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Games That You Are Embarrased To Be Seen Playing
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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 09:31:21

Inspired from some podcast I was listening to. I forget which.


So, yeah there are the obvious ones, like Rumble Roses, DOE beach Volley Ball, The Guy Game... Well actually Edge probably would not be embarassed by that...

But like, if a non-friend or distant family member came over what game would you be currently playing that you'd be embarassed to be seen playing?

So, you know, plumber comes over to fix a leak in your bar that adjoins your gaming room.  He's like, this will take about an hour, just go about your business.  Would you start up a copy of __________ and play on. Or would you be like, uh... no-one really needs to see this, as much as I love it.

It may be Animal Crossing, or a Hello Kitty game -- or even a violent game -- or fuck any shooter for that matter.

C'mon tell me. I'm in a fever here.

Edited: Wed, 08 Aug 2012 21:52:15

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 12:11:56

There was this one time when I was playing Shinobi (SMS), and the landlord of the house my family was living at snickered when he saw me playing it. I was 17 at the time, and I never understood the snickering. Figured he was just being an asshole.

Edited: Wed, 08 Aug 2012 12:12:55

The VG Press

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 13:29:38

Not sure if there's really anything left out there that embarasses me. Anything I do automatically looks cool when I do it, so even games that others would be embarassed to play just look great when I do. Order Up? Half of the sales that game ever got were directly due to my friends watching me play (and were then left to wonder why they did that).

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 13:32:01

Soggy biscuit.

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 13:35:09

Actually I will confess to getting embarassed by one game, and surprisingly it was Valkyria Chronicles. My wife has, at best, always shaken her head at anime. Anytime she comes across it on her own she usually finds a scene that's highly awkward one way or another and she has somewhat justifiably stereotyped all of it as highly perverted. So when I played VC, the one time she dropped by to hang out with me while I'm playing, which scene is going on?? The vacation at the beach scene, right where one character starts yelling "YOU LITTLE SLUT" at another character for wearing a very tiny bathing suit.

25 hour game, and that's the scene that creates her impression.... yep. The ole Robio timing strikes again.

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 13:36:25

Robio's wife is a prude? I don't believe it.

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 13:38:36

Oh god no. But she's still happy to call things as she see's them.

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 13:51:45
robio said:

Oh god no. But she's still happy to call things as she see's them.

Definitely a prude. Nyaa

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 14:14:22
I was embarrassed when I had a GameCube and all of the Nintendo favorites at a time when "hardcore" players only played XBOX and PS2 games.  Everyone was gushing about Halo while I was quite content with Luigi's Mansion and Pikmin.  
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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 19:05:33

Anything Japanese if my high-school friends are around. Sadly they just mock them while also bitching about how fucked up they are (Playing Persona 4 in front of them was a TERRIBLE idea).

Most of my other friends are OK with them.

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 20:47:06

Playing Madworld with the violence and swearing on with my father and newly prudish bro around. I chopped some bitches in half with a chainsaw and there was a whole lotta swearing. Then I kicked on HOTD Overkill and there were retard/cabbage jokes. Ooooops angry

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 21:59:06
robio said:

Actually I will confess to getting embarassed by one game, and surprisingly it was Valkyria Chronicles. My wife has, at best, always shaken her head at anime. Anytime she comes across it on her own she usually finds a scene that's highly awkward one way or another and she has somewhat justifiably stereotyped all of it as highly perverted. So when I played VC, the one time she dropped by to hang out with me while I'm playing, which scene is going on?? The vacation at the beach scene, right where one character starts yelling "YOU LITTLE SLUT" at another character for wearing a very tiny bathing suit.

25 hour game, and that's the scene that creates her impression.... yep. The ole Robio timing strikes again.

Phil Theobald has a great story about when he was a teenager and just getting into anime (which at the time meant tracking down horribly dubbed VHS tapes). To that point all he had seen was the violent stuff, and while he had some friends over he said, "Hey before we go out, how about watching some anime -- that stuff I'm always going on about". And you know, "you guys should really give this a try, it's awesome".

So he put in like Fist of the North Star or something similar and it opened with some extravangant porn scene. He tells the story much better of course.


But yeah, what is it and poor timing on that kind of thing, it always happens.

For me, surprisingly, it's any shooter. It just looks sick to an outsider, some dude sitting in front of his TV killing about 4 people a minute (at least). I just think it enforces whatever negative stereotype they have about gaming.

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 22:22:24
aspro said:

Phil Theobald has a great story about when he was a teenager and just getting into anime (which at the time meant tracking down horribly dubbed VHS tapes). To that point all he had seen was the violent stuff, and while he had some friends over he said, "Hey before we go out, how about watching some anime -- that stuff I'm always going on about". And you know, "you guys should really give this a try, it's awesome".

So he put in like Fist of the North Star or something similar and it opened with some extravangant porn scene. He tells the story much better of course.


But yeah, what is it and poor timing on that kind of thing, it always happens.

For me, surprisingly, it's any shooter. It just looks sick to an outsider, some dude sitting in front of his TV killing about 4 people a minute (at least). I just think it enforces whatever negative stereotype they have about gaming.

I have a similar story from college. I was taking an Asian culture class and the professor asked if any of us had any anime that we could show off on a blow-off day. I brought in several videos; Dragon Ball, Riding Bean and a few others. He ended up choosing Ninja Scroll and showed the first 10 minutes and ended right at the first graphic sex scene. All the girls in the class were pretty shocked as this was still a lot of Americans (these Americans anyway). He then thanked me in front of everyone and then put in Lum which we watched for the rest of class.
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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 22:26:55

I've happily played my Super Mario 3D Land in the middle of the night on a NYC subway...

...I've had days at work, sitting around buck-naked playing Radiant Historia...

No shame = No embarassment.

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 22:36:28
phantom_leo said:

I've happily played my Super Mario 3D Land in the middle of the night on a NYC subway...

...I've had days at work, sitting around buck-naked playing Radiant Historia...

No shame = No embarassment.

For whatever reason I am really adamant about playing my DS in public. It's my version of a gay pride parade. I want others to know that it's okay to game.

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 23:03:06
robio said:

I have a similar story from college. I was taking an Asian culture class and the professor asked if any of us had any anime that we could show off on a blow-off day. I brought in several videos; Dragon Ball, Riding Bean and a few others. He ended up choosing Ninja Scroll and showed the first 10 minutes and ended right at the first graphic sex scene. All the girls in the class were pretty shocked as this was still a lot of Americans (these Americans anyway). He then thanked me in front of everyone and then put in Lum which we watched for the rest of class.

That is incredible.

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Wed, 08 Aug 2012 23:18:58
Funny thing was he knew exactly what he was doing. He was a dick.  But he graded generously so I took him 2 more times.
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Thu, 09 Aug 2012 02:52:56
robio said:

I have a similar story from college. I was taking an Asian culture class and the professor asked if any of us had any anime that we could show off on a blow-off day. I brought in several videos; Dragon Ball, Riding Bean and a few others. He ended up choosing Ninja Scroll and showed the first 10 minutes and ended right at the first graphic sex scene. All the girls in the class were pretty shocked as this was still a lot of Americans (these Americans anyway). He then thanked me in front of everyone and then put in Lum which we watched for the rest of class.


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Thu, 09 Aug 2012 04:19:04
Ninja Scroll? LOL Kick-ass movie though.


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Thu, 09 Aug 2012 14:57:00

Well, I haven't played it, and it's still shrinkwrapped. But I can tell you this shit would embarrass me no matter who was watching. Either my wife or my 7 yo daughter, which has always shown more common sense than me.
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