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February Fun - The Top 28 Games of All Time
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Sat, 23 Feb 2013 03:36:53

I still get the Tetris song stuck in my head sometimes.

De do do dooo do do dooo da da deeee da da do, da de da doo da dee..

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Sat, 23 Feb 2013 03:40:26

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Sat, 23 Feb 2013 03:42:44

Music C from the Nintendo NES version was always my favorite Tetris song. People somehow forgot that it existed though.
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Sat, 23 Feb 2013 03:47:30

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Sat, 23 Feb 2013 10:09:43
phantom_leo said:

Yeah that's the one. I never played the NES version though, always the gameboy version. We used to have Tetris, Kirbys Dreamland, Mario something and a racing game I remember. Good memories of the gameboy.

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Sat, 23 Feb 2013 13:38:52

#6. Red Dead Redemption

As far as I'm concerned Red Dead Redemption was a gift from god. As a fan of Westerns I've always felt the genre has been disgarded during the past 40 years, not just in video games, but in all of media. RDD is so good though it just about makes up for all of it. Rockstar did a hell of a job with this closing of the West story. People always credit Pixar for being masters at manipulating emotions, but damn what Rockstar did in this game's ending was a suckerpunch that no matter how far ahead you see it coming, it still hurts.  The story, the setting, the gameplay, and even the surprisingly good gameplay all come together and make this the ultimate sandbox game. And for the record, if RDD didn't give me motion sickness and some of the worst headaches I've ever had I would have ranked it even higher. Then again, putting up physical pain just to play a game is probably a compliment in itself.

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Sat, 23 Feb 2013 13:50:00

30-minute version, Leo? Really? Behold! Bacon Pancakes New York Remix 10 Hours!

Edited: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 13:51:57

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Sat, 23 Feb 2013 14:24:32

Jake and Alicia should totally go on tour!

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Sat, 23 Feb 2013 16:20:29
Oh man RDR was pure awesomesauce I can't wait to see how RDD compares though.


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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 00:54:23

God damn you for the Bacon Pancakes song. It's been stuck in my head all freaking afternoon. Ughhhhhhh...

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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 01:14:26

Works every time!


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Sun, 24 Feb 2013 22:25:22

#5. Persona 3 FES

Have you ever completely missed out on a game when it was originally released only to discover it years later and then want to kick your ass for missing it in the first place? That's how I feel about Persona 3. This game takes gaming elements and genres from so many things I love; jRPGs, dungeon crawlers, social sims, and monster training. It takes all of these things and then seemlessly blends them into something all its own. It takes all this and wraps it up with a surprisingly dark story, but then again how surprisingly dark can it be when all the characters trigger their personas by essentially shooting themselves in the head with a gun? Okay, so dark subject matter and completely and delightfully Japanese in its own fucked-upness right down to its j-hip-hop soundtrack. It's really tough to go wrong with that. It even does an amazing job with taking a 60+ hour game and doing a pretty damned good job of keeping it compelling throughout the entire game. Classic game in so many respects, and a must-play.

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Mon, 25 Feb 2013 10:18:41

I never played a Persona game before but you make it sound good, now I want to lol. Was this game ever re-released to the PSP or anything?

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Mon, 25 Feb 2013 13:02:14
GodModeEnabled said:

I never played a Persona game before but you make it sound good, now I want to lol. Was this game ever re-released to the PSP or anything?

Yes Persona 3 was released for the PSP and it's arguably the best version. Because it's a big game a lot of the visuals had to be sacrificed so the cut-screens are far and few inbetween. The result is, the drama of a lot of the scenes is lessened because there's no body language or movement to accompany it. Just talking heads/profiles that show up on the screen. It doesn't allow for your character to walk around either. Instead everything is shown as a map with hotspots and you move your cursor from one to another to go to different places, and some people find that a little irritating. And of course since its a PSP game the graphics do take a hit (music is still intact though and that's awesome).

However there are some great additions to the game that I think work more to the game's favor. The menus, which were pretty rough in the PS2 version are completely streamlined, and are night and day easier to use. They add the option to choose your gender, and if you play as the female character the entire social ladder social structure of the game changes (and actually gets a lot fucking creepier). They add a few features that make leveling up your personality traits easier, which can kind of be brutal in the original version, as well as a few new quests/objectives that keep provide some extra goals to keep things moving gamewise. And then finally there are a lot of little tweaks to the storyline to help it make a bit more sense, as well as a few additions that help tie the game more into Persona 4 and a slightly to Catherine as well.

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Mon, 25 Feb 2013 23:47:42

#4. Resident Evil 4

Before any development team makes a game, they all need to play Resident Evil 4 to learn what the word "pacing" means. RE4 does it better than any other game, period. Every scene is either there to build suspense, lull you into a false sense of security, make you fear for your life, or flat out scare the crap out of you. No moment is wasted or ever feels like filler. That's not to say it's the only thing of merit in the game though. For the time it was a visual treat and even holds up well today. The action is great. Fantastic boss battles. And the Mercenaries is possibly the best side-game of all time. Really it's all just amazing. Remarkably enough I've never cared about another RE game before or since, but this one... it's just magic. One of those amazing games that as soon as you finish it, you just want to start it up again. Not much of a better compliment you can pay a game than that.

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Mon, 25 Feb 2013 23:51:39

After finishing RE6 yesterday, I was wondering if Capcom would ever reclaim the magic of 4 ever again.  It's just pure gaming bliss.

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Mon, 25 Feb 2013 23:56:41
travo said:

After finishing RE6 yesterday, I was wondering if Capcom would ever reclaim the magic of 4 ever again.  It's just pure gaming bliss.

That's one reason why I may never play another RE game. I tried RE5 and loathed it. Revelations was okay, but I put it aside after a couple hours and never went back. I think I may be best off just enjoying RE4 and pretending the rest of the series doesn't exist.

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Tue, 26 Feb 2013 01:35:38

I'd give the RE series another chance if it goes back to being survival horror again. If not, then I'm done with the series.

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Tue, 26 Feb 2013 15:55:12

I would also have to say RE4 would be in my top games of all time as well. At a point where I was ready to give up on games and was bored with them this came out and floored me. I got a Gamecube just for this game (and then moved on to find the other good games on the system too) but man this game..... I must have played it like six times now it is just that good.

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Tue, 26 Feb 2013 15:58:36
Ah good old RE4. It was my top motivating factor for buying a Gamecube.


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