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The Official Impressions Request Thread
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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 11:05:10

Someone here's got a cool game? They say they're playing it, maybe post a picture? You ask what that shit's about only to receive no reply, and your whole humiliating experience was (mercifully) lost in GGWeekly? Well here is where you can shame yourself, and the person you're asking. Or perhaps here's the thread where they can't miss or resist your request. This is the thread where you take names, add games to them, and demand impressions. Kicking arse and chewing bubblegum is optional.

Like so:

Aspro: The Getaway, Inernational Super Star Soccer.

That's not just a tutorial, but a request.

It may be polite to thank the poster in advance, but by this stage many of us are probably too pissed off for niceties, so up yours in case this impassioned plea is not enough, Aspro. /rageface.

Edited: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 14:32:34

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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 14:29:36

I approve of this thread.

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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:03:51

Nier impressions from anyone. I saw it for $15 at BB today.

Edited: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:07:55
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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:20:29
Dvader said:

Nier impressions from anyone. I saw it for $15 at BB today.

Just play Bully, fuckhead.

Someone plus this post now!

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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:26:50
gamingeek said:

Just play Bully, fuckhead.

Someone plus this post now!

LOL I am totally going to start a new game when I get home but I am leaning toward Boarderlands or Alan Wake or Gears 2 or Silent Hill SH or Kirby's Epic Yarn or Bioshock 2 or Bulletstorm to name a few. I also really should finish Skyrim.

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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:33:32


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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:43:04
gamingeek said:


What about Endless Ocean, dont you want me to play that?

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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:46:42

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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 20:41:48
Dvader said:

Nier impressions from anyone. I saw it for $15 at BB today.

Interesting story. A couple of cool bosses. The rest of the enemy design is dull and repetitive as are the game's environments. Lots of going back and forth fetch quests make up the majority of the game. Story is depressing as hell especially during the second playthrough when you see many things from a new perspective. I'd recommend it for $15 though. The game is relatively short for an RPG.


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Wed, 25 Jul 2012 22:34:29

Two missions from finishing Gay Tony.  I can't help but compare it to it's gaiden-brother The Lost and the Damned in terms of characters and story, which is where BOGT comes up short.  The story comes down to a loyal side-kick hanging on to his boss/ business partner as their lives and business dealings plunge off a cliff.

They also lean on helicopter missions way too much.  There are 23 missions, I am guessing at least half involve a helicopter to some extent, and frankly the helicopter controls are poor compared to games like Saints Row.

Setting those two things aside, this is a GTA-players GTA. Rockstar shows its technical prowess at their highest form.  The shoot-outs in office/ business settings really show off everything they can possibly accomplish on the current gen systems.  You can essentially hear the developers say, "We could make a COD-killer if we wanted" (whether they could or not is another story, but arrogance works very well for Rockstar). Similarly for the cars and racing segments they seem to be saying, "We could make a NFS-killer".

The weapons are all satisying and over the top. The missions themselves are better balanced than any other GTA game.

In short Gay Tony, like Vice City Stories is the best of it's series because it is the last. It takes in all the lessons to be learnt and applies them perfectly.

Personally, The Lost and the Damned is my favorite, but BOGT is the better game.

Edited: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 22:38:56

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Thu, 26 Jul 2012 02:40:29


You're doing it wrong.

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Thu, 26 Jul 2012 10:45:20

LOL just jerking your chain brother.

I played The Getaway for about 15 minutes, in which time I failed the opening mission abuot 7 times.  It is still in my stack to play this year, but I want to try it on my primary gaming rig, which is much easier to play on.  For what it is worth, OMG LA Noire.

ISS, I played a full game on a few weeks back on the same weekend I played about 4 other futbol games.  From what I recall it was hella fun, the right balance of challenge and winning!  Isn't that what we want from sports games; a fair fight, but ultimately winning by *that* much?


Almost done with Kingdom Hearts. A point falls off this one each day. It's down to 7 right now.

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Thu, 26 Jul 2012 12:33:57

Given the amount you played them both I'll take those as great impressions. Thank your sir.

What were the other football games, and which was your pick of the bunch?

Edited: Thu, 26 Jul 2012 12:39:28

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Sat, 28 Jul 2012 23:34:20
Foolz said:

Given the amount you played them both I'll take those as great impressions. Thank your sir.

What were the other football games, and which was your pick of the bunch?

Well that's why I didn;t give impression (I had not played much).  The other soccer games I played were Worldwide Soccer for teh SEGA Saturn, World Championship Soccer fro the Genesis (it has top down view where the players look like foosball figures and 2002 FIFA World Cup for the Xbox.

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Sun, 29 Jul 2012 02:25:38
aspro said:

Well that's why I didn;t give impression (I had not played much).  The other soccer games I played were Worldwide Soccer for teh SEGA Saturn, World Championship Soccer fro the Genesis (it has top down view where the players look like foosball figures and 2002 FIFA World Cup for the Xbox.

That's a nice collection of classics...until you got to FIFA 2002 WC edition. LOL

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Sun, 29 Jul 2012 04:57:32

^Yeah, it looks nice but plays not so fun. Hella hard to score.

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Sun, 29 Jul 2012 05:06:22
aspro said:

^Yeah, it looks nice but plays not so fun. Hella hard to score.

You know actually thinking about if it it's the same as FIFA2002 with completley manual controls on all actions then it's one of the best football games of all time. That's if you take the time to play it with the manual controls rather than normally. Normally it's not one of FIFA's best to say the least.

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Mon, 13 Aug 2012 07:39:29

I am looking for impressions of Dante's Inferno.

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Mon, 13 Aug 2012 07:45:04
aspro said:

I am looking for impressions of Dante's Inferno.

Awsome art work, poor man's ripoff of God of  War. Not really very much fun at all,  a study in repetitive boredom, lots of button mashing. There you go, if you really like the art work it's only a buy at under $10

I must say the art is amazing , this game could've been so much more with the right direction.

Edited: Mon, 13 Aug 2012 07:47:34
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Mon, 13 Aug 2012 08:12:42

:  Hmmm. Th elowest I am likely to see it for is $20, but it's probably worth it then. I've never played a GoW clone before and if the art is unique.

Thanks Bear!

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