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Any games where you had to quell your anticipation?
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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 12:47:56
  1. Ocarina Of Time. I remember in typical Nintendo fashion, they only had enough copies for a few people who didn't preorder. I called KB TOYS at my local mall, and this girl tells me they had 1 copy I begged her to hold it for me and I would be down in 15 minutes. Got my mother to give me the money for it and give me a ride to go get into the store, and the other girl working there tells me they sold the last copy a half hour ago. I was soooo pissed off, I think it was one of my most angry moments in my life. The store was full of people, and I literally yelled at both the bitches working the counter "I JUST CALLED YOU 15 MINUTES AGO AND YOU TOLD ME YOU HAD THE FUCKING GAME!!!!" They didn't know WHAT the fuck to say. I walked out and didn't end up getting the game until X-mas.
  2. Perfect crazy story for this one, but being the insanely hyped up sequel to Goldeneye that it was (which was my most played N64 game, or actually most played game PERIOD of that era) I was dying for this game to come out...and Rare just kept DELAYING it and DELAYING it. UGH. It ended up being worth the wait though.
  3. Resident Evil 4. RE was my favorite franchise at the time...and considering this game was going to revolutionize it and add in a ton more freedom, while pushing the Gamecube to the limits, I was totally stoked whenever any news was revealed about it. Then when it finally came out right before my birthday was awesome.


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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 13:21:47
Dvader said:

Fire Emblem?


How in the HELL...?

At least it took you two guesses this time...

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 13:41:30
bugsonglass said:

Going to take a really wild guess...

Etrian Odyssey IV?

or some new Shin Megami game I'm not even aware of.

... or perhaps Anarchy Reigns so you can play with me? Nyaa

I am excited for Etrian, Shin Megami: Soul Hackers and Tensei IV... but they haven't hit the same fever pitch as Fire Emblem.

Here's my reasoning: Lately I've been enjoying long, deep, replayable games IMMENSELY. I've never spent as much time with any game as Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Need for Speed and, yeah, even Black Ops 2. Not only am I --COMPLETELY-- starved for some Intelligent System's Gameplay and Story Drama, but the fact that they incorporated so many --NEW-- elements into it: Dual Attacks and Defense, Giving BIRTH to children depending on who you get close to... THEN, the Graphics look absolutely BEAUTIFUL this time, SOOO much prettier than the GameCube, GameBoy, DS and Wii games... AND they're in 3D... AND the game is PORTABLE...

I've been thinking to try and find Advanced Wars: Days of Ruin again... If even just to experience that ONE particular scene again... "Where there's life, there's hope." ...but I am trying to hold out for FE too... UUUGGGHHH ! ! !

I have it Pre-Ordered in TWO stores at the moment. One in the city, one by my home, because I don't know where I will be on the day it is released --AND-- no one can tell me the actual IN-STORE date (the 4th or the 5th)...

I don't know what it is exactly, but this game is sending my excitement and anticipation off the charts...

I can't even sit still in my seat as I am typing this!


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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 13:41:42
phantom_leo said:
Dvader said:

Fire Emblem?


How in the HELL...?

At least it took you two guesses this time...

Dudebro game if there ever was one ... Nyaa


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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 13:45:08


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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 13:56:06

Since they were mentioned:

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 14:01:43
phantom_leo said:




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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 14:01:44

There is a downloadable demo for Fire Emblem available on the e-shop right now. I am struggling as to whether I should DL it or not. On one hand, I --REALLY-- want to try it. On the other, FIFTEEN or SIXTEEN MORE DAYS...  Cry !

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 14:02:39
Archangel3371 said:
phantom_leo said:




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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 19:40:17
phantom_leo said:

There is a downloadable demo for Fire Emblem available on the e-shop right now. I am struggling as to whether I should DL it or not. On one hand, I --REALLY-- want to try it. On the other, FIFTEEN or SIXTEEN MORE DAYS...  Cry !

Well I am going to try it.

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 19:43:11

I actually downloaded it. I need to go into the city tonight for a Humanitarian Award dinner, so it will be occupying my time on the train.

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Sun, 20 Jan 2013 19:45:27

I don't recall. Do you normally like Fire Emblem or Advanced Wars games?

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Mon, 21 Jan 2013 02:35:33


3DS only?

Does GME need to buy a 3DS now....


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Mon, 21 Jan 2013 03:45:03

Yes. Yes you do!

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Mon, 21 Jan 2013 05:36:43
phantom_leo said:

I don't recall. Do you normally like Fire Emblem or Advanced Wars games?

Only have played FE.

Tried the demo, it was AWESOME!!! The animation iin the cutscenes is truly breathtaking. The gameplay is of course FE with clear new added things like partnering up. I had no problems jumping right in and saw the depth immediately. When you go to the fight screen you can go into first person mode, really cool. The story seems awesome, ninja zombie robot things from another dimension with time traveling Marth! Yes please. But i will wait on this one.

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Mon, 21 Jan 2013 12:55:53
Dvader said:

Only have played FE.

Tried the demo, it was AWESOME!!! The animation iin the cutscenes is truly breathtaking. The gameplay is of course FE with clear new added things like partnering up. I had no problems jumping right in and saw the depth immediately. When you go to the fight screen you can go into first person mode, really cool. The story seems awesome, ninja zombie robot things from another dimension with time traveling Marth! Yes please. But i will wait on this one.

Fire Emblems are the kind of games that disappear before they go cheap.  Don't wait too long


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Mon, 21 Jan 2013 14:34:49
Dvader said:
phantom_leo said:

I don't recall. Do you normally like Fire Emblem or Advanced Wars games?

Only have played FE.

Tried the demo, it was AWESOME!!! The animation iin the cutscenes is truly breathtaking. The gameplay is of course FE with clear new added things like partnering up. I had no problems jumping right in and saw the depth immediately. When you go to the fight screen you can go into first person mode, really cool. The story seems awesome, ninja zombie robot things from another dimension with time traveling Marth! Yes please. But i will wait on this one.

Didn't get to play it on the train last night. Too many rowdy people coming back from a hockey game for me to comfortably take out my 3DS and play. I wouldn't have been able to hear the music at the very least, and that was one of the things I was looking forward to.

I DID, however, get to play it before going to sleep last night... and it was GLORIOUS! Valkyria Chronicles style cut-scenes, best battle animation in a FE game yet, changes to the game play FINALLY and LOTS of added touch-screen functionality. So. very. welcome!

I got home sort of late, wanted to go to bed, but wanted to play the demo too. Apparently, you can't SAVE in the demo --and-- you only get 30 chances to play the demo. Had I shut it off without saving, that would have been one less chance to play --AND-- different difficulties open up AFTER you beat the two maps on the normal difficulty! I stuck it out and played through the whole demo, so --HOPEFULLY-- it saved my progress so I can try the harder difficulty (LUNATIC) later!


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Mon, 21 Jan 2013 16:12:10
bugsonglass said:

Fire Emblems are the kind of games that disappear before they go cheap.  Don't wait too long

Indeed. I'll be picking this one up right away.


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Mon, 21 Jan 2013 20:38:57

Too many times to remember. And I never learn.

The most memorable experience was World Series Baseball for the Dreamcast.

At the time of the games release the Dreamcast was, without question, the most powerful console available.  It only made sense then that World Series Baseball would be the most impressive simulation of baseball available to mankind up to that point in history.

Even better that it was coming from SEGA, who had a great track record with basball (World Series 98 on Saturn to mention just one.  I was also taking into consideration the amazing sports games on the Dreamcast -- like the 2K series.

This was, without doubt, going to be the greatest sports simulation of all time.

Then it got delayed. Baseball season came and it was delayed further.

On the day it came out I lined up in front of Best Buy (convinvced that the throng of people present had they same goal in mind as myself) and had Mrs. Aspro run interference when the doors opened.  I actaully instructed her to "compliment that guy's shirt if he starts going toward the game section".

I get it home, start playing and think, "...that's funny... something must be wrong with the stereo".  So I go check the wiring, nope, everything is good, but what is that strange hissing noise?  It was the game.  It turned out it was just a port of their Japanese arcade game.  No fielding to mention, poor pitching.  It was essentially a slugfest with cave-man looking avatars and broken sound.

And I learned NOTHING.  I still do this with every highly anticipated game.

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Sat, 09 Mar 2013 21:05:18

Do I know myself well, or what?


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