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Little Kings Story (Wii) the triple AAA reviews keep rolling in GOTY thread
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Thu, 17 Dec 2009 00:53:44
Sauvage was hard at first, but just remember to hide in the caves on the side of the mountain and you should be fine!

As for the gates they oepn as you defeat more bosses or guardians or something.

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Fri, 18 Dec 2009 17:49:46

Sauvage beat. That was epic. Does this game have the best boss fights ever? Grinning

That was cool. Game has opened up more. This haunted zone, I broke open the headstones, killed a ghost and all these other ghosts locked me into an area and came at me like zombies. I was savaged Grinning

How do you beat them? Do they infinite spawn till you escape?

How do I get into that birdcage with the skeleton thing? I know you can break open the gate but his fire/ice breath craps all over me while I do it.

Also what is this haunted armor dude about, I paid 290'0000 or something for one dude that is undead? What use is he?

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 00:37:02

gamingeek said:

Sauvage beat. That was epic. Does this game have the best boss fights ever? Grinning

That was cool. Game has opened up more. This haunted zone, I broke open the headstones, killed a ghost and all these other ghosts locked me into an area and came at me like zombies. I was savaged Grinning

How do you beat them? Do they infinite spawn till you escape?

How do I get into that birdcage with the skeleton thing? I know you can break open the gate but his fire/ice breath craps all over me while I do it.

Also what is this haunted armor dude about, I paid 290'0000 or something for one dude that is undead? What use is he?

They keep spawning in that area as far as I know, but...

Be careful in that zombie area when you're exploring for treasure as something catastrophic can happen. Nyaa

With the birdcage I ran around the cage and waited until he'd attacked then ran inside and raped him.

He'll be the steel knight if I remember correctly. It's money well spent.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 13:19:56

Yes but you have to break open the cage door first, with cows in the way too.

Yes but what does this steel knight DO that is worth 290'000?

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 13:25:33

GG break open the door, then warp back to the castle. Take 4 hardened soldiers and the Steel Knight. Equip them with anti fire and frost armour if you must and attack. When he fires go to the side, he can't attack you there.

If you want to know more about the Steel Knight ask Liam about it.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 13:47:48

Iga_Bobovic said:

GG break open the door, then warp back to the castle. Take 4 hardened soldiers and the Steel Knight. Equip them with anti fire and frost armour if you must and attack. When he fires go to the side, he can't attack you there.

If you want to know more about the Steel Knight ask Liam about it.

I bought the steel knight but didn't save as I wanted to know what happened when you bought this mucho expensivo armour.

I dont want to buy it again until I know why 1 dude is worth that much mula.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 14:03:07

Steel Knight
Icon: Steel helm     Specialty: Super move
Notice how a merchant will occasionally visit you when you sit on your throne,
peddling extra upgrades and the like. It is important to buy every single
upgrade that he offers since they will help you a lot. Meanwhile, your two
ministers Liam and Verde will demand that you pay them a number of times over
the course of the game. Accept all their requests and the merchant will
continue to appear. The final item that will be sold is the Rare Armour, which
is rumoured to be haunted.

Once you have the rare armour, it will be placed in a corner behind your
throne. Late in the game, say when you have conquered 6 or more of the rival
kingdoms, you will find the Rare Armour coming to live and walking around your
castle lobby. Talk to him and he will join your ranks, thus allowing you to
unlock the one and only steel knight in the game.

The Steel Knight is the strongest fighter in the game, hitting even harder
than hardened soldiers. Whenever you send him out, the steel knight will
always start by using his super move on the enemy, emitting thunderbolts in
the process.

Does he sound worth it?

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 14:54:17

gamingeek said:

Steel Knight
Icon: Steel helm     Specialty: Super move
Notice how a merchant will occasionally visit you when you sit on your throne,
peddling extra upgrades and the like. It is important to buy every single
upgrade that he offers since they will help you a lot. Meanwhile, your two
ministers Liam and Verde will demand that you pay them a number of times over
the course of the game. Accept all their requests and the merchant will
continue to appear. The final item that will be sold is the Rare Armour, which
is rumoured to be haunted.

Once you have the rare armour, it will be placed in a corner behind your
throne. Late in the game, say when you have conquered 6 or more of the rival
kingdoms, you will find the Rare Armour coming to live and walking around your
castle lobby. Talk to him and he will join your ranks, thus allowing you to
unlock the one and only steel knight in the game.

The Steel Knight is the strongest fighter in the game, hitting even harder
than hardened soldiers. Whenever you send him out, the steel knight will
always start by using his super move on the enemy, emitting thunderbolts in
the process.

Does he sound worth it?

 Yes, he is. And he will fight for the death for you, although he is already dead. Buy him and equip him with the legendary sword. His first attack will really hurt your enemies. Plus he blocks very often, so he will not die as fast. 

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 14:56:06

I thought the armour would like increase defence for all citizens by +2 or 3.

Or at least have a squad of them.

So what is an effective way to deal with the ghosts?

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 14:58:03

gamingeek said:

I thought the armour would like increase defence for all citizens by +2 or 3.

Or at least have a squad of them.

So what is an effective way to deal with the ghosts?

Ghost, what ghost? Do you mean Zombies?


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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 15:06:07

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

I thought the armour would like increase defence for all citizens by +2 or 3.

Or at least have a squad of them.

So what is an effective way to deal with the ghosts?

Ghost, what ghost? Do you mean Zombies?

Yeah they are so small I cant tell what they are.

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 15:14:28

gamingeek said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

I thought the armour would like increase defence for all citizens by +2 or 3.

Or at least have a squad of them.

So what is an effective way to deal with the ghosts?

Ghost, what ghost? Do you mean Zombies?

Yeah they are so small I cant tell what they are.

 They come from the ground and when dead they leave a puddle of poison rotten flesh. What else would they be?

They are very annoying, because when they die they leave poison that stays long on the battlefield. 

You can do two things. Use animal hunters to snipe them with arrows. This means you can kill them without any retaliation. 

Or use the Steel Knight and some hardened soldiers. Equip them with anti poison underwear and wipe them out. All of them. Use your Steel Knight first. He will take away lots of health at once. More reason to buy Steel Knight.

Do not take to many men with you if you do the Steel Knight tactic. Four or five hardened soldiers should be enough. 

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 15:26:11

Where do you get anti poisen underwear?

Anyhow, when all is said and done I think this game is going to be right up there behind Endless Ocean on my playtime, Wii channel list. I'm over 30 hours now with two bosses and tons of other stuff to do.

Not sure about the quests, apart from a couple they are all 2 or 3 stars, are they worth my time?

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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 15:29:47

^^You get them from the Art guy in the forest. If you have collected enough paintings he will award you. It's called clean underwear or something.

So can get the legendary sword by training 5 merchants and talk to them. The fifth reward will be the legendary sword.

Edited: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 15:30:17
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Sat, 19 Dec 2009 15:31:25

gamingeek said: 

Not sure about the quests, apart from a couple they are all 2 or 3 stars, are they worth my time?

 Yes, if you need money. Save before hand, so if you lose any men, you can start anew. 

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Sun, 20 Dec 2009 01:54:23
For the zombies I just attack then immediately retreat, lure the other zombies away from the poison pool and do it again.

And don't worry about spending that much on the steel knight because by the end of the game you'll have nothing to buy and have hundreds of millions left over. It's best to buy EVERYTHING you can as there's not really much you can buy.

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Sun, 20 Dec 2009 13:04:14

I'm on the final boss, damn its hard.

Is there anyway to get more life for the king himself? I have 3 bits of life but I'd like a lot more.

No save point, grrrrrrrrrrrrr, now I have to go back to the castle, rearrange my team and then do the whole flight section again.

What types do I need for the battle?

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Sun, 20 Dec 2009 13:12:12

gamingeek said:

I'm on the final boss, damn its hard.

Is there anyway to get more life for the king himself? I have 3 bits of life but I'd like a lot more.

No save point, grrrrrrrrrrrrr, now I have to go back to the castle, rearrange my team and then do the whole flight section again.

What types do I need for the battle?

Steel Knight (1)

Hardened Soldier (the rest) 

Animal Hunters (around 10)

Farmers  (2)

Be sure to equip your Steel Knight with a legendary sword

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Sun, 20 Dec 2009 13:17:06

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

I'm on the final boss, damn its hard.

Is there anyway to get more life for the king himself? I have 3 bits of life but I'd like a lot more.

No save point, grrrrrrrrrrrrr, now I have to go back to the castle, rearrange my team and then do the whole flight section again.

What types do I need for the battle?

Steel Knight (1)

Hardened Soldier (the rest)

Animal Hunters (around 10)

Farmers  (2)

Be sure to equip your Steel Knight with a legendary sword

What's the difference between giving a lengendary sword compared to a mallet or something? I made 5 merchants like you said, I got no sword gift after talking to them.

Why should I need archers? Seems like the rats would just run circles around them?

I hear there is a spring somewhere but I cannot see it. I heard it was in the bottom left corner.

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Sun, 20 Dec 2009 13:20:42

gamingeek said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

I'm on the final boss, damn its hard.

Is there anyway to get more life for the king himself? I have 3 bits of life but I'd like a lot more.

No save point, grrrrrrrrrrrrr, now I have to go back to the castle, rearrange my team and then do the whole flight section again.

What types do I need for the battle?

Steel Knight (1)

Hardened Soldier (the rest)

Animal Hunters (around 10)

Farmers  (2)

Be sure to equip your Steel Knight with a legendary sword

What's the difference between giving a lengendary sword compared to a mallet or something? I made 5 merchants like you said, I got no sword gift after talking to them.

Why should I need archers? Seems like the rats would just run circles around them?

I hear there is a spring somewhere but I cannot see it. I heard it was in the bottom left corner.

 When you attack the archers will multiply the damage. You cannot have 30 soldiers attacking at once, for there is simply not enough space. You can have soldiers attack will archers rain down the pain.

You have to keep talking to them and you will get a present. The fifth present will be the sword. The reason why is because it ups attack and frequency attack. So you will hit twice as hard and twice as often.

Did you fight the last Guardian, yet?

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