
  • Microsoft offers up some truly embarassing Kinnect moments (load the bazzooka bro!)
  • Nintendo announces 3d movies via Netflix for the 3DS
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Thu, 31 May 2012 02:26:07
  • E3 2012 will suck.

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Thu, 31 May 2012 09:49:34

Sony will try and push Vita. It will show some good stuff but not tempting enough to boost sales that much higher.

But then Capcom will bring MH to Vita...

MS might do a tech demo and a little piece about Nextbox but not much, according to reports MS's E3 will be less about games and more about services - that is straight from the horses mouth.

Sony's Press conference will go on FOREVER as usual.

Nintendo will have a good e3 because they have shown fuck all for a year now and NDA-ed everyone to hell and back so it all comes out now.

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Thu, 31 May 2012 15:40:22
  1. Pikmin 3
  2. Last Guardian
  3. No More Heroes 3
  4. Suda 51 HD Collection (Comprising HD versions of killer7 and NMH 1 & 2)
  5. End to Euro dept crisis.
  6. Cure for cancer.
  7. Legalization of drugs.
  8. World peace.
  9. Wiping off 3rd world dept.
  10. Restarting the space programme


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Fri, 01 Jun 2012 03:02:40

Your list gets more believable after the first 3.

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Fri, 01 Jun 2012 03:04:25

Pikmin 3 is a lie.

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Fri, 01 Jun 2012 03:34:51
I do so want Pikmin 3.  Don't jinx this, Raven.  I want a completely original IP from Nintendo as well.  Microsoft needs to stay the hell away from all the Kinect nonsense, but I know better.
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Fri, 01 Jun 2012 09:13:10
bugsonglass said:
  1. No More Heroes 3

SUDA has no dev kit.

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Fri, 01 Jun 2012 09:19:59
NMH is one of my favorite franchises. I don't need anymore than what I've got though. Two games was almost too much NMH.

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Fri, 01 Jun 2012 11:23:24
gamingeek said:
bugsonglass said:
  1. No More Heroes 3

SUDA has no dev kit.

I don't mind if it's on the Wii/PS3/360


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Fri, 01 Jun 2012 13:13:08

He already said it would be on the next Nintendo console i.e Wii U

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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 01:07:08

All right, let's take some bets....

  • How many Kinnect games will Microsoft demo during their presentation?
  • How many 3rd party exclusive games will Nintendo show for the Wii U?
  • How many non-console, built original from the ground up exclusive games for the Vita does Sony show?
  • How many remakes does Nintendo show off for the 3DS?
  • How long until Sony makes an announcement that generates an audible groan from the audience (i.e. last year's AT&T partnership)
  • How many out of work actors show up over the course of Microsoft's presentation that pretend to be excited over a game?
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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 08:00:31
  • 9
  • 3
  • 11
  • 2
  • 13 min
  • 4


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 09:08:00
robio said:

All right, let's take some bets....

  • How many Kinnect games will Microsoft demo during their presentation?


  • How many 3rd party exclusive games will Nintendo show for the Wii U?


  • How many non-console, built original from the ground up exclusive games for the Vita does Sony show?


  • How many remakes does Nintendo show off for the 3DS?


  • How long until Sony makes an announcement that generates an audible groan from the audience (i.e. last year's AT&T partnership)

0 (Nothing is on the scael of ATT alliance)

  • How many out of work actors show up over the course of Microsoft's presentation that pretend to be excited over a game?


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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 09:53:37
So will Christian Slater show up to talk about a Kinect game?
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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 11:31:16
robio said:

All right, let's take some bets....

  • How many Kinnect games will Microsoft demo during their presentation?
  • How many 3rd party exclusive games will Nintendo show for the Wii U?
  • How many non-console, built original from the ground up exclusive games for the Vita does Sony show?
  • How many remakes does Nintendo show off for the 3DS?
  • How long until Sony makes an announcement that generates an audible groan from the audience (i.e. last year's AT&T partnership)
  • How many out of work actors show up over the course of Microsoft's presentation that pretend to be excited over a game?
  • Just about every game they show will use Kinect in some unfortunate way. 20?
  • 6 3rd-party exclusives for Nintendo.
  • 10 Vita games.
  • Hopefully none...I want them on the home console.
  • I don't think Sony will make any bad announcements this year. I think they will do what is expected.
  • 3 actors.


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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 20:18:29

I predict E3 will be a bigger let-down than past years.

Sony and Microsoft will show no new hardware, but will show tech demos of what the next gen could hold, but will focus on this current generation primarily. You will see pretty much sequels or new information on games we've known about all along. Ass Creed 3, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Darksiders II, BioShock: Infinite, Kingdom Hearts 3, Halo 4, Gears 4, Dragon Age 3...

Nintendo will show the Wii U and it will be all the same franchises, but in HD. The 'Big' Reveals won't be so big afterall: Improved, Customizable User Interface, Two Tablet compatability, User accounts rather than Friend Codes (a-la PSN and XBL), Virtual Console, Slightly improved Online, Downloadable Retail games, more Services no one will use (Netflix, Social Media integration) and 3DS interactivity.

3DS will have a few surprises, but the lineup ALSO won't be much more than we already know about and will leave 3DS owners STILL wondering: What games am I holding onto this system for?

Vita will have a slew of RPG's and PS3 ports.

360 will tout Halo 4, a few Kinect surprises, and showcase some of the few remaining XBLA titles in development (Skulls of the Shogun, Spelunky) and will REALLY push how easy it will be to develop for the NextBox over other consoles. Expect a Windows 8 compatible tablet that will play XBLA titles or maybe make 360 games portable.

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Sat, 02 Jun 2012 20:48:46

I don't know, I think this could be an excellent E3 if everyone is on their game. Nintendo is showing off the Wii U and preparing it for launch. Sony has some new streaming and cloud based tech that could be cool if its used correctly. And while MS doesn't have too much new in the way of hardware if they show us a few games that we're not aware of that could still make for an excellent show. Let's not forget that Nintendo pretty much blew everyone away in 2010 with a show that for 50 minutes showed us game after game. I suppose the sneak peak of the 3DS didn't hurt, but it was DKCR and Skyward Sword that had everyone talking.

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