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E3 Nintendo Direct. 10am EST
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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 11:41:23
Oilers99 said:

That conference was literally the most predictable thing possible.

Well, they did signpost in January exactly what was going to be shown at E3. Usually it's us crossing our fingers wondering if or when a new entry might return. As for gamepad use this is something you will read about in previews not shown overtly in trailers. The developer direct videos will probably expand about gamepad use. I read about lots of Wind Waker features not shown in the trailer. IMO Nintendo weren't the guys who used the wii remote the best, only in Skyward Sword others used it better and earlier than they did, like Elebits, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Boom Blox, MOHH2, Red Steel 2, Anno, literally everything.

Sad about your gaming tastes, are you not annoyed that the rest of the industry hasn't filled this gap in the market for the kind of colourful games you want? You seem to be saying only Nintendo makes the kinds of games I want and it's getting old. I would be perturbed that no one else was doing it too.

SupremeAC said:

I can't help but be very disappointed with what was shown.  Really, everybody was screaming for loads and loads of software, and all they gave us was more of what we already knew, in some cases even the same footage...  The new Mario also looks very mundane when compared to SMG, something I predicted long ago.  I like what they're doing with MK8 though.  Reminds me of F-zero.

It's hard to admit, being a longtime Nintendo loyalist, but they have turned into the Mario company after all.  Where's the love for their arcade racers?  No F-Zero, ExciteSomething, WaveRace?

I'll pick up Pikmin 3 though.  And MK8, the Viewtifull 101 and Bayonetta 2.  Mario World will depend on how heavily it's focused on multiplayer.  Definitely getting X, but that's still way off...

Also, I do not like being here.  Phantom_Leo only managed to lure me in by telling me GamingGeek was here  angry

Sup buddy!

I'd kill for a new Wave Race. NST was good at one point and just melted away into irrelevance. Maybe after Mario Kart 8 they can get working on a fabulous looking F-Zero game? A man can dream...

edgecrusher said:

I still can't believe Nintendo has no Metroid to show from ANYONE....either Retro or another Team Ninja game.

Other M sold 1.23 million units.

Mario Kart Wii sold 33.76 million.

I don't even have to look up NSMB sales which are insane.

If you're a business in the money making game, it's easy to see why they would ignore Metroid. It's sad but it's a reality.

travo said:

Geez, with the Wii's Smash, we got Snake and Sonic.  With the U we get...The Villager!

How DARE YOU insult an Animal Crossing character.

Dvader said:

But what happend we got THAT. That is not the Mario we wanted, that is just another form of NSMB, uninspired sequel pumping Nintendo.By far the biggest disappointment of the show.

Yikes, I'm not ready to call the ER yet. Maybe at least give it more of a chance till we get more previews. As for Zelda and Metroid you haven't seen Zelda and Metroid. Wind Waker is not the new Zelda, criticising an HD port for being an HD port is kinda pointless. It is NOT the new Zelda. Maybe next year.

I can't believe everyone is missing the big omission of this Nintendo's E3: No new 3rd party games............. at all.

Okay Warner did announce DC Scribblenauts and Arkham origins, Sonic Lost World prior to E3.  Everything else we knew was coming. All the 3rd party games are out this year, what about 2014?

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 11:47:41
travo said:

Geez, with the Wii's Smash, we got Snake and Sonic.  With the U we get...The Villager!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Bad idea, man! You DO NOT want to piss him off!!

...besides that... aren't you forgetting someone? You don't want to make him any more "Blue" than he already is, do you?

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 11:55:14
gamingeek said:
Dvader said:

Nintendo games used to be graphical showcases, even Wii had its moments with Galaxy and Skyward Sword pushing the limits. Nothing like that from Nintendo here (well their main first party, X is crazy amazing). Yeah I know Metroid and Zelda are their "graphical" showcases, but honestly who knows what is happening with Metroid?

Pikmin 3s' new trailer looks graphically great, Nintendoland is great, Mario Kart, X. I think Smash is lazy but I think Namco is making it as the Brawl studio was dissolved. It's possible the new DKC was made for Wii and ported over like Radiant Dawn or Super Paper Mario were meant to be cube games.

I don't think any Nintendo games have really been graphical showcases other than Metroid Prime and Zelda. Galaxy was lucky. F-Zero GX was great but that is Amusement Vision, Nintendo's F-zero was always fairly meh graphically. But pause a moment and think, the U isn't even a year old yet and by the end of this year Retro will have finished DKC and EAD Tokyo will have finished Mario 3D World. There are 4 more years for those guys to make the next Metroid and Mario Universe. We are still very early in the lifespan of this console so I cannot get into panic mode in regards to first party yet.

I also think it's fundamentally wrong to slap down Nintendo for doing what everyone else is doing, sticking to what they know. There are sooooo many games shown at E3 that are either sequels or new IP with the same gameplay in other games, it's somewhat off kilter. I am still going to wait and see what the new, proper Zelda is going to look like. There is little to no innovation in DKC or Smash though, I would have preferred a 3D DK64 like game.

With Windwaker, it's an HD port/remake and it does have new features, I posted them before, quite a few additional things. But it's an HD port with improved graphics, I think when you see the comparison screens you will be surprised. It's sort of like the GC ports of OOT and Majora, I don't see it as a new game new experience. It is what it is.

Archangel3371 said:
Yeah I watched the WW trailer in HD. I skipped the N Direct itself and just watched all the game trailers in HD instead. It looks nice and clean but it's still just a GC game in the other aspects ie. polycount etc. Of course I wasn't expecting a remake or anything but it's certainly not something that makes my jaw drop in this day and age hence why I think it looks 'ok'.

Yeah, well it's a GC game.

I still think it looks better. Not sure what increasing the polycount would do for this kind of artstyle?

edgecrusher said:

Having MegaMan in Smash Bros is sooo much better than having a new Megaman game made by ex Metroid Prime developers named Project Maverick...

You really liked that thing?

In regards to Dvader: I think that Nintendo have just come to a point where their artistical vision can be fully realised without having to push the hardware.  Most of the games they're showing are running native 1080p60.  How many PS3 or X360 games could say the same?  Wipeout is the only one, off the top of my head.  Anyhow, how much more rounded can you expect Mario's green hills to be?  I think that games like the new mario kart and Pikmin really are showcases for the WiiU.  Remember Yoshi's tongue in Mario Kart Wii?  It was made up of about 12 polygons.  12!  Look at the trailer for MK8.  It looks like CGI.  Seriously, if Nintendo were to make a CGI Mario movie, it wouldn't look better then what they just showed.

In reply to GG, Nintendo can't be meassured on the same scale as 'everybody else'.  With 3rd parties jumping ship in unprecedented fashion, they're the sole saviours of the WiiU.  Just doing what everyone else does is not good enough.  And is it wrong for people to expect more from the company that brought us things like Wii Fit and SMG?  While most new franchises during the current gen weren't aimed at core gamers, they managed to have a huge influence on the industry yet again.  I don't see what they showed yesterday influencing anyone.

I would have loved to see WW remastered in a more Pixar-y fashion.  I would have bought that game.  This however isn't a remastering, it's a HD rerelease.  The first implies new assets and whatnot, the latter is a cheap cash-in with minimal effort needed.  Out of all the things they did show, WW HD was the most disappointing to me.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:11:06
gamingeek said:
edgecrusher said:

Having MegaMan in Smash Bros is sooo much better than having a new Megaman game made by ex Metroid Prime developers named Project Maverick...

You really liked that thing?

I thought it had a ton of potential and certainly the best looking Megaman game in years.

And yes, I would prefer having an entire new game with potential than just a character thrown into a big jerk off fest of a fighting game.

robio said:
edgecrusher said:

I still can't believe Nintendo has no Metroid to show from ANYONE....either Retro or another Team Ninja game.

Other M kind of got trashed by a lot of people. Not RE6 trashed, but it got a lot of 7's and I think it was the first big Nintendo title to score under an 8 on Metacritic for quite some time. It was also a turd saleswise for Nintendo. They may be giving the franchise a little time to breathe, and they're definitely not letting Team Ninja touch it again.

Randolph said:

Other M can be found for five bucks new, Mario Galaxy is STILL at least twenty. (I actually enjoyed it myself)

The problem with Nintendo is THEY DO NOT MARKET METROID. At all.

Matt C wrote a blog about this when he still worked at IGN where he basically said it was baffling that Nintendo promoted the shit out of the original Metroid Prime which went on to sell pretty good, then totally and completely FAILED to do virtually any marketing for every game since then like they expect it to sell itself like Super Mario does.

And its true. I believe sales have dipped for every game since MP2, and its not surprising. Nintendo's version of "marketing" this series is to show it at an E3 event. Then nothing until release.


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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:23:16

At this point I honestly feel like I bought the Wii U too soon.

As much as I enjoyed Zombi U and am having fun with Lego City, I expected MORE by this point. I bought one at launch to show support more than anything, in the hopes that Nintendo would at least come out guns blazing in the 1st full year, AS THEY DID with the original Wii in 2007, with an onslaught of killer games throughout the year. Instead, most of the games big games don't even release this year, big franchises are MIA, and we are left with a handful of games to look forward to and on top of that, 3rd-party support is obviously not being aggressively pursued.

This kind of start for a console that costs $350 is plain and simple, just not enough for any platform holder.

The launch lineup was solid, I'll give it that. But since then it has quickly turned into the worst 1st year of a console I think I have ever seen, from ANYONE.


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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:35:36
gamingeek said:

Sup buddy!

I'd kill for a new Wave Race. NST was good at one point and just melted away into irrelevance. Maybe after Mario Kart 8 they can get working on a fabulous looking F-Zero game? A man can dream...


I can't believe everyone is missing the big omission of this Nintendo's E3: No new 3rd party games............. at all.

Okay Warner did announce DC Scribblenauts and Arkham origins, Sonic Lost World prior to E3.  Everything else we knew was coming. All the 3rd party games are out this year, what about 2014?

Heya GG.  I always wondered where you had disappeard to.

Seriously, I can't believe Nintendo isn't trying harder (or at all) in the arcade racer segment.  I know that their franchises weren't the biggest sellers, but still, they were unique experiences.  Also, I don't need my F-Zero to be fabulous looking.  I need it to be fast, hard as nails, and for it to make my eyes bleed.  Nyaa  I agree on NST.  They just seemed to fade away along with Nintendo's emphasis on arcade racers.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:39:12

No time to talk, updates are nuts.

New guys, check the news page, this is where we usually hang out and where all the latest news is posted.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:47:03

Supreme, an HD rerelease is remastering. What you're after is a remake, which they never said it was. Or did they?

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:49:26
SupremeAC said:

Also, I don't need my F-Zero to be fabulous looking.  I need it to be fast, hard as nails, and for it to make my eyes bleed.  Nyaa  I agree on NST.  They just seemed to fade away along with Nintendo's emphasis on arcade racers.

I'm hoping they AT LEAST have the sense to make F-Zero GX available on the Virtual Console. I would buy THAT w/o a second thought!


Edited: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:53:36
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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 12:58:17
Foolz said:

Supreme, an HD rerelease is remastering. What you're after is a remake, which they never said it was. Or did they?

Well, if we're going to go into the semantics of vg industry jargon...  I'm just talking about what we saw.  What we saw was a whole new approach to lighting, ditching the celshading, ...  What we'll get, is something that is much, much closer to the original.  I just think, that with todays graphical capabilities it would have made more sense to persue the earlier look, and I am not pleased to see that they have abandonned it.  For me personally, this could be the difference between buying or not buying the game.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:05:57

They did say they were going to rework some things..maybe not a full remake like Resident Evil was, but some things were to be changed and added. Perhaps they still are?

Graphically, it gives the impression that they have ditched the idea of changing things in favor of an enhanced port, instead of a remake.


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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:08:13

Honnestly, the only thing that could get me to buy this is if they said they added in the supposedly scrapped 25% of the original game.  And even then I don't think I'd enjoy replaying it as much, looking as it does now.  The art style aged well, but it shows that it is not a contemporary design.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:17:09
SupremeAC said:

Honnestly, the only thing that could get me to buy this is if they said they added in the supposedly scrapped 25% of the original game.  And even then I don't think I'd enjoy replaying it as much, looking as it does now.  The art style aged well, but it shows that it is not a contemporary design.

That's what I loved about the Resident Evil remake.

It was such a huge jump graphically (it still looks great today) and they added so much to it, that it almost felt like you were playing a completely NEW Resident Evil, instead of a game from 1996 on new hardware. Wind Waker gives the impression that its going to feel like you are just replaying the Gamecube game in widescreen on a new controller.

I guess I expected too much. Next to Resident Evil, every "remake" is disappointing.

Edited: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:17:58


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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 15:15:12

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 15:28:02

I really thought Bayonetta 2 was going to come out this year.


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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 15:56:40
SupremeAC said:

I think that Nintendo have just come to a point where their artistical vision can be fully realised without having to push the hardware.

An easy excuse for DK and Smash, but Mario Kart 8 pushes well beyond and I expect the next Mario (after 3D World), Animal Crossing and proper 3D DK game to match it. If MK8 graphics is their ceiling for their toon franchises this gen I am fine with that. I still think DK and Smash have copy/pasted wii assets and junk. They can and will do better in other games later on.

SupremeAC said:

In reply to GG, Nintendo can't be meassured on the same scale as 'everybody else'.  With 3rd parties jumping ship in unprecedented fashion, they're the sole saviours of the WiiU.  Just doing what everyone else does is not good enough.  

I would have loved to see WW remastered in a more Pixar-y fashion.  I would have bought that game.  This however isn't a remastering, it's a HD rerelease.  The first implies new assets and whatnot, the latter is a cheap cash-in with minimal effort needed.  Out of all the things they did show, WW HD was the most disappointing to me.

My point is that Nintendo is doing what Nintendo always does and it only seems bad now because 3rd parties are delivering jack shit. I believe it's wholly unrealistic to expect one company to be able to satiate gamers through 12 months of the year by itself. I prefer to ask the question to 3rd parties: Where the hell are your games?

Edgecrusher, even Prime 1 only sold 2.82m, those kinds of figures were considered a failure for Wii Music and Animal Crossing City folk and as you said sales have just dipped and dipped.

WW is an HD port with improved resolution, lighting and some gamepad and social features.

Jan 2013 (test) shots

E3 reality

I think we should hold fire till we see more comparisons and expect more improvements to be added, a new ligthing engine a few more effects here and there.

I think we should wait for more comparison screens.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 16:55:39
Yodariquo said:
I think my question is more why you are so hostile towards Nintendo in stark contrast to your reception of Sony and even Microsoft, while everyone's presentations were bad.

Because I hold them to a higher standard as developers than those two. I KNOW a PS4 or Xbox will have a million more games than just one company keeping the thing afloat. You buy a PS4/xbox to play everything the next gen will offer. You buy a Wii U just to play Nintendo games. So when Nintendo games fail, well it all fails.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 17:02:12
gamingeek said:

Yikes, I'm not ready to call the ER yet. Maybe at least give it more of a chance till we get more previews. As for Zelda and Metroid you haven't seen Zelda and Metroid. Wind Waker is not the new Zelda, criticising an HD port for being an HD port is kinda pointless. It is NOT the new Zelda. Maybe next year.

I can't believe everyone is missing the big omission of this Nintendo's E3: No new 3rd party games............. at all.

Okay Warner did announce DC Scribblenauts and Arkham origins, Sonic Lost World prior to E3.  Everything else we knew was coming. All the 3rd party games are out this year, what about 2014?

Forget the future, that is your only move. "Oh wait to see what is next" We are at E3 right now and we got what we will see for the next year or so and its no where close to what most wanted. No one wanted that mario game. No one wanted another DK from rare. I am speaking about the moment, you are always speaking about the future. I know Zelda is coming, its the only reason I have this system at the moment. This holiday season went from potentially having the GOTY in a new Mario to just more of the same.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 17:09:19

I don't think any of Nintendo's games shown were a "fail" at all.  The only game shown I didn't want to play were the non-game games. (Wii Fit and it's ilk)

I'm in some kind of bizzaro world, Dvader is pissed off with Nintendo and I'm trying to defend them. Nyaa

I mean, yeah, it'd be nice to have an "epic" Mario game, but if 3D World plays as good as 3D Land, that's all that counts.  It sucks about the online co-op not being there, as the game would be a great fit for it.  But NSMBU also lacked it, and it was still a damn fine game in it's own right, and one of my favorite games of the year. (the only issue with it is the heavily recycled visuals and music)

I've never been more optimistic about what Nintendo is doing than I am now, and until the Wii U hits the right price, I have a 3DS, which is still as of now their real flagship platform, and has an aray of incredible games on it right now, and digital sex coming in the future.

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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 17:29:44
The concept of online Mario Bros does not fit in my head. The day I play Mario with a headset or microphone a small piece of me will die. Plenty of Nintendo games would benefit from online (looking at you NintendoLand), but Mario still works better single player. Co-op Mario can be fun as hell, but I really think its style of play is better off for couch co-op.
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