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E3 Conferences thread
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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:24:39

Wow gaf cant handle a pre conference...

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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:25:20

Its going to be weird using controllers with the 2nd analog stick up high.

You know what this conference pumped me up for the most? Tuesday. Because they got all the boring shit out of the way so they can do a 2004 style run of badass games back to back for 2 hours.


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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:26:44

I still see them focusing on some of this again, but they'll cut it down from 30 minutes to 15 minutes.

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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:27:15

Yup tuesday is going to be insane. There are going to be some awkward Miyamoto demos of him showing how to use the device. Should be great.

So we saw one major game, Mario Bros. The map looked like Mario World!!!  But the quotes everywhere, no, that has to go. I am sure it will be an option. Maybe with a friend filter it would be cool, I wouldnt mind seeing messages you guys leave as I play but not a bunch of random dudes.

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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:29:38

Think about that first night of the wii U. We are all unboxing our system, we hop online and we see each others miis running around, everyone chatting. Should be awesome. Happy

I have always liked chat more than voice for games cause to me a voice demands too much attention, its like a real conversation so I feel obligated to pay attention and talk to you. A chat I can ignore till I have time to respond, I can stay focused on the game. So much better. Having swap note is the perfect system for me.

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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:29:51
Dvader said:

Yup tuesday is going to be insane. There are going to be some awkward Miyamoto demos of him showing how to use the device. Should be great.

So we saw one major game, Mario Bros. The map looked like Mario World!!!  But the quotes everywhere, no, that has to go. I am sure it will be an option. Maybe with a friend filter it would be cool, I wouldnt mind seeing messages you guys leave as I play but not a bunch of random dudes.

That's been one of my biggest complaints this era...too many notifications and other things breaking into my immersion of a game. And I have a feeling its going to get worse on new hardware. They need to leave the options to turn these things off.


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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:31:25
Dvader said:

Think about that first night of the wii U. We are all unboxing our system, we hop online and we see each others miis running around, everyone chatting. Should be awesome. Happy

I have always liked chat more than voice for games cause to me a voice demands too much attention, its like a real conversation so I feel obligated to pay attention and talk to you. A chat I can ignore till I have time to respond, I can stay focused on the game. So much better. Having swap note is the perfect system for me.

I agree...that's why I liked Dreamcast voice, no annoying kids, just my trusty keyboard and my controller.


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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:32:53

So what games you guys getting day 1?

I'm getting Pikmin 3 for sure.


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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:35:19
edgecrusher said:

So what games you guys getting day 1?

I'm getting Pikmin 3 for sure.

Yup. And Mario of course. If Ass Creed 3 is day one I will get it for wii u. I am sure it will come with a new wii sports online or something.

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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:41:26

Yeah depending on what they do with some 3rd-party games like Ass Creed, Batman, etc I may get the Wii versions instead of the depends.


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Sun, 03 Jun 2012 23:52:26

Dvader said:

Wow, instant reaction guys go!

I am stoked, simply cause I saw new shit, its a new gen! So excited. I can see Miiverse get used a bunch by us while we play. Finally guys like GG, Iga, and the other mostly nintendo only guys can get connected online. Oh wait GG never plays online anyway, boo.

I would be online with 360 if it was wireless as standard.

But yeah, I never play online anyway. Except for animal crossing.

Dvader said:

What. Sigh, you are no fun.

Well we saw most of it last year, it was a few services that like Raven said, I will never use. It was pretty boring, bring on the games I say.

Dvader said:

Wow gaf cant handle a pre conference...

The servers always break during a conference.

edgecrusher said:

Its going to be weird using controllers with the 2nd analog stick up high.

You know what this conference pumped me up for the most? Tuesday. Because they got all the boring shit out of the way so they can do a 2004 style run of badass games back to back for 2 hours.

They showed 3 big games in 2004, there should be a fuckton more on Tuesday considering the year long embargo. Even if they just show the ones we know about, add to that the new stuff and there will be tons.

edgecrusher said:

Yeah depending on what they do with some 3rd-party games like Ass Creed, Batman, etc I may get the Wii versions instead of the depends.

I don't have a PC so I will be getting Wii U versions of all multiplats instead of 360 because I can play on the tablet solo away from the screen and I'm guessing the system will be more reliable and the games will run better with the extra power and have extra features. As that THQ dude said a year ago in theory every version of a multiplat has the potential to be the best version - if they do it right.

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Mon, 04 Jun 2012 01:15:07

No achievements shown, but everything else the rumors said came true.

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Mon, 04 Jun 2012 01:22:11

There's evidence of achievements shown in that story I posted about NSMB Wii U.

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Mon, 04 Jun 2012 02:44:27
I didn't see it but it sounds pretty good so far. I really like how it sounds like Nintendo has improved their online service with cross-game voice chat and a bunch of other features. The standard controller looks good, not as good as the 360's with asymetrical stick placement but close. Clickable analog sticks? Holy batman it's about freakin' time. There better be an "achievement" system.
Edited: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 02:45:26


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Mon, 04 Jun 2012 11:01:21

This funny, while we were watching Iwata, Iwata was watching us and our comments online.

This is like Nintendos' CTU

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Mon, 04 Jun 2012 11:33:10

One thing that was unexpected for me was that the video seemed to show strangers video chatting at the press of a button. Considering how careful nintendo used to be about protecting children and stuff from online abuse with friend codes, this is pretty revolutionary for them. And how easy it seemed to be able to do it.

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Mon, 04 Jun 2012 11:39:14
wifi is default in 360 since slim gg (fyi)

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Mon, 04 Jun 2012 11:41:56
aspro said:
wifi is default in 360 since slim gg (fyi)

I am not buying a new 360 just to get wi fi.

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Mon, 04 Jun 2012 11:43:48
Just fyi.

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Mon, 04 Jun 2012 12:08:41


Watching the presentation again, actually awake I can see myself using that forum help thing alot. I get stuck, hit the button, type help and get instant help. No booting up the computer and searching for shit.

Also handwriting is much easier than typing on a touch screen or with IR, stick selection etc.

Edited: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 12:10:57

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