Forum > Gaming Discussion > The Wii U Launch Thread: Because Edgecrusher is too lazy
The Wii U Launch Thread: Because Edgecrusher is too lazy
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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 00:39:24
gamingeek said:

They built a fully functional sensor bat into the gamepad, it's there, it's just built in. Placing a wireless controller in front of your TV is hardly a make or break move.

I can't believe you're actually definding this! LOL I'm not going to place a Wii U controller in front of my TV everytime I want to use the Wii Remote. That's stupid. Not to mention, I have absolutely no space for it. My Wii sensor bar is on top of my HDTV because that's the only space I have for it. Wii U controller won't fit there

Edited: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 02:20:38

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 02:53:20

Worst part about this is NO Wii U games are going to be using IR. Sad

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:03:52

Doesn't Pikmin 3 use IR?

Edited: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:05:02

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:04:22
I couldn't imagine IR controls with a game pad like that.
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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:07:52
Ravenprose said:

Doesn't Pikmin 3 use IR?

At the most recent US press event they had them use wii controllers only. No gamepad yet.

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:24:40

Okay, so I looked around at some Wii U console pics, and there is an orange port on the back of the Wii U that looks exactly like the Wii sensor bar port:

Wii U back

As long as Nintendo doesn't remove that port before launch, then I'd say they are indeed going to have a normal TV mounted sensor bar, just like the Wii has. Or at the very least, Nintendo will support it as an option.

Edited: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:26:56

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:31:08
Thank god.

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:32:47
Ravenprose said:

Okay, so I looked around at some Wii U console pics, and there is an orange port on the back of the Wii U that looks exactly like the Wii sensor bar port:

Wii U back

As long as Nintendo doesn't remove that port before launch, then I'd say they are indeed going to have a normal TV mounted sensor bar, just like the Wii has. Or at the very least, Nintendo will support it as an option.

Hopefully you can use the Wii one too!

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 04:06:42
Ravenprose said:

Doesn't Pikmin 3 use IR?

Shh. Nyaa

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 04:11:10
Guys, this seems a bit silly of a discussion.  EVEN IF you could use your controller as a sensor bar for IR, AND there was no port at the back for a sensor bar, the sensor bar is strictly for emitting infrared light.  It doesn't actually do anything other than that.  You could use candles if you wanted.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 04:51:13
So the U has candles?

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 04:51:25
Yodariquo said:
Guys, this seems a bit silly of a discussion.  EVEN IF you could use your controller as a sensor bar for IR, AND there was no port at the back for a sensor bar, the sensor bar is strictly for emitting infrared light.  It doesn't actually do anything other than that.  You could use candles if you wanted.

Shh. Nyaa

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 06:00:39


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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 06:23:59

IGN gushing over Zombiu

While your television gives you a third-person view of your character looking around, your Pad’s monitor gives you a purple-hued perspective of the world, allowing you to see objects tucked in corners and crevices. You’re also able to see messages and directions written on the walls, signals that aren’t ordinarily visible, which will allow you to discover secrets and valuable caches of ammunition and supplies.

The game begs you to explore, to find things you shouldn’t be able to find. You’re a survivor and need to find every small advantage you can, one bullet at a time. ZombiU punishes you by offering a small glimpse of hope, giving you the barest amount of weaponry possible, luring you into feeling safe before suddenly snatching it away.

Do you dare take time to scan for secrets?

This isn’t a game where you try to go toe-to-toe with zombies. There is no overwhelming arsenal to be had, no safe haven that can repeatedly heal you. Death is permanent. While ZombiU features an upgrade system for your abilities and weaponry, if you die, your personal benefits are lost. If you’re lucky, you can maybe recover some of your guns off the reanimated corpse of your former character, but you won’t get everything. And there’s a chance that your blood, sweat and tears will be for nothing, forcing you to confront the fact that your hopes of surviving in this apocalyptic world are terribly, most unfortunately slim.

The zombies don’t make things any easier. A basic conflict with one of these shambling horrors is tough enough. You can try to be patient, and you can try to get headshots, but often it doesn’t matter. Chances are you’ll have to pull out your cricket bat and risk physical confrontation. You probably won’t emerge unscathed, but you have no other choice. It’s kill or be eaten in ZombiU.

Even scarier, ZombiU features multiple types of enemies. Just as you start to get comfortable with a typical undead monster, they start to spit at you, meaning not even keeping your distance will afford you a reprieve. They might also be wearing tactical riot gear, meaning they have helmets and body armor. In a game where five bullets is considered an abundance of protection, the fact that a head shot will barely slow down an enemy is a merciless shift in advantage.

ZombiU will tear at you. Its ability to strip away the standards of zombie games, making you always question whether you have enough ammo, and punishing you severely for arrogant, swift actions, is entirely addictive. You eagerly jump back into the fray, knowing full well your chances of survival are slim. Whether or not you will die is never a question.

Best launch game.

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 07:58:28
Dvader said:

Best launch game.

No fucking doubt. Can't Wait.

Ubisoft is the best 3rd-party out there today.


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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 08:34:37

Legends isn't a launch title then?

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 10:14:45

Dvader said:

Im too lazy to watch the video. Why is it so intriguing?

To me the most interesting thing is behing able to click on your teamates on the map in real time and direct them about.

Dvader said:

I will get Ass Creed 3 for Wii U.

GG I better see you online. We better play something.

Sure, when you get Endless Ocean 3 and Animal Crossing U.

Ravenprose said:

I can't believe you're actually definding this! LOL

There's nothing to defend. There is a sensor bar, they built it into the pad. From my POV you're being pedantic. Take a picture of your setup, I'm sure there is a 1 inch wide space to put it.

Ravenprose said:

Okay, so I looked around at some Wii U console pics, and there is an orange port on the back of the Wii U that looks exactly like the Wii sensor bar port:

Wii U back

As long as Nintendo doesn't remove that port before launch, then I'd say they are indeed going to have a normal TV mounted sensor bar, just like the Wii has. Or at the very least, Nintendo will support it as an option.

Let's hope so, but it might be an optical audio out?

Foolz said:

Legends isn't a launch title then?

It's out December.

007 Legends screens from Die Another Day and Licence to Kill

Die Another Day indecision

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Fri, 17 Aug 2012 10:24:08

Trine 2 the Goblin menance expansion screens, included for free on the Trine 2 Wii U Directors cut

Okay panic over, looks like Wii U does come with a sensor bar.

This is the back of the devkit

This is snap from that E3 video

The Wii U sensor bar is a bundled Wii U accessory that helps determine where the Wii U GamePad and Wiimotes are pointing, both in terms of side to side movement and position, but also in depth movement. The Wii U sensor bar is the same design that’s used in the Wii, and operates the same way. The sensor bar is 20 CM long (or 8 inches) and features 5 infrared LED lights on each side, which help the console to determine the relative position of the controller. The sensor bar can be placed above or below the television, and should always be placed in the center relative to the TV. The infrared LED lights used by the bar cannot be seen by the naked eye, but certain cameras and other devices can see and potentially disrupt the function of the sensor bar.

Wii U sensor bar features

The Wii U sensor bar uses the same technology and design as the previous version, and even uses the same cable and plug. It’s rumored that even the old sensor bar is compatible with the Wii U console. The sensor bar works both with the Wii U tablet controller, regular Wiimotes and possible future Wii U accessories. The sensor bar enables players to accurately use the controller withing 5 Meters, or 15 feet of the television. The Wii U sensor bar can support up to 5 devices at the same time, which breaks down to one Wii U controller and 4 Wiimotes.

Third party device makers like Mad Catz and Nyko are expected to release their own versions of the Wii U sensor bar, including wireless and battery powered ones as well. Older sensor bars and sensor hardware made for the original Wii console are rumored to be compatible with the Wii U. While the sensor bar is included with the console, it’s not necessarily required by all games. Some Wii U games do not utilize the motion controls, and instead rely in the tablet screen or the controller’s gyro features for movement.

So I guess the reps they have talking about it are not that knowledgable or they are confusing things; talking about playing Wii 1 games on the U screen ONLY and saying you have to point the end of the wii remote at the sensor bar ON the U pad whilst doing this. None of this applies when you want to just play wii 1 games on your tv screen.

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Sat, 18 Aug 2012 11:21:12


LinkedIn profile outs Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 on Wii U

'QA tester for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Duties include QA testing on PS3 and Wii U, multiplayer testing while collaborating with team'

Same damned thing for most COD's on the Wii 1. They were developing MW3 for the Wii 1 for ages but kept it a secret till launch, no screens, no previews no nothing.

I guess Activisions great plan is to stealth release COD games on Nintendo systems as that will surely lead to more sales...

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Sat, 18 Aug 2012 11:57:47
gamingeek said:


LinkedIn profile outs Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 on Wii U

I guess Activisions great plan is to stealth release COD games on Nintendo systems as that will surely lead to more sales...

If it does cool things with the controller I will probably grab it...otherwise I would not.


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