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Ahhhh 3DS we hardly knew ya!
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Sat, 23 Jun 2012 16:36:54
aspro said:

So are you playing anything these days? I have not heard you talk about a Wii game for a while, I know your 360 is in stasis.

I was playing Fire Emblem Sacred Stones on the 3DS and Path of Radiance on the Wii before Italy. Then the disruption to the house stopped all that so I haven't played a game in almost 2 months.

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Sat, 23 Jun 2012 22:40:06
GASP Don't be the guy who spends more time on talking about games than playing games!

You need a game transfusion, fast.
(I'll have to look up Path of Radiance)

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Sat, 23 Jun 2012 22:52:56

aspro said:
GASP Don't be the guy who spends more time on talking about games than playing games!

You need a game transfusion, fast.

(I'll have to look up Path of Radiance)

This is a serious condition that needs to be erradicated quick. If it is something you really love do it, dont just talk about it.

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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 02:34:11
aspro said:
GASPDon't be the guy who spends more time on talking about games than playing games!


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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 08:16:32
Foolz said:
aspro said:
GASPDon't be the guy who spends more time on talking about games than playing games!


Yeah, I'm guilty of that too.  Though, I've improved, and I try not to talk too much about things I haven't played or have interest in playing.  

Logging the games I finish has given me more of an insentive to do so.  Also having got a nice big HD tv means I can enjoy my console games much more now ... so I do!


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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 08:24:35
My statement is not intended as a castigation, more an encouragement.  I realise that thete are things in life which often interject and overshadow mere hobbies.

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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 08:59:17
aspro said:
My statement is not intended as a castigation, more an encouragement.  I realise that thete are things in life which often interject and overshadow mere hobbies.

Yeah, such as thumbing up the guy who uses the word guilt and possibly supports your hateful categorisation while ignoring the one who possibly does not. Hrm

Edited: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 08:59:57

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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 09:06:29
Emoticon posts don't get +1's unless they are ironic.

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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 09:15:12
aspro said:
Emoticon posts don't get +1's unless they are ironic.


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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 15:11:33
aspro said:
GASP Don't be the guy who spends more time on talking about games than playing games!

I'm already that guy.

A lot of games I see bore me or don't excite me at all. I like chatting to you guys more and hearing the news. I'll play on and off, but I'm not this insatiable gaming beast anymore. There's lots of other stuff to do.

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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 16:11:27
So Gaminggeek  doesn't ring true anymore? Sad
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Sun, 24 Jun 2012 18:39:45
travo said:
So Gaminggeek  doesn't ring true anymore? Sad

For the past few years I think I've felt like I was on this train that would never stop and you get into the whole thing about buying every big game that comes out and playing it incessently till you finish. I feel like I've grown a bit out of that. I no longer feel like I have to own the latest games and I don't really care when I play them if I do pick them up.

Much of this has to do with the E3 2012 effect where lots of games look like you have played them before. I want to see something and think: wow, I haven't seen that before.

And this attitude has served my wallet pretty well too, as if you don't rush to get the latest releases they always come down in price anyway. The lazier you are about picking them up, the cheaper they get.

There are exceptions of course and it depends on my mood too. I'm not really pressed to finish games these days unless they are really easy, if I get near enough the end it's pretty much done.

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