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E3 Ubisoft thread. 6pmEST
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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:14:25
gamingeek said:
Trials on everything but Wii U? Uh oh.

Seeing a lot of third parties shutting it out altogether.  The fact that Wii U is still very traditional in it's used games/DRM set up might be hurting it as much as anything else. (which is oddly enough why I want one when Nintendo wisely cuts the price)

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:14:27

WTF this is going on and on and on with nothing shown.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:15:39

I hate this game and I have not seen it yet.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:16:36

Tablet, so no Wii U then. Nyaa

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:18:03

Never mind WOW!!!!!!

The hud thing is awesome!


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:19:17

This looks more interesting, shame it's online multiplayer focused. Wouldn't mind a new Freedom Fighters.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:21:15

This looks really cool and fun.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:22:17
Randolph said:

Seeing a lot of third parties shutting it out altogether.  The fact that Wii U is still very traditional in it's used games/DRM set up might be hurting it as much as anything else. (which is oddly enough why I want one when Nintendo wisely cuts the price)

Ubisoft was supporting it well and will have a lot of good games this fall but so far in this presser the U versions of new games are conspicious by their absence.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:22:59

This is strange.  It's E3 and Nintendo's N-Direct is the thing I look forward to the most.  I just got my own 3DS today, so if they drop the price on the XL, I will flip out.  If they drop the price on the Wii U, I will buy one next month.  If they give me a release date this calendar year for Bravely Default and LttP 2, I will wet myself.  "Next gen" is turning me back into a Nintendo fan.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:23:28

Looks excellent!

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:23:53
Dvader said:

Tablet, so no Wii U then. Nyaa

You called it.

But I guess they will still spam Just Dance on U. Cest la vie.

Edited: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:24:39

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:24:52

That sucked over all.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:26:22
Randolph said:

This is strange.  It's E3 and Nintendo's N-Direct is the thing I look forward to the most.  I just got my own 3DS today, so if they drop the price on the XL, I will flip out.  If they drop the price on the Wii U, I will buy one next month.  If they give me a release date this calendar year for Bravely Default and LttP 2, I will wet myself.  "Next gen" is turning me back into a Nintendo fan.

This is what happens when you get old and apathetic. When all these new games look the same as other games, racers, shooters etc Nintendos' brightly coloured exuberance seems like the Oasis in the desert.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:26:30

So when does Sega have a presser?  I want Shenmue HD to be released, goddamit.  I've heard it's been done for two years now and they just haven't gotten it on XBL and PSN yet for some reason.  I will pet and feed that cat every single day, I swear to god.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:27:12

00:30 am here. Night all.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:27:30
Randolph said:

This is strange.  It's E3 and Nintendo's N-Direct is the thing I look forward to the most.  I just got my own 3DS today, so if they drop the price on the XL, I will flip out.  If they drop the price on the Wii U, I will buy one next month.  If they give me a release date this calendar year for Bravely Default and LttP 2, I will wet myself.  "Next gen" is turning me back into a Nintendo fan.

I've been saying exactly this was going to happen for the last 8 months...

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:30:07
gamingeek said:

This is what happens when you get old and apathetic. When all these new games look the same as other games, racers, shooters etc Nintendos' brightly coloured exuberance seems like the Oasis in the desert.

FPS have suffered the most for me.  I am beyond sick of playing as a floating camera with a gun taped to it. (I don't mind playing as a floating camera with a portal gun taped to it though, I got Portal 2 on PSN for nine bucks the other day and it's freaking brilliant)I never liked racers.  Sim racers are boring as shit, and most arcade racers have rubber banding and cheap AI. (NFS and Mario Kart Wii) Christ, I just realized my 3DS came pre-loaded with Mario Kart 7.  I hope it's less hair pulling frustrating than the Wii game was for me.  I already started playing Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, and I think it's my first contender for GOTY 2013.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:32:06
Randolph said:

I already started playing Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, and I think it's my first contender for GOTY 2013.

You're going to fit in here VERY nicely!

Do you know Travo from GameSpot? Remember bugsonglass? Talk to those two about Luigi's Mansion!

Edited: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:32:32
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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 00:38:26

I had a strong feeling I would like Luigi's Mansion based on how much I absolutely adored the Gamecube game.  I finally cracked today, I felt pretty confident about 3DS not getting a price drop on the XL models tommorrow, and most of the rest of the games I really want this year and early next are on 3DS anyway.  If Yoshi's Island, LttP 2, and Bravely Default all make it this year, you will detect my erecton through your internet connection in the morning.  I will impregnate the world wide web.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 08:07:32
Randolph said:

This is strange.  It's E3 and Nintendo's N-Direct is the thing I look forward to the most.  I just got my own 3DS today, so if they drop the price on the XL, I will flip out.  If they drop the price on the Wii U, I will buy one next month.  If they give me a release date this calendar year for Bravely Default and LttP 2, I will wet myself.  "Next gen" is turning me back into a Nintendo fan.

gamingeek said:

This is what happens when you get old and apathetic. When all these new games look the same as other games, racers, shooters etc Nintendos' brightly coloured exuberance seems like the Oasis in the desert.

phantom_leo said:

I've been saying exactly this was going to happen for the last 8 months...

Randolph said:

FPS have suffered the most for me.  I am beyond sick of playing as a floating camera with a gun taped to it. (I don't mind playing as a floating camera with a portal gun taped to it though, I got Portal 2 on PSN for nine bucks the other day and it's freaking brilliant)I never liked racers.  Sim racers are boring as shit, and most arcade racers have rubber banding and cheap AI. (NFS and Mario Kart Wii) Christ, I just realized my 3DS came pre-loaded with Mario Kart 7.  I hope it's less hair pulling frustrating than the Wii game was for me.  I already started playing Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, and I think it's my first contender for GOTY 2013.

phantom_leo said:

You're going to fit in here VERY nicely!

Do you know Travo from GameSpot? Remember bugsonglass? Talk to those two about Luigi's Mansion!

Hello and welcome back

As Leo and GG have been saying, this is a sentiment a few of us here have had for a few months now, even before Microsoft revealed its ugly face.  The 3DS library is largely what's keeping me going as a gamer.  It's a pretty young system and it already has an awesome catalogue of games you can't find anywhere else.  And I'm not talking purely Nintendo titles.  There's a lot of great 3rd party games.  And a great selection of downloadable titles on the eShop with more good games added weekly.  It's a great little system, I think you will enjoy it.  

I gave in and ordered an XL the other day (as shopping therapy and personal reward for working a forth consecutive weekend).  It seemed like a really good deal on Amazon, £135 brand new, which is cheaper than the original model.  I don't know why it was so cheap.  Guess nobody wanted the red model except me - the others were at least £40 more expensive.

I also got a very good deal on the WiiU thanks to GG who gave me a headsup when he saw the basic model on amazon for £140 or £150.  It was ideal for me because I wanted a white system and I didn't care for all the peripheral shit that came with the premium SKU.  And if I need more storage space I can get a massive external drive for a lot less than the price difference.  So far I have just two games for it (and waiting for two to come in the post).  I'm enjoying it and if Nintendo plays it right I can easily see me being a happy enough gamer between my 3DS and that.

PS:  Get Fire Emblem while you can before it disappears completely

PPS: Luigi's Mansion <3<3<3


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