Forum > Gaming Discussion > The Wii U Launch Thread: Because Edgecrusher is too lazy
The Wii U Launch Thread: Because Edgecrusher is too lazy
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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 14:10:13

Gamecube pad was the best ever IMO at far as comfort and shape go...but as GG said they fucked up a few key features. No select button...only 1 bumper button....tiny GBA d-pad....and no click in buttons on the sticks. Made multi-platform games needlessly difficult to port.


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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 16:34:25

Assasins Creed 3


Well get this: Assassin's Creed III is up and running on the Wii U. I watched a PR rep play the Battle of Chesapeake Bay section (the one with the ships from E3) and was initially impressed. Dynamic shadows and wave effects make for a very organic game world. It's busy, dramatic… the console runs it with relative ease. At least on first glance…

The bad news: The PS3 version was playing beside it – and the difference is night and day. Right now, PS3's version of Assassin's Creed III is, simply put, better. Even gamers without my robot eyes would be able to see the difference.


I suppose that the biggest question everybody has about the Wii U version has to do with just how good the game looks. Honestly, it looks incredible on Wii U. So incredible, in fact, that it makes me wonder why the PS3 version looks as ropey as it does. This isn’t to say that the PS3 demo I played looked abysmal, far from it, but it definitely didn’t look as smooth and texture rich as the Wii U version does. Of course, as the Wii U version is actually a port, the most likely explanation for visual differences is that the PS3 version is an older build, perhaps an E3 demo, while the Wii U version is up to date.


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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 16:40:02

Wii U specs are surprising, says Sonic developer

Wii U GPU and memory better than expected

The executive producer of Sonic And All-Stars Racing Transformed has told Official Nintendo Magazine that he was surprised by the Wii U specs, specifically the GPU and memory which are better than the Sumo developers expected.

Wii U: The good news and bad news after more quality time with Nintendo's new console at Gamescom

The Wii U is supposed to be out this year. It's never going to launch post-Christmas, so that means we're four months at most from launch. But having played it at Gamescom, I'm not convinced it's all coming together as coherently and convincingly as you would hope for a console so close to being released into the wider world. So let's look at a few key areas and the good and bad examples seen at Gamescom.

The good news: The Assassin's Creed 3 demo ended with the PR rep saying "That's the Wii U version, you can play the PS3 version on the showfloor and the Vita game is at the back of the room. Release date is October 31 for all versions." So I asked: "Is that Wii U as well?" to which he replied: "Er… that one's TBA, I think". What do you reckon - a little tongue slip revealing an October release for Wii U, or just a flustered PR forgetting about a staggered release schedule?

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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 16:41:04

Sometimes games launch before the console. Wii U is Nov for sure.

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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 17:44:31

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Sat, 25 Aug 2012 01:59:59

Before I started acting, the Wii U seemed so far away and in my grasp. Now I'm even poorer and it feels right around the corner.

Woe is me!

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Sat, 25 Aug 2012 02:17:03
isntchrisl said:

Before I started acting, the Wii U seemed so far away and in my grasp. Now I'm even poorer and it feels right around the corner.

Woe is me!

Same here, except for the acting part. Nyaa  This may be the first Nintendo console that I don't get at launch.   The ONLY thing appealing is Pikmin and even though I so want to play it, I can't justify buying a new console right now.
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Sat, 25 Aug 2012 02:42:16

I'm debating whether or not to buy the Wii U at launch. I've never purchased a console at launch. The quickest I've ever purchased any game system after its launch was the 3DS and that was a good 6 months after launch (then again maybe it was GBC but I don't think that counts). I hadn't given it a thought earlier, but Rayman Origins made a big enough impression on me that I'm really thinking that I'd like to have Rayman Legends when it launches. Gonna have to wait for the launch details for the final decision, but it's not off the table for me yet.

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Mon, 27 Aug 2012 20:36:14
Release date for USA

Gaming accessory-maker PDP has apparently let slip today that the Wii U will be out in North America on November 18.

A PDP rep was showing off the firm's upcoming products during today's GameStop managers' conference in Texas when they apparently revealed that the line-up will be out 'just ahead of the Wii U's November 18 release', reports Kotaku, who's in contact with an attendee.

This comes just days after Nintendo sent out invites to a press event in Now York City on September 13, where the firm is expected to finally announce the Wii U release date.

November 18 is a Sunday which, as Kotaku notes, would continue a trend for Nintendo, which released both the Wii and GameCube on Sundays in US, as well as the recent 3DS XL. And November 18 is also the last Sunday before America's riot-inducing Black Friday shopping day (November 23), and its unlikely Nintendo will miss that.

A late November would also fit with general expectations, although it's reported that the console will not see EU or Australian shelves until December.

RUMOR - Details on Wii U GamePad range

Maximum Range - up to 100 meters on max power

Edited: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 20:49:50

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Mon, 27 Aug 2012 21:19:28
So Nov. 18 it is then. I want the price, has to be $250. Better start peeordering , I think I should get 2 so I can sell one.
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Mon, 27 Aug 2012 21:26:15
Dvader said:
So Nov. 18 it is then. I want the price, has to be $250. Better start peeordering , I think I should get 2 so I can sell one.

Yeah, it's exactly when every one thought it would release. Nintendo's NY Presser is September 13 (which is a day after the iPhone 5 will be announced* -- not a great time to try and get the regular media to pay attention.

*All speculation, but that is what almost everyone says.

Edited: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 04:03:11

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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 02:45:33

If it were $250 that's so fucking tempting to import. Y U NO REGION FREE NINTENDO?! Sad

Buy 3 Vader, and I'll pay for shipping. Nyaa

Edited: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 02:46:18

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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 02:47:27
Foolz said:

If it were $250 that's so fucking tempting to import. Y U NO REGION FREE NINTENDO?! Sad

Buy 3 Vader, and I'll pay for shipping. Nyaa

I would buy one for you if you pay for everything. Serious. Maybe not at launch though cause I can only be at so many places at once.

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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 02:55:44
Dvader said:

I would buy one for you if you pay for everything. Serious. Maybe not at launch though cause I can only be at so many places at once.

Haha yeah, that's what I meant really.

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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 03:00:42
Foolz said:

Haha yeah, that's what I meant really.

lol, I know you meant to pay for the Wii U. I am just saying if anyone needs a Wii U smuggler I wouldnt mind doing it for you.

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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 03:16:45

Though I wouldn't say no to only paying for the postage. Nyaa

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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 10:04:46

If it's $250, that will probably mean £200/250euro ... which is pretty good I suppose.

I fear it may be more though.  I mean, the 3DSXL costs £180, though you never know


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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 13:16:08

IBM reconfirms the Wii U/Watson connection

Squashing the rumours that the Wii U CPU is just 3 Wii processors

This is getting interesting...... or not.

Basically what has been rumoured recentely is that the Wii U CPU is an enhanced Broadway CPU i.e the Wii 1 CPU. Some GAF trolls are basically saying it's 3 Wii CPUs strapped together with a slightly higher clock speed, instead of 720mhz it's 1.2ghz or something stupid.

IBM however had said last year that it was an all new chip Power 7 based and shared the same tech as the Watson supercomputer chip. IBM has a twitter feed for Watson related news, someone asked them again yesterday and they replied:

@DeSero "WiiU has 45nm custom chip ... a SOI design & packs same processor tech found in #IBMWatson

So it appears it is a modern design, maybe Nintendo just underclocked it because of overheating like the rumours said before?

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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 16:44:24

The Wii U is going to be a nice piece of tech, regardless.


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Tue, 28 Aug 2012 17:18:15

The Wii U is so 3 Wii's Duct taped  together lol  I kidd I kidd.  Wii will see very soon now, if Nintendo can deliver the software it's going to be great seriously. It's looking better all the time, NintendoLand looks really good, Pikman 3, Wii Zombie U. Those are my 3 launch games if I get one.

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