Forum > Gaming Discussion > Have new versions of most Xbox/GC/PS2 era games topped them?
Have new versions of most Xbox/GC/PS2 era games topped them?
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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 16:54:07

I noticed me and a few others still think Halo CE is the best Halo game.

So new versions of PS2 era games? Have they beaten their predecessors? Which ones haven't?

Mario Galaxy very clearly beats Sunshine (yes Edgecrusher it does!)

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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 17:15:27
Yes. I think basically every franchise has had the best game released this gen. Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Super Mario, Zelda, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Forza, etc. There's a scant few that I think didn't quite make it. For example as much as I loved Final Fantasy XIII and FFXIII-2 FFVIII and FFX are still two I'd rank above them. I'm still waiting to see how Dragon Quest X fares but it's really going to have to kick ass to top DQVIII.


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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 18:23:27

Some games have, some games haven't.

Most are more opinion than anything else.

I still think the N64 Zelda's are better than the newer ones. I still think the PS2 GTA's are better than GTA 4. I still think Morrowind is the best Elder Scrolls game. I still think FF 7 and 8 were the best FF's.

The newer Call Of Duty's are definitely better than the old ones. Fable 2 was better than Fable 1. The older Resident Evil's are still my favorites, etc.

All opinion.  Most games still play the the same structure that we have had for over 12 years, so its tough to outright say "this game is better than that game" as a fact.

Edited: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 18:43:10


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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 19:13:31
Archangel3371 said:
Yes. I think basically every franchise has had the best game released this gen. Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Super Mario, Zelda, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Forza, etc. There's a scant few that I think didn't quite make it. For example as much as I loved Final Fantasy XIII and FFXIII-2 FFVIII and FFX are still two I'd rank above them. I'm still waiting to see how Dragon Quest X fares but it's really going to have to kick ass to top DQVIII.

I haven't played much MGS, is the consensus that 4 is better than 3?

Resident Evil 4 is better than 5 and according to general consensus, 6 too.

edgecrusher said:

Some games have, some games haven't.

Most are more opinion than anything else.

I still think the N64 Zelda's are better than the newer ones. I still think the PS2 GTA's are better than GTA 4. I still think Morrowind is the best Elder Scrolls game. I still think FF 7 and 8 were the best FF's.

The newer Call Of Duty's are definitely better than the old ones. Fable 2 was better than Fable 1. The older Resident Evil's are still my favorites, etc.

All opinion.  Most games still play the the same structure that we have had for over 12 years, so its tough to outright say "this game is better than that game" as a fact.

Yeah of course it's opinion bro.

GTA 3 and Vice City are better than 4 IMO. I think you're crazy on the Zelda if you go back and play them now. Morrowind is better than the new ones? I have a hard time believing it.

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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 21:09:42

OLD IS BETTER: Morrowind is better than Skyrim and Oblivion.

NEW IS BETTER: GTA has gotten better with Lost and Damned and Gay Tony (though GTA4 brings down the average) but all in all they are better game-play experiences than the GTA3 era (if you are talking about playing the entire games to completion).

NEW IS BETTER: Mario Galaxy. Though not sure if this is even a continuation of Sunshine. Galaxy is a while new franchise/ game to me rather than a continuation of Mario's 3D exploits.

NEW IS BETTER: Yakuza certainly has become honed to a sleeker version of what was great to start with.

I can't speak to Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo or Dragon Quest, because I've only played the old ones.  It's probably safe to say DQ9 is better than 8 for most peopel.

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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 21:37:43

MGS3 is concered better by most GG.

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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 22:12:17

Devil May Cry 4 would have to be a step back, but the new DMC might bring some shine to this generation.  I've only beaten 1 and 2, thought from what I remember 4 was early in the generation and involved backtracking almost the entire game?

Vader, what say you?

Edited: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 22:13:33

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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 22:35:23

DMC4 was fantastic and to me slightly behind DMC3. Yes you backtrack through the whole game but its with Dante which has a different combat system than Nero. Its like two action games in one. I think DmC will be great but I highly doubt it could be as good as DMC3 and 4.

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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 22:43:20

I would say Resident Evil GC era was better.

MGS PS2 era was better simply cause it had two console MGS games.

Sonic current gen better than last gen.

Mario current gen is much better.

Zelda was better GC era counting TP as GC.

Metroid was better GC era.

Halo better this gen just cause of the volume of quality titles

Castlevania better this gen.

Ratchet and Clank better PS2 era

GTA better PS2 era

Gran Turismo a million times better PS2 era

GoW better PS2 era

FF better PS2 era

Street Fighter better this gen

DMC better last gen

TES better this gen

Edited: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 23:18:59
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Mon, 12 Nov 2012 23:09:08

I'd say that Devil May Cry 4 basically is on par with DMC3 so it's kind of a tie. Skyrim is better then Morrowind. Castlevania is also better this gen. Virtua Fighter and Tekken are better this gen. Dead or Alive a little better as well. Grand Theft Auto is better this gen.

Gran Turismo is better in PS2 era.


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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 01:37:40

PES: better last gen.

FIFA: better this gen.

Killzone: better this gen.

I'm surprised these 3 hadn't been brought up already.

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 10:30:25
Dvader said:

MGS3 is concered better by most GG.

Interesting, thanks.

Sonic is better, you're right. Or are you, does Dreamcast Sonic Adventure count?

Zelda, I would have said you were right but Twilight Princess was a Wii launch game and a GC release so it's hard to decide where to count it. I think I will count it this gen because they delayed it because of Wii and implemented Wii functions. Metroid is tough for me, I guess they did two games, but if you are talking about quality I prefer MP3 even though 1 was this epoch defining game.

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 11:30:21
I counted Twilight Princess as current gen so that's why I said Zelda is better now as it's my favourite Zelda game. I do have Skyward Sword but haven't played it yet so I don't know where I'll rank that one. I also have both Metroid Other M and Metroid Prime Trilogy and haven't played these games either so I can't really comment on those.


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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 12:18:45

Do you think you will ever get around to playing them?

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:38:04
Oh yeah one day eventually. I don't know if it'll be on the Wii or the Wii U though. I also have The Last Story, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and Punch-Out!! left to play plus I still need to finish Xenoblade Chronicles. On the PS3 I need to play White Knight Chronicles 1 & 2, Tales of Graces f, and Resistance 3. On the 360 it's Ace Combat Assault Horizon, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Kingdoms of Amalur, and Ridge Racer Unbounded. I also have several XBLA games as well. I'm developing a sizable backlog.


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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:43:17
Archangel3371 said:
Oh yeah one day eventually. I don't know if it'll be on the Wii or the Wii U though. I also have The Last Story, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and Punch-Out!! left to play plus I still need to finish Xenoblade Chronicles. On the PS3 I need to play White Knight Chronicles 1 & 2, Tales of Graces f, and Resistance 3. On the 360 it's Ace Combat Assault Horizon, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Kingdoms of Amalur, and Ridge Racer Unbounded. I also have several XBLA games as well. I'm developing a sizable backlog.

One day sounds foggy. You have too much on your plate? If I were to ask you, do you have an idea when you are going to play Resistance 3 for instance or any other game do you have any idea when? By summer 2013? Early 2014?

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 17:16:26
gamingeek said:

One day sounds foggy. You have too much on your plate? If I were to ask you, do you have an idea when you are going to play Resistance 3 for instance or any other game do you have any idea when? By summer 2013? Early 2014?

Jesus man I don't know. Today, tomorrow, next week, next year. It's not terribly important for me to lock down some type of schedule for when I play my games.


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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 18:26:40
Archangel3371 said:
Jesus man I don't know. Today, tomorrow, next week, next year. It's not terribly important for me to lock down some type of schedule for when I play my games.

I'm just wondering because myself I find 'someday' to be never. Usually. I was wondering if other people had any idea of a time frame that they give themselves? If you keep buying and playing the latest games then when do you have the chance to play old ones? This is how backlogs develop.

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 19:26:22

Hmmm lets see...

Resident Evil ..... tough call I love all the games but I give a nod to current gen. Resident Evil 5 may be my favorite game of the generation.

Metroid ....... another toughie... Super Metroid is easily one of the greatest games of all time, but I never played the original NES one. And I guess Metroid Prime would be considered last gen too? So.... what is the gurrent gen Metroids ... Prime 3 and Other M? If that's the case than old by a mile. Prime 3 was ok but derivitive and Other M is an abortion.

Sonic.... current gen is much better than last gen. I thought all Sonic games were doomed to be shit when I was running around last time as a fucking werewolf (!!) but Sonic Generations was a true pleasure to play. They are finally getting it.

Zelda.... I like the old ones the best as personal preference. The first Zelda and Link To The Past are the best ones. I thought Twilight Princess was boring and the same as Ocarina and the Sky one looks stupid too. I'm very bored of playing hte same Zelda game everytime since the N64.

Halo...... I would say better this gen. Halo one was awesome but two had a shit garbage story. Halo 4 and Halo Reach are both simultaneously the pinnacle of the series. Don't ask me how that works but it does.

Castlevania.... lol Castlevania last gen no thank you. Current gen Castlevania bends it over and spanks it. Can't wait for the new game.

GTA.... I liked GTA4 a lot despite some flaws (I played through it twice) but it doesn't touch Vice City or San Andreas. They have lost a lot of the soul the series once had. Saints Row 2 and 3 were better as well. So last gen.

God Of War..... Part 3 was a spectacle and one hell of a ride but I thought past 2 was better so last gen.

Final Fantasy...... ew gross, get it away!

Street Fighter...... waaaaay better this gen

Devil May Cry......... lol this series is fucked.

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Tue, 13 Nov 2012 19:58:11
gamingeek said:

I'm just wondering because myself I find 'someday' to be never. Usually. I was wondering if other people had any idea of a time frame that they give themselves? If you keep buying and playing the latest games then when do you have the chance to play old ones? This is how backlogs develop.

Well I 'plan' to play them eventually which is why I buy them so I can't say I'll never play them because never is a long time. I probably could have played them in actuality but the thing that has made me hold off of them this long has been the amount of time I've been spending with online multiplayer in games like Gears of War 3, Mass Effect 3, Halo 4, and soon Black Ops 2.


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