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E3 Nintendo Direct. 10am EST
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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 17:34:10
robio said:
The concept of online Mario Bros does not fit in my head. The day I play Mario with a headset or microphone a small piece of me will die. Plenty of Nintendo games would benefit from online (looking at you NintendoLand), but Mario still works better single player. Co-op Mario can be fun as hell, but I really think its style of play is better off for couch co-op.

You know when you've been spending too much time with Miyamoto ...


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Wed, 12 Jun 2013 17:43:38
Dvader said:

Forget the future, that is your only move. "Oh wait to see what is next" We are at E3 right now and we got what we will see for the next year or so and its no where close to what most wanted. No one wanted that mario game. No one wanted another DK from rare. I am speaking about the moment, you are always speaking about the future. I know Zelda is coming, its the only reason I have this system at the moment. This holiday season went from potentially having the GOTY in a new Mario to just more of the same.

Classic Vader E3 over reaction. It happens every year. You hype your ass up and then explode when you don't get what you want. Every year I see you enter the Nintendo Conference as if it's going to be amazing then go nuts when it doesn't meet your expecations.

I enter them like this devil and leave like this. laugh

So you're one of those impatient entitled gamers publishers hate? You hold Nintendo to higher standards? Take a chill pill man, U isn't even a year old yet and EAD Tokyo and Retro's games will be out by Christmas. You want another Mario after that or a Metroid there is plenty more time, it's not like the clock is ticking and Wii U will be nuked by Christmas from orbit. And you're freaking out as if Wind Waker is IT for Wii U Zelda. Did you freak out over PS3 HD ports?

You're acting like EVERYTHING WAS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! and NO GOOD GAMES ARE COMING!!!!!!!!!!!! The reality is that they showed Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Mario platformer, Pikmin 3, DKC, X, Wind Waker, W101, Bayonetta 2 and more. We got to see what was there for the next year and it's not close to... what? There will be plenty of titles 3rd party and 1st out to keep most normal gamers (not you who completes 1 game a day before breakfast) Nyaa busy till spring next year when they will lay down another N.Direct like the January one this year where X, WW and Fire Emblem x SMT etc were shown.

Dvader said:

This holiday season went from potentially having the GOTY in a new Mario to just more of the same.

More of the... since when have we played an isometric 3D Mario with multiplayer made by EAD tokyo? You took away the wrong message from their N.Direct, I saw X and Mario Kart and said wow, other stuff looked baseline good.

Randolph said:

I'm in some kind of bizzaro world, Dvader is pissed off with Nintendo and I'm trying to defend them. Nyaa

This is not unusual, this is Vaders yearly post Nintendo conference freakout. Vader I love you man, don't think I'm trying to sass you. I know you have high expectations, just saying that other people with more reasonable or lower expectations can take quite a lot of good stuff out of their E3 showing. I agree Smash looks shit, HD WW could look better (still awaiting GAF comparison screens). I did not want nor ask for more DKC either but lets be frank, DKCR was a great game on Wii and I think we all agreed it was excellent and if anyone had asked shortly after completing it whether we wanted a sequel, we would say yes. We just don't like the idea of a super talented dev like Retro making it.  

Mario 3Dland, the jury is out on that one. I'm confident it will be great. I'm not confident it will be GREAT. I am confident that even if it's not great EAD tokyo has 4 more years to blast out an awesome 3D mario, there is even speculation that this game was made by the 3Dland team, EAD tokyo is not just one team.

Tokyo Software Development Department

Nintendo EAD Group No. 1 – Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Super Mario Galaxy

Nintendo EAD Group No. 2 – Flipnote Studio, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario 3D Land

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 05:15:01

^ Listen to yourself?! In 4 years?? You want to wait 4 years for the Mario game that was promised this year. They said we were getting the next big Mario game THIS YEAR. They lied. They showed us a bullshit picture of Zelda WW and said it was going to look like that, they lied. They hyped a new Retro game and it is basically an upscaled Wii game of a game no one wanted (or at least didnt want from Retro)

All they did was shit on us and you want is to sit and wait.  So what happens next year when there is still no new Metroid, still no new Zelda, still no Mario Universe. Keep waiting? A whole generation goes by and I just get one game of each, meh.

They fucked up E3 and since we are in E3 right now I will bash them all I want. They deserve all of it. Yeah I will be playing some awesome games on the Wii U within a year but not one of those I bought the system for.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 05:33:17

Just to play Devil's Advocate here for a moment: What exactly is wrong with 3D World other than it's not the next Galaxy game?

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 05:45:17
phantom_leo said:

Just to play Devil's Advocate here for a moment: What exactly is wrong with 3D World other than it's not the next Galaxy game?

i dont know!


Its more of the same. Not innovative in the way Mario 64 - Sunshine - Galaxy was. We just had a game exactly like this a year ago. It does not use the gamepad in any interesting way, though galaxy didnt use the wiimote that much either so whatever. Part of the fun with Wii U is finally seeing these franchises with modern graphics and it does look nice but not to the level I think most were expecting. Focus on multiplayer is worrisome, from what I saw its a chaotic mess. Single player should be fun but I worry that the levels are too spaced out.

The game should be awesome. But it doesnt try much new and I dont consider 4 player co-op to be new, I dont play Mario for multiplayer.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 05:53:12

I already see many mechanics FROM Galaxy that WERE NOT present in 3D Land, that suggest NOT simplistic Gameplay!

Color-coded, Timed-Jump Floors.


Forced Scrolling Levels.

Oversized Enemies.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 05:53:40

And GG there were some years of the Wii where Nintendo conferences were absolutely incredible. It was just game after game after game of all their biggest franchises. Stuff people really wanted. Lets not forget that this direct completely ignored the 3DS. In fact we got nothing new from 3DS, not one new game announced (well smash but we all knew that).

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 05:55:05

No fair deleting your posts as I respond to them HAMSTER!


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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 06:01:05




The bosses in 3D land were all koopas so these new ones do look Galaxyish.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 06:08:34

As I recover from the shock of not seeing what I wanted, I am starting to realize I want what I saw:

Mario Kart 8 is probably going to sell systems... millions of them! It looks to be the ultimate culmination of everything people have been asking for from the U. 1080 Resolution. 60 frames per second. Online. Next gen character models, and juuuust enough refinement of the Mario Kart formula to make it relevant yet again.

If MK8 doesn't do it, Smash CERTAINLY will. It is a game entirely devoted to fan service. Nintendo's characters. Nintendo's games... but then they go and throw the Most-Neglected/Most-Requested fan character of ALL in there! Mega Man?! ...with all of his classic powers?! You know how the Smash games work. Can you imagine how many Robot Masters are going to appear in the background, as obstacles or as items in some way?! (Maybe some playable?) I have a strong feeling the roster is hardly done, too.

You may not realize this because you haven't played them yet, but Nintendo is on a roll as of late, releasing "Ultimate" versions of their series. Fire Emblem: Awakening is the BEST FE game so far. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is too. The promise of quality over quantity is happening right now and it REALLY seems like someone is listening to fan input when you play these games. That trend seems to be continuing with the U games now too.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 06:14:06
Dvader said:




The bosses in 3D land were all koopas so these new ones do look Galaxyish.

Fair enough, but what were your favorite parts of Galaxy that ARE NOT going to be in World then? What parts of the game stood out the most?

I think it's a little premature to write this game off. We got Galaxy then we got Galaxy 2. We got 3D Land, now we are getting another game of THAT style. I believe there's only so much that can be done with the Galaxy formula that hasn't been done already. My favorite parts of those games happened when they threw the classic elements into the gameplay (like the side-scrolling parts and use of the suits)... The only thing this game is going to lack is needless waggle, if you ask me.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 06:16:26

I also like the idea that instead of ONE playable Mario (for the most part)...

...there's now FOUR playable characters of varying strengths!

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 06:21:13

Yeah switching characters will be fun.

As for Galaxy, just all the crazy gravity defying levels. Having levels where you are riding upside down and around platforms while avoiding obstacles and missles. The amazing boss battles. The way the power ups were used as a means to traverse and play through a level, not be a shortcut to skip one. How almost every stage brought something new.

3D Land was great but it didnt have the same level of imagination or level design as Galaxy.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 06:30:17

So this is the video I took. I have some split screen Kart but from a horrible angle. Mario World seems way too chaotic with 4 player. The level design is super spaced out to allow this and I fear it will negatively impact the single player experience. The cat suit feels like a cheating suit allowing you to bypass huge sections of the level, what is the point of that.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 07:19:54

This is so much more useful than the trailer. The gameplay looks much more interesting here. Will watch properly later. Please upload Mario Kart as well!

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 07:32:00
Foolz said:

This is so much more useful than the trailer. The gameplay looks much more interesting here. Will watch properly later. Please upload Mario Kart as well!

Ok but I warn you, terrible angle.

Kart is stunning. Like WOW. Even I might get it... probably not.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 07:38:40
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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 08:10:09

Thanks a lot, Vader. It's much more useful watching the game actually being played for a reasonable amount of time, even at a horrible angle. Happy

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 08:59:47

I agree with Vader that after Galaxy, 3D world is looking very mundane, and I share his fear that the level design will suffer a lot, with it having to accomodate 4 players.  The thing is, Vader, what could they possibly have come up with that could topple fooling around with gravity in a platformer?  It can not be done.  EAD studio 1 is the absolute best this industry has to offer, you can't expect them to better themselves with every game.

And I feel much like Leo.  let down at first because they didn't show anything unexpected and fresh, but in hindsight very pleased with what they did show, bar WW and maybe 3D world.  We'll finally have some games to play on our WiiU, even if they aren't anything spectaculary fresh.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 09:27:24

Having now watched the Wii U Nintendo Direct, as a Wii U owner I would be entirely satisified with their offerings.

Nintendo games have never looked better and they look like they provide everything that the last iterations provided.

The lack of a true 3D Mario was, of course, the greatest let-down.

All in all, Nintendo saved a lot of money by not going to E3 to do a real conference.  No-one would have noticed any more or less, and given last year's stilted show they are best to avoid live presentations.

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