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$25 to spend on PSN
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Wed, 16 May 2012 14:00:20
phantom_leo said:
robio said:

Thank you for your suggestions Leo. I'm going to put them in my garbage can shaped suggestion bin.

Well... that was kinda... mean.


He kids because he loves. He loves!

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Wed, 16 May 2012 14:08:18
phantom_leo said:
robio said:

Thank you for your suggestions Leo. I'm going to put them in my garbage can shaped suggestion bin.

Well... that was kinda... mean.


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Wed, 16 May 2012 14:59:23
phantom_leo said:

Well... that was kinda... mean.


I'm sorry Leo. . . sorry that living in the world of Minecraft has made you soft!!!!

Actually I was just asking for suggestions based on the games I listed, not new ones. So I took the opportunity to use my favorite workplace joke. Sorry yoy were the victim.

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Wed, 16 May 2012 22:59:48

Okay trigger has been pulled and its official Skullgirls and Persona 3. All done. Now to download and play these bad boys.

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Wed, 16 May 2012 23:08:35

Let us know what version of Persona 3 they give you.

When I want to destroy my game completion rate I intend to play through that series, I have them all, lying in wait, protected in their cellophane encasements.

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Wed, 16 May 2012 23:11:46
aspro said:

Let us know what version of Persona 3 they give you.

When I want to destroy my game completion rate I intend to play through that series, I have them all, lying in wait, protected in their cellophane encasements.

What do you mean which version? I wasn't aware there were multiples. This is Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES.

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Wed, 16 May 2012 23:24:55
robio said:

I'm sorry Leo. . . sorry that living in the world of Minecraft has made you soft!!!!

I'll have you know, Minecraft has done nothing of the sort! It actually hardens you into the kind of man other men dream of being. You dig the earth. You chop wood. You break stone, forge iron and put sweat and blood into backbreaking labo...



<3  <3  <3  **SQUEE ! ! !**  <3  <3  <3

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Wed, 16 May 2012 23:45:51
phantom_leo said:

... It actually hardens you into the kind of man other men dream of being. You dig the earth. You chop wood. You break stone, forge iron and put sweat and blood into backbreaking labo......

That's my life. So the "man other men are dreaming of" is me? LOL

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Thu, 17 May 2012 00:19:26
Aspro!  Women want to be with him. Men want to be him.
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Thu, 17 May 2012 02:36:44


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Mon, 21 May 2012 17:08:55

I got a 4200 Xbox points card and I wanted to do a thread for the same purpose as Robio's so I thought to post here rather than start a new one.  I haven't made a shortlist yet, so hit me with any and all recommendations which I will process thoroughly and form some kind of list from which I will decide what to get, based upon further discussion.  Also keep in mind that 1200 pts are definitely going towards Sine Mora which is the main reason I felt compelled to purchase the card ... so that leaves 3000 points (plus possibly a tiny bit of change from previous purchases) to spend.

Haven't bought too many things off of XBLA yet.  I got Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga and Limbo ... I think that's pretty much all I have at present.

Anyway, looking forward to reading your suggestions and recommendations and thanks in advance.


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Mon, 21 May 2012 18:52:49

Trials Evolution: As long as you don't mind a bit of a challenge. It's enjoyable even without getting into the extreme tracks, and the central hub for user created tracks is pretty cool. If you're not too sure about it, I think Trials HD should be much cheaper, and it's roughly a similar ride.

Minecraft: Neat stuff, if pricey (1600 MS monies). Its concept has been talked about in detail everywhere else.

Shadow Complex: Fun 2d metroidvania clone made by epic.

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Mon, 21 May 2012 20:17:05

Thanks Steel

I bought a Trials game a while ago on Steam.  Think it's probably similar to HD.  Should try that to see if I would like it.  I remember playing the hell out of a gameboy game called Motocross Maniacs some 20 years ago.  If it's anything like that, I will probably like it.

Minecraft ... I don't know.  Despite all the glowing praise knowing myself I tend to not get that much out of "make your own game" type ... games.

Shadow Complex.  This would be a no-brainer if I wasn't aware of the politics of the writer.  I'm sure I've supported worse people without my knowledge through the years but I'm not sure I can knowingly support a homophobic biggot who actively supports and helps finance such evil anti-human rights causes.  principles and all that


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Mon, 21 May 2012 23:42:48

Bugs, I'm not sure if you're a fan of fighting games, but I can vouch for Skullgirls and it is available on XBLA.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 00:05:59

I always try to buy my fighting games on PS3 simply for the reason that I have PS3 arcade sticks as opposed to 360 ones, so Skullgirls may have to wait until the next time I find myself with some PSN credit.  But it's been duly noted and I was intrigued already by reading your early impressions of it


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Tue, 22 May 2012 00:41:28

**Cautiously approaches question and pokes it with a stick.**

Seems safe enough:

  • Bastion - Excellent action-adventure. On-the-fly narration makes it something special.
  • The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile - Excellent, very stylized, side-scrolling DMC-style game.
  • Orcs Must Die! - Tower defense with a bit of action and great sense of humor.
  • Guardian Heroes - Classic Side-Scrolling beat-em-up and you can play cooperatively.
  • Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet - Metroidian Space Ship game. Also incredible style to it!
  • Super Meat Boy - HARD. CORE. PLATFORMING!
  • Iron Brigade - Action-oriented Tower Defense, trade-marked Double Fine twisted sense of Humor!
  • Torchlight - Best non-Diablo-Diablo game!
  • Outland - Spot on platforming/action/adventure with a cool color swapping twist (a-la Ikaruga)!
  • Plants vs. Zombies - The casual tower defense game that started the whole casual trend!
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Tue, 22 May 2012 00:53:34
bugsonglass said:

Minecraft ... I don't know.  Despite all the glowing praise knowing myself I tend to not get that much out of "make your own game" type ... games.

I'm pretty much the same --BUT-- Minecraft is something else altogether. 38 hours later...

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Tue, 22 May 2012 01:02:38

Great list of games Leo, thanks.  Excluding a few which I already played or at least own on Steam (Plants vs Zombies, Super Meat Boy, and Torchlight), the rest are definitely contenders ... especially Outland and Bastion which I recall wanting at some point, and Guardian Heroes because it's a Treasure classic I never got to play back in the day.


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Tue, 22 May 2012 01:11:12

Oh yeah, Bastion is excellent. Very much a must-play game based on it's story-telling alone. The game's narration really is spectacular. Get that one!!!!!

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Tue, 22 May 2012 02:46:09

The narration is the worst part of the game, and that's saying something when you have the gemeplay to contend with. Do get it, though. It's awesome.

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