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E3 Nintendo Direct. 10am EST
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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 13:12:38
Dvader said:

^ Listen to yourself?! In 4 years?? You want to wait 4 years for the Mario game that was promised this year. They said we were getting the next big Mario game THIS YEAR. They lied. They showed us a bullshit picture of Zelda WW and said it was going to look like that, they lied. They hyped a new Retro game and it is basically an upscaled Wii game of a game no one wanted (or at least didnt want from Retro)

All they did was shit on us and you want is to sit and wait.  So what happens next year when there is still no new Metroid, still no new Zelda, still no Mario Universe. Keep waiting? A whole generation goes by and I just get one game of each, meh.

They fucked up E3 and since we are in E3 right now I will bash them all I want. They deserve all of it. Yeah I will be playing some awesome games on the Wii U within a year but not one of those I bought the system for.

You're pretty nuts here, I'm pragmatic and always have been, I'm looking at the big picture while you're looking down at your empty hands and shouting "WHERE ARE THE GAMES?!"

I did not say that we would have to wait 4 years, I said Wii U is 6 months old and the new Mario will be out basically 1 year into the U's lifespan. So unless you believe this is a one shot deal and EAD tokyo is going to move away from mario for their next game - it's completely reasonable, probable and likely that they are going to be making another big mario game. And they have 4 years to do it, considering how they managed to pump out Mario Galaxy 2 in record time I have no fears for the future of this franchise. And you are also severly shortchanging 3DWorld and writing it off as a piece of shit, while we should actually be reading previews and seeing if it's any good. I firmly believe it will be, this developer -this publisher- doesn't do shit games and their home console Mario, Zeldas and Karts are always better than their handheld versions. So Mario 3DLand was great, levels were too short though, the home console mario will be at least twice as good.

Your basic expectation is ridiculously high, you expect every game in the Mario/Zelda/Metroid series to be challenging for the greatest game of all time. Now it's a very nice compliment that you expect this and that Nintendo have done that over its history but the actual expectation itself is unreasonable. If anything you should be cutting them some slack given how they have delivered those greatest games of all times throughout 25 years.

And you're pretty hyperbolic on Wind Waker, Zeldinformer just did a breakdown comparing WW Wii U with Wind Waker on Dolphin.

"For the sake of keeping things even keel, I will be comparing the two versions using screen caps of the GCN version running in 720p on the Dolphin. Why use that comparison versus the original 480p? Simply because it's almost impossible to get a good screenshot in 480p since there are a lot of variables that can reflect the quality of the experience (such as the type of TV you play it on). Thus, it's easier to just compare the HD dolphin version to the HD remake. That means that it's important to note that the one major difference is that the original console release is in 480p while the new game runs in 1080p. Thus, there is actually a bigger resolution change than the following comparison screenshots will show."

And please explain when Nintendo hyped Retro's new game? Hyped? HYPED? You know the definition of this word right, just telling us that Retro have a Wii U game is not hype, it's a basic description of reality. Retro DO have a Wii U game on show.

"All they did was shit on us" LOL

"and you want is to sit and wait"

Because expecting all these games to be revealed 6 months into the systems launch and out before Christmas is reasonable?

"So what happens next year when there is still no new Metroid, still no new Zelda, still no Mario Universe. Keep waiting? A whole generation goes by and I just get one game of each, meh"

For a start you and I have no idea what will be at next e3 but given their "rehashing" as the internet likes to put it there is a high chance that those franchises will appear at next years E3, even Miyamoto was commenting on the proper Zelda Wii U. And looking at Nintendo's history you get 2 games in these series if you are lucky, Twilight Princess was some weird cross gen anomally. There was only one Mario Platformer on N64, only one on GC. There was one SNES Zelda, 2 Zeldas on N64, one of which was a weird cut down hybrid (which I love) GC has one, Wii has one, or they both have two Zeldas, depending on how you view weird cross gen. Essentially GC had two and Wii has one.

It usually takes 4 years to a make a Zelda game, 2-3 years for a Mario but Wii was unusual in that they hit the ground running as the development environment did not change much. Now they are going with a new system, massive upgrade, new architecture Nintendo is going through all the growing pains that other companies went through in 2005-6.

Read below:

Q: So Nintendo finally has a bunch of software coming for Wii U - it was a bit slow to build up from the launch - but it seems like Nintendo has some difficulty in lining up its development teams to bring out compelling software on time for hardware launches. Why did Nintendo struggle in the same way with Wii U as it did when it launched the 3DS? If the development teams you oversee know that a hardware launch is coming, should some of them be pushing to make sure the games are ready on time?

Miyamoto: Well, obviously if you speak in terms of simple math you could say that Nintendo should just multiply its development team staff by four times and then everything would be fine, but unfortunately things aren't quite that easy. Our focus is always on delivering the highest quality content, and simply increasing the development team size isn't going to allow you to achieve the level of quality that we strive for. You really have to kind of bring those people up gradually and help teach them how to develop games in order to achieve that consistent quality level. So that's one challenge that we're always engaging with and one we're progressing on.

The other is a little bit coincidental in that the hardware jump from DS to 3DS was quite big in terms of the difference between those two [platforms] and it just so happens that that same scale of jump happened from Wii to Wii U, consecutively with those two pieces of hardware. And any time you have a big jump in the hardware technology it certainly takes the teams time to learn that and adjust their development environment in order to adapt to those big changes. So I think gradually as we're adding more staff and we're increasing our capabilities... and in the future as the hardware generation change doesn't result in significant change in the hardware environment or capabilities of the hardware, then what ends up happening is you have a smoother transition, as you saw from the Gamecube to Wii.

You can bash E3 all you want, I understand now is the time when you usually get enraged as this has happened for the past 3, maybe 4 E3's. But I can also quite reasonably disagree.

My understanding of how Nintendo work is this: They are financially conservative, very quality focused which leads to long development times, they don't really give a shit about industry wide trends, they try to be different and they might not always do what you expect. They usually put out 2 (AAA) good games a year and then a bunch of quirky stuff. They are behaving in exactly the predictable way I expect them too, nothing has changed here. They even put out N64 ports of Zelda games on GC, how is WW any different?

I would love to live in some magical world where developers made the games I wanted how I wanted but I can't. As a consumer I have to eat what I'm served. If it means waiting a little while or giving something a chance, that's life.

What we have here is this:

  • Patient person + reasonable expectations = Fair satisfaction level
  • Impatient person + unreasonable expecations = low satisfaction level

There is no contradiction here, we just have different expectations and tolerance levels. I am well used to the Nintendo drought game, it's hardly the first time and I always have other systems and games to play anyway. And I'm usually well informed so even if they don't show something on stage I can always know what is going on and being developed in addition to what is selected to be shown at e3.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 13:39:08
Dvader said:

i dont know!


Its more of the same. Not innovative in the way Mario 64 - Sunshine - Galaxy was. We just had a game exactly like this a year ago. It does not use the gamepad in any interesting way, though galaxy didnt use the wiimote that much either so whatever. Part of the fun with Wii U is finally seeing these franchises with modern graphics and it does look nice but not to the level I think most were expecting. Focus on multiplayer is worrisome, from what I saw its a chaotic mess. Single player should be fun but I worry that the levels are too spaced out.

The game should be awesome. But it doesnt try much new and I dont consider 4 player co-op to be new, I dont play Mario for multiplayer.

Hmm, not sure it's more of the same, a fixed view 4 player Mario sounds quite different to the Mario I know and quite different from 3Dland. Not sure how Mario Sunshine was so different for having a water gun.

"It does not use the gamepad in any interesting way"

I'll wait on previews for this info. I agree with you on virtually all your post, I don't like multiplayer focus in ANYTHING really. And on the graphics I think they will improve with the next game, there is such a massive difference between Mario Kart U and some of the other games they showed, growing pains. From the good quality videos I have seen of 3Dworld it's actually pretty nice but not mind blowing now. I think a new lighting engine could do wonders but they seem to want to keep the Galaxy style, clean, bright and simple.

Dvader said:

And GG there were some years of the Wii where Nintendo conferences were absolutely incredible.

I'm not really remembering many Nintendo E3s which were that incredible:

  • The one with Twilight Princess, RE4 and Prime 2.
  • Wii 2006 unveiling
  • 3DS unveling?

Nothing new for 3DS? There is a fuckton of games for it still yet to be released and Iwata said their were unnannouced ones too. It's not like it's a game starved platform. There is a lot of media and stuff out there this E3 but I have avoided posting most of it because of the focus on new platforms. There is nothing we didn't already know about though. Still 3DS has so many games right now Nintendo Europe have a SO many games promotion going where they are giving away a free one.

One of Nintendos' problems is that it has to fully service a handheld and home console. Others have tried and failed. It seems you can do one but not both and even if you can do it, there are trade offs in resources between the two.

Dvader said:

Ok but I warn you, terrible angle.

Kart is stunning. Like WOW. Even I might get it... probably not.

Great videos man. Thanks.

Why don't you like Kart? I personally thought the Wii game was the best one ever and had tons of fun with it.

aspro said:

Having now watched the Wii U Nintendo Direct, as a Wii U owner I would be entirely satisified with their offerings.

Nintendo games have never looked better and they look like they provide everything that the last iterations provided.

The lack of a true 3D Mario was, of course, the greatest let-down.

All in all, Nintendo saved a lot of money by not going to E3 to do a real conference.  No-one would have noticed any more or less, and given last year's stilted show they are best to avoid live presentations.

I don't get how they saved massive moolah. All their execs and developers were there like normal e3 doing panels and interviews, all the booths were setup, they did a live demo shortly after the N.Direct with Miyamoto to journalists. All the games are flown over, displays are there. In every other way they are doing normal E3. How much would it cost to rent a theatre for an hour and have Reggie talk on stage then show a video on a big screen? This was a pointless experiment IMO. They should have done it the normal way or just did videos. Otherwise it's fairly pointless.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:56:21


That is the Nintendo this E3 needed. Anything less than that was a failure. GG, the truth is the Wii U is drowning, Nintendo needed their absolute best show in years to get excitement forward and they flat out FAILED. You can hang around in the corner all you want looking to the future but look around the web, around all reactions and Nintendo failed to deliver. I guess you expected a non true Mario sequel, no one on the internet did. I guess you expected a Wii upscaled basic sequel to DKCR by Retro, no one else did. You are completely out of touch with the reaction now, you can have your own that is fine but dont crap on mine when most people are thinking the same thing.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:06:21
Dvader said:


That is the Nintendo this E3 needed. Anything less than that was a failure. GG, the truth is the Wii U is drowning, Nintendo needed their absolute best show in years to get excitement forward and they flat out FAILED. You can hang around in the corner all you want looking to the future but look around the web, around all reactions and Nintendo failed to deliver. I guess you expected a non true Mario sequel, no one on the internet did. I guess you expected a Wii upscaled basic sequel to DKCR by Retro, no one else did. You are completely out of touch with the reaction now, you can have your own that is fine but dont crap on mine when most people are thinking the same thing.

Are you using internet forums to validate your own opinion?! How pathetic. Here's reality, Nintendo is a business. They are not your friend. Stop being butthurt about it, there is no reason to get angry. Never understand the emotional outburst. It is just videogames.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:26:25
Iga_Bobovic said:

Are you using internet forums to validate your own opinion?! How pathetic. Here's reality, Nintendo is a business. They are not your friend. Stop being butthurt about it, there is no reason to get angry. Never understand the emotional outburst. It is just videogames.

I am not validating anything, just showing GG it is not just me, as if I am the only one reacting negatively. And its the internet, emotional outbursts are fun. You are an emotionless robot, of course you dont understand emotion. Nyaa

Edited: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:26:46
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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:33:28

All I want is for GG to repeat after me.

"This E3 was disappointing for Nintendo"

There are different levels of disappointing, he doesnt have to be as dissapointed as me but come on, even you have to admit you expected at least a little bit better. You already admitted to not caring for Retro did so there you go. So say it GG. SAY IT. Nyaa

I'll say the reverse which I believe is true, Nintendo's up coming year line up is very good. Mario is the one that stings but I am sure the game we are getting will be another 9 level game and be a ton of fun. Smash will be amazing. DKCR as much as I want to throw up thinking about it should be amazing considering the first is one of the finest platformers ever made. And Mario Kart is well Mario Kart.

Zelda WW you are dead to me though. DEAD. (its about the dungeons more than the graphics.)

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:44:07
Dvader said:

That is the Nintendo this E3 needed. Anything less than that was a failure. GG, the truth is the Wii U is drowning, Nintendo needed their absolute best show in years to get excitement forward and they flat out FAILED. You can hang around in the corner all you want looking to the future but look around the web, around all reactions and Nintendo failed to deliver. I guess you expected a non true Mario sequel, no one on the internet did. I guess you expected a Wii upscaled basic sequel to DKCR by Retro, no one else did. You are completely out of touch with the reaction now, you can have your own that is fine but dont crap on mine when most people are thinking the same thing.

Mob mentality and internet sentiment are not necessarily the truth man.

It's like.

Treton:  No used fees for Sony games.  You can lend out your games to your friends. PS4 = $400.  Online will cost you now, oh well.  FFXV!!!!  KH3!!!!  SHOOTERS!!!  Yeaaah bitches!! SONYYYYYY

Person 1 - WOW!  PS4 is the greatest SONY SONY SONY I LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU.  Please take my money now!! PLEAAAASE!

Person 2 - Dude hang on,... you know they haven't exactly said that they guarantee you there won't be all kinds of restrictions on used games etc from other publishers - just like on XBONE.

Person 1 - Fuck XBONE man. PS4 400$, ONLY!!! Oh Sony I love you so much.

Person 2 - You know, Sony came out and said they're charging yearly fees for online play.  Just like Microsoft.

Person 1 - Fuck MICROSOFT man.  Aren't you listening?  Sony man.  They love the gamerrr.  $400 console and everything is allowed.  AND FREE.  OH Jack Tretton please empragnate me NAO.  Guys who do we love?


Person 1 - Who do we hate?



Next day conversation...

Iwata:  My name IWATA.  New Pokemans.  New console 3D Mario U,  Wind Waker HD, Mario Kart 8, Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, New Monolith Soft RPG, indie games, and special surprise from Retro ... DKC Returns ... again!  More games to come next year for both U and 3DS.  Thank you please!

Person 1:  What the fuck is this shit?  Srsly WTF?  That's like ... only all the games Iwata said they were going to show!

Person 2:  Well, yeah.  But we got to see the new 3D super mario.

Person 1:  Fuck you man.  That ain't no real 3D super mario.  Where's Super Mario Space Nebulae?  Where's Super Mario Solar System?  Where's Super Mario Infinity?  A cat-suit and 4-way multiplayer?  Fuck super mario and iwata in the ass.  They showed NOTHING man.  NINTENDO has N-O-T-H-I-N-G.

Person 2: Well, yeah.  There was also new donkey kong country from Retro.

Person 1: FUCK new donkey kong from Retro.  That's bullshit.

Person 2: Why I thought you loved donkey kong country returns last year?

Person 1:  Well yeaaah!  But that don't mean I want a sequel.  They ought to be working on Metroid.

Person 2:  Wouldn't that be a sequel?

Person 1:  Fuck you man, stop trying to confuse me.  Nintendo is dead to me D-E-A-D.  Guys who do we hate?

Mob - Nintendo.

Person 1:  Who do we hate even more?

Mob - Reggie!!!!


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:52:15
SupremeAC said:

I agree with Vader that after Galaxy, 3D world is looking very mundane, and I share his fear that the level design will suffer a lot, with it having to accomodate 4 players.  The thing is, Vader, what could they possibly have come up with that could topple fooling around with gravity in a platformer?  It can not be done.  EAD studio 1 is the absolute best this industry has to offer, you can't expect them to better themselves with every game.

And I feel much like Leo.  let down at first because they didn't show anything unexpected and fresh, but in hindsight very pleased with what they did show, bar WW and maybe 3D world.  We'll finally have some games to play on our WiiU, even if they aren't anything spectaculary fresh.

To be honest, it was probably a lose/lose situation for them. Had they shown a Galaxy type game, everyone probably would have cried: "It's the same game in HD!" like they did with Smash. My feelings are this: Galaxy was a GREAT game, but Galaxy 2 was better. All Galaxy 2 was though was all the ideas left on the cutting room floor from 1. I liked 2 more, believe it or not, because it was a less-filler, less-nonsense, more-traditional, almost Super Mario Bros, one stage to the next... STRUCTURED experience. 3D world is not a simple side-scroller, nor is it full 3D... it is constrained and more on a set path, but sometimes having less "freedom" gives the developer the ability to make a much better presented, focused experience. With the exception of anti-gravity and lots of needless waggle, 3D World can have everything Galaxy 2 had or more. If Galaxy 2 was just the leftovers, what's going to happen when multiple, established Mario teams are tasked with making something "New." It's not like we've had many of this style of Mario game yet. We've had like a dozen Mario side-scrollers, 4 full 3D Marios and only ONE other of this type. I think people need to keep an open mind, trust in the developers and give this game more of a chance. Who knows, it could turn out to be BETTER than Galaxy!

Edited: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:55:14
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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:11:30

Person 1 is right.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:21:27

Leo I didn't want Galaxy 3. I wanted the next evolution of 3D Mario where ever that might take us. Bigger worlds maybe? Crazy new gameplay ideas revolving around touch pad. Some brand new mechanic that defines the game like gravity did in Galaxy.

But this is all ok cause next year they will show Super Mario & Sonic World developed by Nintendo.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:25:50

Another thing, I don't want Prime 4. I want a full on third person Metroid game that is nothing like Other M, please not like that. If retro is working on it, great if not I hope it's a team that is trying some new amazing things.

I want Nintendo to surprise us with new gameplay ideas like they used to. I have no worries a out Zelda cause that is the only franchise that tries something totally different with each installment. If the next Zelda is Skyward Sword 2 I would throw my wii u in the trash.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:28:37

...but if you try sometimes well you might find you get just what you need.


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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:31:13
phantom_leo said:

...but if you try sometimes well you might find you get just what you need.



I think its more... if you cant be with the one you love, love the one your with, love the one your with. Do do do do do do dodo.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:41:42
Dvader said:


I think its more... if you cant be with the one you love, love the one your with, love the one your with. Do do do do do do dodo.

I can't get noooo satisfaction.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:50:03


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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:59:40
Dvader said:

Another thing, I don't want Prime 4. I want a full on third person Metroid game that is nothing like Other M, please not like that. If retro is working on it, great if not I hope it's a team that is trying some new amazing things.

I want Nintendo to surprise us with new gameplay ideas like they used to. I have no worries a out Zelda cause that is the only franchise that tries something totally different with each installment. If the next Zelda is Skyward Sword 2 I would throw my wii u in the trash.

I would actually like open world Super Mario and Metroid entries on Wii U, loosly based off of Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime just less linear.

The games Nintendo has coming definitely look GOOD, I just expected more and I know they could have done BETTER. Normally, you want the 1st year's wave of games to be the giant gamer's dream games, like on Gamecube with Metroid Prime, Resident Evil remake, Mario Sunshine, and Zelda Wind Waker. Or on Wii with Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Zelda Twilight Princess and more. Then, you follow those up with the B-level excitement entries in following year.

On Wii U, I feel like Nintendo is doing the everyone the safe, cheaper, quirky stuff FIRST, Mario 3D World, New Luigi U, Wind Waker HD (REmake it is NOT) New Donkey Kong U, be followed up 2 or 3 years from now with the big grand Push Wii U to the limits experiences that most people want NOW, like a Mario Universe, Metroid U, new Zelda, etc.

Basically, we are getting the filler games first, then the grand course meal 2nd or 3rd.


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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 19:19:41
edgecrusher said:

I would actually like open world Super Mario and Metroid entries on Wii U, loosly based off of Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime just less linear.

The games Nintendo has coming definitely look GOOD, I just expected more and I know they could have done BETTER. Normally, you want the 1st year's wave of games to be the giant gamer's dream games, like on Gamecube with Metroid Prime, Resident Evil remake, Mario Sunshine, and Zelda Wind Waker. r on Wii with Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Zelda Twilight Princess and more. Then, you follow those up with the B-level excitement entries in following year.

On Wii U, I feel like Nintendo is doing the everyone the safe, cheaper, quirky stuff FIRST, Mario 3D World, New Luigi U, Wind Waker HD (REmake it is NOT) New Donkey Kong U, be followed up 2 or 3 years from now with the big grand Push Wii U to the limits experiences that most people want NOW, like a Mario Universe, Metroid U, new Zelda, etc.

Basically, we are getting the filler games first, then the grand course meal 2nd or 3rd.

Great post. For me this is mostly about Mario and the playing with expectations. I wanted that one game this year, the one I can point to and say "I bought the system for that" I was ready for that big Mario game this year. That is all I wanted, cause even if no other games were announced I k sw I would be playing something magical.

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 19:35:19
Dvader said:

Great post. For me this is mostly about Mario and the playing with expectations. I wanted that one game this year, the one I can point to and say "I bought the system for that" I was ready for that big Mario game this year. That is all I wanted, cause even if no other games were announced I k sw I would be playing something magical.

Exactly I agree.

That big Mario 64 like experience that makes the statement "This is what the console is capable of" in terms of a big immersive experience. Mario 3D World is going to just feel like another retro Mario experience, a side experience to the real deal. Same with Donkey Kong. All going to be great games worth playing, but not the kind of stuff that is going to push the boundaries of gaming on a $350 machine.


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Thu, 13 Jun 2013 21:53:40
Dvader said:

Leo I didn't want Galaxy 3. I wanted the next evolution of 3D Mario where ever that might take us. Bigger worlds maybe? Crazy new gameplay ideas revolving around touch pad. Some brand new mechanic that defines the game like gravity did in Galaxy.

But this is all ok cause next year they will show Super Mario & Sonic World developed by Nintendo.

Actually the setting of the new Mario and Luigi game would be perfect for a new Galaxy. Can you imagine a dream setting? It will be even more surreal than the space setting in Galaxy. First you are in space, then you are floating in mid air, than suddenly you are 8-bit style and after that photo realistic. Anything goes!

Dvader said:

Another thing, I don't want Prime 4. I want a full on third person Metroid game that is nothing like Other M, please not like that. If retro is working on it, great if not I hope it's a team that is trying some new amazing things.

I want Nintendo to surprise us with new gameplay ideas like they used to. I have no worries a out Zelda cause that is the only franchise that tries something totally different with each installment. If the next Zelda is Skyward Sword 2 I would throw my wii u in the trash.

Actually the core 3rd person part of other M would be perfect. Get rid of the first person sections and give us nunchuck-wiimote controls. You want to shoot, just point and shoot  while moving around. Improve the level design and put the same power up system like the old games. And hire an editor who's job is to kick Sakamoto in the balls when he even thinks about writing a story.

But alas Metroid kinda has the same status as F-Zero right now Sad

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Fri, 14 Jun 2013 01:57:30
phantom_leo said:

No fair deleting your posts as I respond to them HAMSTER!


I have no idea what you're talking about. Nyaa

Cat suit rulez!

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