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Dragon's Crown |OT| -- OUT NOW! What does ROBIO think?
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Tue, 06 Aug 2013 12:14:18


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Tue, 06 Aug 2013 12:18:57

Such a gentleman.

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Tue, 06 Aug 2013 12:24:46

Well... Travo has asked repeatedly HOW she walks with those things. I just graciously provided the answer!

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Tue, 06 Aug 2013 23:25:55





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Tue, 06 Aug 2013 23:39:09
phantom_leo said:





I'm gonna miss doing that next gen.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:47:13

Anyone care to guess whom I chose?




Deadra the Sorceress, it is!


Impressions: Seeing the stills of this game --DO NOT-- do it justice! It is absolutely one of the most GORGEOUS games I've ever had the good fortune to play!

I --LOVE-- the almost "Choose your Own Adventure" vibe it has going on! Brings back sooo many childhood memories!!  Happy

I also love how it isn't a... Stage One. Fight from Left to Right. Complete Stage. Stage Two. Fight from Left to Right. Complete Stage. Stage 3... type of game! You have a Guild. You accept Quests, and of course there are Main Quest(s) that advance the storyline!

You choose what quests you want to do. In the stages, you come across Adventurers to resurrect, Treasures to collect, Glints of Light to Uncover Hidden Objects in the Background. It TRULY is the Crowning Achievement of this Genre!

I love how Customizable each character is, that you have Class Skills you can Earn and Learn or Common Skills you can equip, too. Everyone's characters can be completely different! From the Skills to the Equipped Items to the Weapons, etc, etc, You have TONS of options to Build your Preferred character!

I --HAVE TO-- say: The animations people have been getting so up in arms about go by SOOO quickly in the choas of the game, you --REALLY-- have to be obsessively LOOKING for them to notice and nit-pick so much about them! This game is no more gratuitous than any other Japanese game... Mini-Games where you control a Pointer Finger and Touch bound women? Yeah. No. Haven't seen anything like that yet. Someone's either LYING or taking a STILL PICTURE out of context and fabricating stories!


More to come later!

Edited: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 14:01:40
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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:53:53
phantom_leo said:




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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:54:41


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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:58:15

Epic Leo post!!!! My favorite kind of post.

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:04:53

A: Hand the Scepter over to the unknown man to Avoid Bloodshed in the Castle?


B: Ready your Weapons, Fight the Guards and Return the Scepter to the People who gave you the Quest?




Can't tell you how simple a thing as this makes me sooo Happy! Such a throw-back and so utterly cool!


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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:13:55


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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:22:19

Tiki drunk

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Wed, 07 Aug 2013 03:08:35


That comic is brilliant!

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Thu, 08 Aug 2013 03:37:38
This game is bursting at the seems with win. Grinning


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Sun, 11 Aug 2013 15:30:04

What do your peers think?

Jbul said:

Oh wow.  I.  Love.  This.  Game!

Artwork is ASTOUNDING!  This game is beautiful.  I mean WOW!   You can't help but sit in awe when you enter a new area.  The music is really perfect and enchanting as well.  

I'm playing the sorceress.  Why?  Because I felt it would've been too damn easy to play the Warrior. I want to jump in and learn the game the hard way. The game plays like a brawler, but with RPG-like depth, just like you imagine.  You can replay stages to grind for treasure (OMG, this is gonna be so addictive) or just to get more EXP if you want, and there's optional side questions popping up all the time.   I can see myself playing this through over and over with each class!

Now I want the Vita version!  

ish_basic said:

Really love that I can play the sorceress as a necromancer. Have upgraded that skill twice, so that I can have 2 skeletons summoned at once. Once you get to the fourth or fifth story mission, the areas have plenty of bone piles to keep your undead army rolling. It's a nice dynamic having to balance mana-recharging attacks with heavy elemental blasts and then having your minions tank for you.

But I do like the Elf better. So fast. Juggles, wall kicks. Dash by the enemy and shoot him in the ass in one fluid motion.

Really interested in seeing how the other classes are unique. Closed out two of the party slots. Makes it a little harder, but I think that's a good thing. And I can actually see what I'm doing.

josephl64 said:
I love playing as my Elf especially with salamander oil and explosive shockwaves Happy

Allicrombie said:
Between you and Leo and Kevin, I'm actually thinking about picking this up!

CarnageHeart said:

This game is much more than what I was expecting. Very deep character customization and every weapon (and shield) looks different on screen (my screenshots are from the PSV version).






N3MO said:
The PS3 and Vita versions are identical. I have played through most of the game in both versions. I can count on one hand how many times the frame rate got a bit dicey in the Vita version. It was never game breaking and lasted a couple seconds. And the use of the touch screen is wonderful in the Vita version. Really really enjoying the game.

syztem said:
Lost Woods B is the best boss ever.

Jbul said:

Game is still so damn good.   The combat is deeper than I thought.  Reason I hadn't gotten a chance to explore it is because I'm playing a magic-using class that generally likes to keep a distance.  But lately I've been getting close to enemies and discovering depth -- juggles, launches, sweeps, combining physical attacks with magic -- the list goes on.   And I'm not even playing a melee class!  I can't even imagine.

Another thing I like is how the game throws cool little things in levels to suprise you.    Most awesome so far is fighting some pirates, and well... I won't spoil it for those who haven't gotten there, but it was awesome.  I can't wait to beat it so I can start again as an Elf.  lol

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Sun, 11 Aug 2013 15:36:26

I bet Carnage wasn't a fan of Muramasa. Nyaa

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Sun, 11 Aug 2013 15:40:34
Jehuty08 said:

started off as an elf, I was getting slaughtered in the begginnign until I learned to pick my shots a little better. still have a bit of trouble with the depth perception where I think Im lined up with an enemy on the other end of the screen only to have my arrow pass right by them Nyaa

Really enjoying the game so far

after letting my friend at work play it a bit, I convinced him to buy a vita to play it with me Grinning

CarnageHeart said:

Think I convinced a guy to buy DC. I saw him playing a Vita (he was playing CoD) and struck up a conversation. He had just bought Dungeon and Dragons for the PS3 and he was enjoying it so I told him he'd really love DC. He said he'd check it out.

Jbul said:
Good!  I think more people need to play this game.  I doubt he'll be disappointed.  Actually, I know he won't.  

CarnageHeart said:

My brother came by and we put in a couple hours into the offline multiplayer. We found out the hard way that characters select sidequests individually (so my brother didn't get the completion credit for a sidequest that I selected and we beat together) Nyaa. Ah well. He was blown away by DC and I'm sure he'd buy it if he didn't have an X360. We don't visit each other enough and it looks like DC will rectify that.

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Sun, 11 Aug 2013 20:21:04

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Sun, 11 Aug 2013 20:42:53

I just ordered a copy. I should have it Wednesday. Happy

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Sun, 11 Aug 2013 21:41:00




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