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The summer of backlog.
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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 07:33:02
GodModeEnabled said:

Silent Hill Homecoming is my favorite game in the series and one of the best horror games I have ever played. Play that one.

The Thing is fucking terrible trust me on this.

I want to play it but I have heard nothing but great things about the thing, your opinion is rare I think. You have a lot of convincing if SH is to win the vote.

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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 07:36:04
Dvader said:
aspro said:

Wait a second.

Shouldn't the runner-up of this round be the next one you play? Sleeping Dogs?

No thats not how it works, at the end of the voting a whole new category comes up. The games will show up later but its a fresh vote each time.

I think it's better this way Vader.  It gives more gravity to the vote.  I vote for The Thing because I love the movie.  I haven't played the game though I have a PS2 copy here somewhere.


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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 10:54:10
Deadly Premonition.

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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 17:16:39

5 votes for The Thing

1 vote SH Homecoming

1 vote Deadly Premonition

This one seems like a landslide. You can chage your votes if you ever feel like it, it will take a few days to beat Bully.

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Sun, 07 Apr 2013 23:13:44
Dvader said:

I want to play it but I have heard nothing but great things about the thing, your opinion is rare I think. You have a lot of convincing if SH is to win the vote.

If there is one genre I know more than anyone else it is horror games. I play even the bad ones, however it will still be amusing to hear you lament how shit the thing game is when you play it so either way I am entertained.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 03:31:06

I'm starting to think GME is right about everything as he was spot on about the platformers and the GTA game (at least so far, I agree with his take on Bully). If he is right about this horror category GME is going to get his own category of just games he recommends.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 05:05:16

I can't listen to anyone who thinks those new Silent Hill games are good.


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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 06:04:43
edgecrusher said:

I can't listen to anyone who thinks those new Silent Hill games are good.

The main thing about a horror game that makes it good is the atmosphere, and Homecoming really delivers it in spades. It also has great monster design, functional fun combat, and a pretty good story. (though all Silent Hill games have that)

When you are running around the city and the power goes out, and the street lights are gone, and the fog goes apeshit and all you hear are growls and things moving it is nuts. That game had a nice design in that it knew when to crank up the fear and keep it going and knew when to let you breathe for a second too, great pacing. Good sountrack as well, although I would say not quite as good as the older games soundtracks still a bar above a lot of games though.

Lastly it was just fun to play. They take the crappy combat and make it ok, they make some interesting designed levels like the ruined hotel and prison which were both well done. Did you play it yourself? What didn't you like?

Edit> Just also want to say that I don't think the game was quite as good as the old ones (Silent Hill 1 <3  WinkWink but it is a great horror title in it's own right. So vader temper expecations a little (if you ever play it) but I would still score it an 8/10

Edited: Mon, 08 Apr 2013 06:09:29

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 10:50:59

You don't think The Thing has great atmosphere?

Look maybe you were sick at the time you played it or some magical dwarf put a spell on you or some fact yes GME this is what I choose to believe happened to you.


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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 14:35:44
edgecrusher said:

You don't think The Thing has great atmosphere?

Look maybe you were sick at the time you played it or some magical dwarf put a spell on you or some fact yes GME this is what I choose to believe happened to you.

It's the only reasonable explanation.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 15:30:10
edgecrusher said:

You don't think The Thing has great atmosphere?

Look maybe you were sick at the time you played it or some magical dwarf put a spell on you or some fact yes GME this is what I choose to believe happened to you.

He never specifically says the thing doesn't have great atmosphere.

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Mon, 08 Apr 2013 17:13:54
Dvader said:

He never specifically says the thing doesn't have great atmosphere.

Yes but he says the main thing that makes a great horror game is its atmosphere, but calls the Thing out to be complete shit. lol


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Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:10:50

Bully is done. The winner of the last round is The Thing so I will get started on that. I am going to open up voting to the Ring of Fire on GS as well so the votes will be combined.

Next category is:


1. Gears of War 3

2. Max Payne 3

3. Bulletstorm

4. Crysis 2

5. Rage

6. Resistance 3

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Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:22:48

Bulletstorm by a MILE.

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Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:26:59


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Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:39:29


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Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:56:12

No, no, no... Gears 3!

This vote counts, though I voted at Gamespot. Nyaa

Edited: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 01:57:41
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Thu, 11 Apr 2013 02:35:04
Ravenprose said:


Hasn't Vader suffered enough?

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Thu, 11 Apr 2013 02:35:47
aspro said:
Ravenprose said:


Hasn't Vader suffered enough?

No. Nyaa

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Thu, 11 Apr 2013 02:44:31
aspro said:

Hasn't Vader suffered enough?

LOL thank you for protecting me.

The thing seems really cool so far. It is very old school in controls and how it's more open than current games. That is great for me as I grew up on these games. Good choice, aspro you are in for some old school horror goodness.

BTW it is INSANE the difference in how old games look on the 360 compared to wii u, this game looks HD. WTF is wrong with Nintendo, why can't they do the same thing?

Edited: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 02:45:28
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