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2012 GOTY - Other Websites/ Magazines
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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 01:12:36
Ok maybe after Christmas. And yes they gave it THE GOTY
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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 02:18:37
Dvader said:
Ok maybe after Christmas. And yes they gave it THE GOTY

No way. I'm going to have to check this out... goes to IGN...

LOL oh wow. So they pulled a GameSpot/Demon Souls/Traffic Magnet.  Oh well.

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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 02:20:50
All this talk makes me want to play it, but I don't wanna she'll out the money
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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 02:24:02
travo said:
All this talk makes me want to play it, but I don't wanna she'll out the money

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I want to play Journey. I'm sure it has merit. But picking it over some of the other games that came out this year is clearly just a way to get attention for IGN.

I listen to IGN's Playstation podcast weekly and those guys were way more passionate about other games this year.  This seems like a contrieved move.

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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 02:29:49
I certainly agree with you.  I think there's a disc version that includes other downloadable PS3 exclusives.  I'll pick that up.
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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 02:57:01

Pissing of Robio and Vader to such a high degree is worthy of GOTY IMO. Nyaa

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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 10:55:29
No love for Xenoblade? At least TIME had it at 2 or something

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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 15:34:47
gamingeek said:
No love for Xenoblade? At least TIME had it at 2 or something

Too bloated.

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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 16:02:57
Dvader said:
gamingeek said:
No love for Xenoblade? At least TIME had it at 2 or something

Too bloated.

Yeah fuck off.

The VG Press
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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 16:26:46

Journey --DOES-- deserve GOTY mentions, if not THE GOTY awards.

What other games this year offered such unique and never before seen concepts?

IF you get behind the idea, it offers the kind of connection to another or other players not seen anywhere else. You are dropped into a lonely world with no clues as to what to do. You can wander for a while and not even come across another player, so you kinda fumble in the dark. When you meet another person, either they will help you proceed --or-- you will learn together. It goes from a lonely experience to a shared experience. There's no fighting, there's not competing, there's no losing. It's just you and another person sharing a walk together, unraveling minor mysteries of the world into which you are dropped. If you work together (you can help each other climb faster and quicker) you will progress that much faster. You can be separated and go back to your lonely existence. You can find each other again and the typical response is singing a short happy tune, or running around each other happily. In this game, you just appreciate someone else JUST being there. You don't want to kill them. You don't try to beat them. You are just happy they are there. NO other game offers that intimate connection.

If you play the game and then return, you'll often come across someone playing it for the first time, then YOU become their guide. You experience their Journey through their eyes as if it were your fist time again too. It's like teaching your child how to play a Mario game and feeling that feeling of pride when they succeed, or having them remind you of the first time YOU played by their curious actions.

  • Everyone has moments in their life when they feel alone. This game reminds you of that.
  • Everyone has monents in their life when they feel that exhilartion of a new friend or new wonders. This game reminds you of that.
  • Everyone has moments in their life when they find themselves alone again, missing their friends and past experiences. This game reminds you of those.
  • That smile that comes across your face involuntarily when you see an old friend again. Yup. In there.
  • When you sit back and reminisce about your life, you inevitably think of the people you shared it WITH. This game does that.

Yes, it's a metaphor for life. Yes, if you aren't expecting that or accepting of that, you can find it cheesy, but it accomplishes what it sets out to do and does it unlike any other game this year, and that's why it deserves to be recognized.

It's not the Shooter of the Year.

It's not the Platformer of the Year.

It's not the Action Game of the Year.

It's not a specific ANYTHING of the Year. If, by it's simplest definition, a Game is something you just PLAY with someone else and Journey is a game in which you just PLAY... then it is the Game of the Year. It may not be better than anything else by THEIR definitions, but on it's own, there's NOTHING else like it. Everything else nominated has been done before. It's not MY GOTY, but I do agree with it being a whole heck of a lot of other people's.

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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 16:56:20

I get more emotional over good quality toilet paper than Journey. The game was a chore. It made me feel resentment, anger, and grief for having spent $15 on it. I've felt those feelings before. Nothing new.

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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 16:57:18
Dvader said:

Ohh I had some nerd rage over Journey winning IGN GOTY. You can read most of it at GS. I wish we had a podcast coming up soon cause I can go on a big rant.

I would join that podcast. I'd even stay up late for it.

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Sun, 23 Dec 2012 21:14:33

I'm not bothering with non-enthusiast press or these blogs that no-one has heard of. BTW.

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Wed, 26 Dec 2012 01:09:12

Updated. Waiting for Vader...

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Wed, 26 Dec 2012 02:12:10

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Wed, 26 Dec 2012 16:35:16
LOL Stephen Colbert FTW.


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Wed, 26 Dec 2012 17:08:19

This year should simply be erased from existance. Overall GOTY winners goes like:

2008: Super Mario Galaxy

2009: Uncharted 2

2010: Mass Effect 2

2011: Skyrim

2012: Journey

One of those things is not like the other things.

Also proof that this year kind of sucked.

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Wed, 26 Dec 2012 17:09:12



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Wed, 26 Dec 2012 17:25:13

DAMN GME you went right at Carnage, that is almost too harsh. Funny though.

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