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Reaction to NPD Wii U disaster
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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 05:36:25
Dvader said:

What the hell is Miyamoto doing?


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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 05:39:24
Ravenprose said:


Good then that will inspire him to make some game about retirement that will be genius and sell millions of copies.

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 05:44:58
Dvader said:

Good then that will inspire him to make some game about retirement that will be genius and sell millions of copies.

Finally a Matlock game.


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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 12:21:47
Dvader said:

BTW I think Sony will reclaim the thrown. They have everyones attention, everyone is excited. They can really knock it out of the park next week.

Yes, because after PS3 pricing, Home, Removal of Backwards Compatability, Move, PSP Go, Playstation Store Security, 3D Televisions, Skyrim and Call of Duty, Wonderbook, Vita and Next to nothing to play for most of 2012 (except for Playstation All Stars) they are clearly on a roll lately.

Edited: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 12:23:20
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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 12:33:44

I am just playing Devil's Advocate here, by the way, with EVERYTHING I am posting. Nintendo's not showing much to inspire confidence, unless you read between the lines (which, with Nintendo, usually turns out to be wrong) ---BUT--- everyone's arguments that EVERYONE else will be better next generation is complatetly flawed based on THIS generation's mistakes and the fact that we currently know NOTHING about MS and Sony's machines yet.

Examples: What games is everyone looking forward to that we know 100% are coming? What will the gimmicks be or will there be no gimmicks? What are the ACTUAL specs of these machines?

You shouldn't be excited yet, if you don't know ANYTHING yet! Saying Nintendo is in trouble based on knowing NOTHING about Next Gen is kinda silly.

Edited: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 14:50:44
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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 12:45:10

It is too early to say if Nintendo is in trouble, and while they're going to suck ass for a while I think they'll bounce back into a N64 role once again. You'll have great first party games and Platinum taking the place of Rare.

And really I have a feeling every console is going to have some trouble next gen. As I've said, developers still can't get a game out on time for the PS3 right now. I don't see that getting better for the PS4. The entire casual market pretty much looks like it's left the console world, and I don't see them coming back. So the entire gaming market is going to shrink around the board.  And when ever system doesn't sell quite as much Patcher and every other analyst will start painting illogical doomsday scenarios that will make all 3 of the companies (and Ouya) look like fools for not filing bankruptsy .

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 12:47:56

I say it's NOT time to fire Iwata or Reggie, but it's time to fire Pachter!

Seriously... everyone was loving them (Wata and Reg) last month, now everyone wants them fired?

Talk about fickle!  Nyaa

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Sat, 16 Feb 2013 12:50:05

In all fairness I don't think anyone has really loved Reggie for a while. He lost my fan support at E3 last year for general douchebaggery.

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Sun, 17 Feb 2013 00:59:10
Yodariquo said:
You're completely overthinking it.  Wii U has a novel concept.  Possibly not as novel as the DS or Wii, but still something somewhat different for a dedicated gaming system.  It simply lacks a huge title to drive majority sales.

As much as I really think it's critical to industry growth and even survivability for there to be significantly new ideas, this has to be coupled with a game to really be the benchmark. The DS took off with Nintendogs, then followed up with Brain Training.  Wii had Wii Sports from the get-go.

If we even look at systems with lesser success, what kept them from completely diving?  Xbox survived purely on Halo, GameCube got Smash Bros. relatively early in its life.  PSP slowly picked up support in Japan through Monster Hunter.  We can go way back and say NES had Super Mario Bros., SNES had Super Mario World, N64 Super Mario 64.  What does Wii U have?  What's iconic there?  What captures either the core gaming market, or drives sales in new markets?

tl;dr it needs Miyamoto magic.

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Sun, 17 Feb 2013 12:51:32
This system won't be as popular as Wii simply because it costs more and the casual market that Wii had has lost interest in gaming IMO.

I think it could easily sell around the same as the other new consoles though. Once Nintendo starts breaking out the major titles, it will sell. They may not have Resident Evil exclusive like the Cube days, but they have other 2nd and 3rd party exclusives with likely many more to follow, since as they said, they are looking to collaborate.
They could easily end up with more exclusives than the Gamecube only question the system going to get the multi-platform support that Cube had?

People seem to forget the Cube actually had decent multi-platform support. That's an area I could see Wii U lacking in.

But exclusives? There won't be a problem there.

Don't forget, Nintendo will also be developing more of those crappy casual games and the Wii U still supports motion controls as well.


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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 02:12:29

Why do people think the "casual" market has lost interest when Dance Central and the like still crap all over "hardcore" games. Sure sales aren't so great for "hardcore" games, but then it's still obviously a market people would want to go after if the alternate is even worse.

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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 03:57:21
Foolz said:

Why do people think the "casual" market has lost interest when Dance Central and the like still crap all over "hardcore" games. Sure sales aren't so great for "hardcore" games, but then it's still obviously a market people would want to go after if the alternate is even worse.

Just Dance 3 sold more than Just Dance 4. That's the evidence.

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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 05:16:42
robio said:

Just Dance 3 sold more than Just Dance 4. That's the evidence.

But sales are down across the board. It's still selling better than most.

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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 12:55:16

Just watched the Nintendo Direct about Luigi's Mansion for the first time. I had NO IDEA they actually DID call 2013 the 'Year of Luigi' until now --and-- I thought the Luigi DLC was for NSMB 2, when it is actually for NSMB Wii U.

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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 16:20:45
oh jesus

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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 20:14:57
phantom_leo said:

I am just playing Devil's Advocate here, by the way, with EVERYTHING I am posting. Nintendo's not showing much to inspire confidence, unless you read between the lines (which, with Nintendo, usually turns out to be wrong) ---BUT--- everyone's arguments that EVERYONE else will be better next generation is complatetly flawed based on THIS generation's mistakes and the fact that we currently know NOTHING about MS and Sony's machines yet.

Examples: What games is everyone looking forward to that we know 100% are coming? What will the gimmicks be or will there be no gimmicks? What are the ACTUAL specs of these machines?

You shouldn't be excited yet, if you don't know ANYTHING yet! Saying Nintendo is in trouble based on knowing NOTHING about Next Gen is kinda silly.

You know as well as I do that the entire industry is moving onto these next two consoles.There is zero question of support, the ENTIRE industry will be supporting them, the entire next generation of games will play on these two. Wii U will be fighting for scraps in the same way Wii did.

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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 20:19:03
Dvader said:

You know as well as I do that the entire industry is moving on... There is zero support, the ENTIRE industry will be fighting for scraps in the same way Wii did.


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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 20:20:27
phantom_leo said:


Oh dont be another of these doomsday guys. The industry will be fine.

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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 20:20:30

So... 360 and PS3 will have Ubi, Activision and EA, and Nintendo will have Nintendo. Seems about even to me! Who else is left again?

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Mon, 18 Feb 2013 20:46:41
While I'm certain things will pick up for the Wii U and that it'll do ok I think it'll be the third place system this gen and the best options for Nintendo is more marketing and keeping the price point between it and the other two systems significantly cheaper. They should just ride out the gen for about four years.


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