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The Super-Humongous, ExciteBots Giga Topic of Transformers, Online Gambling and Sandwiches!
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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:12:12
Does the game have a poker tutorial?

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:45:30

gamingeek said:
Does the game have a poker tutorial?

There is a poker tutorial but I didn't mess with it since I know how to play Poker.  It's really not all that tough of a game - particularly since there's no element of bluffing or actual play.  Just a matter of knowing the hands and there's only about 7 hands to know - 2 pair, 2 of a kind, 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind, flush, straight, and full house.   And most of those are pretty obvious as to what they are.

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Fri, 24 Apr 2009 17:56:08
Oh right, I play blackjack and (not sure how to spell it) gin rummi.

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Sat, 25 Apr 2009 09:21:43
I just saw the IGN video review, I'm impressed! Looks like a lot of fun.

But are there more level variety than just beaches, trees and shrubs? I saw a desert level but what about things like volcano levels, or racing through a ruin, or a castle?

Anyway, seeing this game makes me want to buy a racing game. I'm going to get Pure once I can.


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Sat, 25 Apr 2009 09:28:44

ASK_Story said:
I just saw the IGN video review, I'm impressed! Looks like a lot of fun.

But are there more level variety than just beaches, trees and shrubs? I saw a desert level but what about things like volcano levels, or racing through a ruin, or a castle?

Anyway, seeing this game makes me want to buy a racing game. I'm going to get Pure once I can.

that was one of matt's gripes.  not enough level variety


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Sat, 25 Apr 2009 09:52:33

bugsonglass said:

ASK_Story said:
I just saw the IGN video review, I'm impressed! Looks like a lot of fun.

But are there more level variety than just beaches, trees and shrubs? I saw a desert level but what about things like volcano levels, or racing through a ruin, or a castle?

Anyway, seeing this game makes me want to buy a racing game. I'm going to get Pure once I can.

that was one of matt's gripes.  not enough level variety

 matt who?

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Sat, 25 Apr 2009 10:10:14

Iga_Bobovic said:

bugsonglass said:

ASK_Story said:
I just saw the IGN video review, I'm impressed! Looks like a lot of fun.

But are there more level variety than just beaches, trees and shrubs? I saw a desert level but what about things like volcano levels, or racing through a ruin, or a castle?

Anyway, seeing this game makes me want to buy a racing game. I'm going to get Pure once I can.

that was one of matt's gripes.  not enough level variety

matt who?

cassamassina or whatever his name is, wasn't he who wrote the ign review?  i thought it was


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Sat, 25 Apr 2009 10:34:14

bugsonglass said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

bugsonglass said:

ASK_Story said:
I just saw the IGN video review, I'm impressed! Looks like a lot of fun.

But are there more level variety than just beaches, trees and shrubs? I saw a desert level but what about things like volcano levels, or racing through a ruin, or a castle?

Anyway, seeing this game makes me want to buy a racing game. I'm going to get Pure once I can.

that was one of matt's gripes.  not enough level variety

matt who?

cassamassina or whatever his name is, wasn't he who wrote the ign review?  i thought it was

Edit: oh this is the Exciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite topic. nevermind.

Edited: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 10:35:48
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Sat, 25 Apr 2009 16:46:46

Just a few more impressions on the game. So far I seem to pretty much suck when it comes to the actual racing game.  I've yet to win a big online race, though I can usually manage to still stay competitive due to racking up points on tricks.  There's an interesting balance in this game in trying to be the first to cross the finish line, but still taking the time to pull off some high point tricks (which inevitably add a half second or so to your racing time).  I would probably benefit from crashing a lot less too.

On the other hand I absolutely rock at Poker.  I've won just about every online poker race I've played.  Unfortunately it's not real easy to get into an online poker race.  Apparently the mode isn't overly popular so most players opt for the standard Exciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite racing.  

But now the big question. . . is it better than Mario Kart?  Tough to say.  Mario Kart has the edge in a couple key areas - look/graphics, number of racers, variety of levels, music, and ease of finding an online race.  That last point may not be valid since eXciteBots only came out 4 days ago, but it's tough to go back to waiting several minutes for a match after you've been able to just turn on the game and instantly be put into a qeue for the next race.  

On the other hand eXciteBots has a couple key things going for it.  It's nice to go back to a game where pure skill will always triumph.  Sure in Kart the best racers usually win, but there's little denying the frustration of losing a race to a Blue Shell or have a bullet bill race by you that some schmuck picked up because he kept running into a wall.  Plus, the online betting makes it all much more competitive.  Sure playing for points is nice, but when you're betting with stars that you can actually use to trade in for new racers, statues, icons, etc., well that just brings it up a notch in my book.

So I'm not sure which is better yet. . . more racing needs to be done before a decision is made.

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Sun, 26 Apr 2009 10:54:22
Nice impressions Robio.

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Sun, 26 Apr 2009 15:23:07


Beyond the charm of racing a big robot bug (or some other critter), the game throws tons or random silliness into your path. You’ll be cruising along and suddenly pick up weird stuff like a big dart that can be chucked at a passing target, a soccer ball you’ll have to swerve into to knock into a goalie net, the necessary ingredients to make a sandwich, and even false teeth you can send chomping towards nearby opponents. The near-endless array of often wild and creative antics keeps things lively and injects a dose of humor into the otherwise intense and speedy racing gameplay.

All around, Excitebots is a step up from its four-wheeled cousin and possibly just bizarre enough to hold your attention for far longer.


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Sun, 26 Apr 2009 15:32:09

A portion of a Globe and Mail review…

I’m not sure what Shigeru Myamoto and company are serving their underlings in the company cafeteria, but I think they ought to start dishing it out for their third-party developers.

Full review here LOL

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Mon, 27 Apr 2009 18:45:34
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Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:17:13

Hell, this game has a consensus of reviews, its good.

Excitebots - review

A portion of an NWR review…

Overall, Excitebots: Trick Racing is a fantastic game. While it hasn’t perfected what Excite Truck started, it offers a fresh experience that is unlike anything before. Even fans of Excite Truck will be thrown for a loop when they take on the virtual high-speed obstacle course that is Excitebots. Fans of light-hearted arcade racing would do well to take Excitebots out for a spin.

Full review here

Excitebots - review

A portion of an N-Sider review…

Motion control perfectly utilized to make an impossibly exciting and ridiculously fun game.

Full review here

Edited: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:33:07

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Fri, 15 May 2009 18:35:58

Not sure if anyone saw this, but Excitebots totally crashed when it came to sales.  Apr. sales numbers say 13,000 copies were sold.  10 days of sales or not, that's just pathetic.  Though I got to say, not unexpected at all for three huge reasons.

1.  Mario Kart is better.  After spending enough time with it I have to admit I like Mario Kart a lot more.  It just feels like a more finished game.  Mario Kart has more levels, better music, better graphics, a better variety of racers, and ultimately a much better online community.  

2.  Terrible marketing.  Mario Kart is still outshining this game big time, and Nintendo didn't do much to give this game its own spotlight.  Plus this game may win an award for bad box art.  

3.  The ultimate sin that Excitebots committed is that it tried to be the kind of game that appeals to hardcore and casual gamers.  It's a tough racer in the harder levels and for all the ridiculous gimmicks it has, it's still very much a game where the most skilled racer wins every time.  But as I said, it's chock full of gimmicks - sandwichs, soccer balls, butterfly catching, etc. in an effort to appeal to casual gamers (I think).  Bottom line though, is in attempting to appeal to everyone, it appealed to no one.

I still heartily recommend the game to everyone.  It's definitely a good game.  But to be honest, I'll probably be hanging this one up soon to stay with Mario Kart.  

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Sat, 16 May 2009 00:36:18

robio said:

  Bottom line though, is in attempting to appeal to everyone, it appealed to no one.

 I'm not sure about this. Excite truck was more the standard racer and that got called generic and only got people playing it and liking it long after launch.  And I don't think it's any more geared for the casual than mario kart is - that game is a casuals magnet. What are the excite truck numbers anyway?

I wonder how much of an audience there is for offbeat arcade racers? And I just have so much fun with the leaping and spinning, I'm not sure  where I'd place it in relation to Mario Kart. Different kinds of enjoyment. 

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Sat, 16 May 2009 06:07:33
I'm sure there's a lot of people who won't be buying it at full price as soona s ti comes out, tohugh. Like me!

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Sat, 16 May 2009 06:18:05
Foolz said:
I'm sure there's a lot of people who won't be buying it at full price as soona s ti comes out, tohugh. Like me!

And me!


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 16 May 2009 09:35:41

Yodariquo said:
Foolz said:
I'm sure there's a lot of people who won't be buying it at full price as soona s ti comes out, tohugh. Like me!

And me!

and me!


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Sat, 16 May 2009 14:23:13

The first probably sold due to it being a launch game. 

Now a few years later they snap announce and release the game, completely change its title and format. Making the game (superficially) look like any other shovelware release and then expect it to sell? To who? The 15 million who already own Mario Kart? A franchise over a decade old and starring the most famous games character  in the world?

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