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The Wii U Launch Thread: Because Edgecrusher is too lazy
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Fri, 09 Nov 2012 01:44:32

What happens when it loses the signal completely? Is it like unplugging a controller, or does the game pause. (I skimmed, so sorry if I missed them explaining that; the closest I could find was what happens when you start to get out of range.)

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Fri, 09 Nov 2012 10:47:41

How long is the charge cable? I hope its long enough to play comfortably while its charging.


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Fri, 09 Nov 2012 11:53:46
1up said:

The Unrealized Potential of Wii U's Screen-Sharing

Nintendo's new system currently lacks the range and software to truly liberate us from the TV.

Unfortunately, the signal isn't nearly as strong as I'd hoped. Simply walking into the kitchen, which put a single interior wall between the console and tablet, was enough to cause the on-screen image to stutter momentarily before dropping the connection entirely, despite a distance of only about 10 feet. The game runs fine from further away if I simply walk to the opposite end of the living room, so the problem seems to be not transmission distance so much as interference. Similarly, walking down the hall into the back half of the apartment didn't pose any problem for the game, since in doing so I managed to nearly maintain direct line-of-sight between the components. But as soon as I stepped into our bedroom, the signal dropped.

The real shortcoming here is that the screen-sharing feature has to be added at developers' discretion; it's not a given for every game. In fact, the other big first-party Wii U launch-day title, NintendoLand, doesn't offer it at all, since each event in the game combines the two screens in different combinations and requires both the television and the pad for everything. And we still don't know if Wii/WiiWare/Virtual Console games will work on the game pad only (even though the black bar at the top of the pad reportedly contains Wii remote sensors in addition to a camera). **GG says - yes we do know 1up and the answer is NO they wont work**

But the truth is that publishers could make an embarrassment of easy money off me by porting their current-gen titles to Wii U with no significant upgrades beyond screen-sharing. Can you conceive of how dangerous a time-sink games like Skyrim, XCOM, or GTA IV would become if you could play them anywhere? One shudders to imagine.

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Fri, 09 Nov 2012 13:10:36

So I played the Wii U last night.

Well no, I didn't. I couldn't sleep so turned on the 3DS which I have not touched in months, not since RE Revelations came out.

So the system boots on and I realise that with the info we have about the Wii U interface from the past couple of days, it's basically the same.

So I start dicking about, pretending it's a U and wondering how user friendly it will be. For a start I only use my fingers, Wii U's screen will be several times as big as the 3DS touch screen so I guess the icons will be larger. Mostly the responsiveness is okay but the smaller icons are too difficult to use. Also it is more accurate to use your fingernail. It's interesting imagining this is how the Wii U will work because what Drake on IGN was saying is true, there is a certain tactile instant response that makes the touch screen particularly easy, intuitive and satisfying for manipulating a game. Compared to using an analogue stick or even IR pointing with Wii, the touch screen feels futuristic.  We're all used to touch screens on other devices but using one for your TV and a home console is going to be something of a revalatory experience.

Structurally the 3DS basically is a Wii U, a dual screen experience with a 2D touch screen used at the bottom mostly for inventory and menu options. It also has most if not all the control options of Wii U, including a gyro. The gyro use you've seen in Wii U allows you to move the screen about for different views of the environment and even aiming for sniper modes. I was using it last night to test it out, it still works well but for some reason no wii u game allows you to use gyro aiming in the main game, it's a decent halfway point. At the moment you have to choose between Wii 1 IR or Wii U analogue sticks and touch screen additions. The decent halfway point would include gyro aiming, but whilst it's used in all manner of multiple U titles, no one is allowing you to use it as a default aiming control. Epic Mickey 2 could use it pretty well.

Using the bottom screen as a second screen for menus and item swapping etc works well but only when the interface is well designed. In RE revelations it's not very well done, but in Ocarina of Time it's pretty superb compared to the original games implementation.

One thing I also noticed was the graphics of 3DS, whilst great for a handheld and while very close to 360 graphics in 2D mode for RE, it wasn't quite there. It seems quite enticing to be able to play full console quality titles in bed with no graphical comprimises.

I'm left with the feeling that whilst Wii U might not be a wholly new experience that will wow anyone, it will be definetly have its uses and its charms. I would personally like to see more touch screen only games like a big DS with uber graphics and gameplay that cannot be done elsewhere. In Rayman legends for instance they missed a trick, they let you directly interact with the enviroment with the touch screen but only in two player mode? Games like Lost Wind and NxyQuest let you do both at the same time.  

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Fri, 09 Nov 2012 13:35:01

Also, from a reliable poster on GAF:

It gets more and more abstract, but several months ago, I posted that a certain middleware dev reached 360-levels of performance on Wii U. Another update brought further optimizations. Then, the next big update increased the performance by several hundred(!) percent. And a few days ago, there was another round of Wii U specific optimizations significant enough to be mentioned in the changelog. "Enhanced Broadway"? Really?
Edited: Fri, 09 Nov 2012 16:11:35

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Sat, 10 Nov 2012 02:11:04

Why are you so ashamed of your own apperance, Japan?

Edited: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 02:15:52

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Sat, 10 Nov 2012 15:06:52

You got to check these videos out:

Edited: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 15:23:23

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Sat, 10 Nov 2012 15:24:44

tiny pics

GamesMaster’s Nintendo Land review – individual mini-game ratings

A few days ago, the first review of Nintendo Land arrived from the latest issue of GamesMaster. The publication handed out an 86% score.

Along with the review of the overall game, GamesMaster provided individual write-ups and ratings for each mini-game included in Nintendo Land. Reader joclo typed up that information from the magazine – see below.

Animal Crossing Sweet Day – 5/5

“Sweet Day may look like it’s saccharine simplicity – but there’s a raw tactical edge beneath the happy smiles.”

The Legend of Zelda Battle Quest – 3/5

“Battle Quest isn’t as patchwork as the art-style would suggest…”

Luigi’s Ghost Mansion – 5/5

“Ghost Mansion is superb, genuinely tense and frequently hilarious. The build-up in tension will have you squealing like a school girl.”

Takamaru’s Ninja Castle – 2/5

“It’s a surprisingly tricky game despite the simplicity: the sort of Nintendo launch game you use to impress visiting friends.”

Donkey Kong Crash Course – 3/5

“Crash Course doesn’t do all that much with the Wii U’s newfound capabilities, and the GamePad’s screen provides little more than a zoomed-in version of the action on your TV. But those minor niggles aside, it’s a tricky bout of skill that’ll see you carve your way through your five lives in no time at all. Hardly essential, but certainly fun.”

Pikmin Adventure – 3/5

“It’s Juicy Fruit Chewing Gum for the brain, but engaging nonetheless.”

Metroid Blast – 3/5

“This is the closest Nintendo Land comes to Deathmatch.”

Mario Chase – 5/5

“This is an indisputable Nintendo Land highlight, and the one you’ll keep coming back to again and again…”

Balloon Trip Breeze – 4/5

“As each level (and in-game day) ends, you attempt a podium landing – which is always a tense and exciting exercise in air traffic control. A total charmer.”

Octopus Dance – 2/5

“Has a weird dual screen system, as you switch screens mid game.”

Yoshi’s Fruit Cart – 2/5

“We love Yoshi’s babbling, but drawing lines on the GamePad screen to let him eat fruit on the top screen makes for a forgettable time. The twist: you can’t see fruit on the smaller device.”

Captain Falcon’s Twister Race – 2/5

“Use the GamePad to steer in Spy Hunter style, top-down racer, which flips to the big screen whenever you go through a tunnel. Switching screens isn’t that fun, though.”
Edited: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 15:35:02

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Sat, 10 Nov 2012 16:39:02

What are those pics from GG, Nintendoland?

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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 12:55:24
GodModeEnabled said:

What are those pics from GG, Nintendoland?

I'm guessing sarcasm but just in case, it's ZombiU

Edited: Sun, 11 Nov 2012 13:33:10

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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 17:31:00

I watched that Iwata vid with the unboxing, and good news...the charge chord for the controller looks pretty long.


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Sun, 11 Nov 2012 20:11:09

Wii U japanese website has been translated, there are some interesting bits, it seems SD cards are virtually useless for this thing.

How many titles can the Premium and Basic Sets store in their internal storage memory?

The size of software titles will vary, so it's difficult to give a concrete answer. Please refer to the software size in the Nintendo eShop before purchasing. If there is insufficient internal storage memory, an external USB storage device can be connected to expand upon the internal storage memory. SD cards cannot be used to expand upon the internal storage memory. Details on USB devices confirmed to work will be posted in the following days.

Is it possible to copy or move software between the internal storage memory and an external USB storage device?

It is possible to move, but not to copy. For details, please select Data Management from the System Settings in the Wii U menu.

Can WiiWare or Wii Virtual Console software be purchased and downloaded on the Wii U?

Yes. They can be purchased by accessing the Wii Shopping Channel in the Wii Menu on the Wii U.

Can the Wii U GamePad be used to play Wii software?

No. The Wii U GamePad functionality is not available when using the Wii Menu.

Can I use all the functionality of the Wii when using the Wii Menu to play Wii software?

Most Wii software can be played, but WiiConnect24, among a few other functions, cannot be used.

Where are downloadable software purchases stored?

Downloads can be stored either to the internal storage memory or to an external USB storage device. Saving to an SD Card is not supported.

What should be done when there is insufficient remaining space in the Wii U internal storage memory to download a new game?

Please increase the amount of available space by deleting unneeded data from the system's Data Management menu. Otherwise, use an external USB storage device to increase the amount of available space.

Can downloadable software stored on an external USB storage device be played on another Wii U system?

No. A given external USB storage device can be used with one Wii U system.

With video chat can 3 or more people teleconference with each other?

Up to 2 Wii U systems can connect with one another.

On Wii U points Can the remaining balance for individual Users be merged, divided, or transferred?


Can Wii Points on the Wii Shopping Channel or the remaining balance on the 3DS Nintendo eShop be used to make purchases?

No. Wii Points are only for the Wii Shopping Channel, and the remaining balance on the 3DS can be used only on the 3DS Nintendo eShop.


So this is bloody worrying:

"SD cards cannot be used to expand upon the internal storage memory. Details on USB devices confirmed to work will be posted in the following days. "

No doubt half the USB devices we want to use will be not compatible.


Edited: Sun, 11 Nov 2012 20:13:22

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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 14:26:21
One week left and I thought the wii u ad blitz would be everywhere right now. There is no excitement like the wii had. Where is Ellen Gigi g away wii us to screaming women? Where is the non stop as blitz? Where re all the headlines saying wii u is THE most wanted product this Christmas. It's not there. It will sell out this holiday due to constraints but the fever is just not here.
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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 15:20:30

I barely see adverts.

BTW what is the situation with 3DS ads in the US? Here I barely see any compared with how they pushed the DS.

Edited: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 15:21:26

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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 15:28:40
Same here I almost never see ads. Not sure what is going on. Or they maye targeting a whole different group of people on shows I don't watch. You would think a zombiu commercial on the walking dead would be perfect.
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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 15:50:03

I just remember, here in the UK they would still be running DS Nintendogs ads like a year and a half after it released, same for NSMB etc.

Now I barely ever see a 3DS. Have they gone back to only advertising on the kids channels? Well no, because I would have spotted them sandwiched in between my cartoon action shows. So they just aren't advertising the way they used to.

Edited: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 19:05:16

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 11:10:34

Something cool you might not know about Wii U. The battery only takes up 60% of the battery space compartment allowing for a larger better battery in the future. Nyko have already announced a 10 hour U pad battery.

Edited: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:33:44

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:40:08
Joystiq said:

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Thu, 15 Nov 2012 11:25:32

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Thu, 15 Nov 2012 13:03:17



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