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E3 Nintendo Direct. 10am EST
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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:21:31

I just watched the presentation. I'm sure my expectations were a lot lower than a few other people's but overall I liked what I saw. Definitely disappointed that there wasn't more, but this was good enough for what I was expecting.

  • Super Mario World 3D or whatever it was called looked cool. Nice integration of some of the features that I liked so much from SMB2. I figure this is Nintendo's attempt to make the 3-D Mario games appeal a little bit more to the Japanese audience, since they're not the biggest fans of them.
  • Mario Kart 8 looked incredible. Day 1 purchase for me.
  • I think I finally understand what the hell The Wonderful 101 is about now. I'll probably pick it up.
  • Mega Man has gotten me interested in Smash Bros. again.

As far as the rest of it goes it was more or less just there for me. X and WindWaker will be fine I'm sure. Probably won't play Bayonetta. Definitely won't get Wii U Party (though my son wants it). And I'll probably pick up Wii Fit U regardless of what it has.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:22:29
Dvader said:

Mario Kart does look stunning. That is a true Wii U game.

I'm still stumped by the laziness of Smash. They ripped the Skyloft model right out of wii skyward sword. I think they dissolved the Brawl studio after it came out and have tried to reform some team with Namco to make Smash. Just looks average.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:23:41
gamingeek said:

I'm still stumped by the laziness of Smash. They ripped the Skyloft model right out of wii skyward sword. I think they dissolved the Brawl studio after it came out and have tried to reform some team with Namco to make Smash. Just looks average.

Yup. Its crazy how you can tell which games have new graphics and which are just old engines. Kart is using whatever Nintendoland is using, which is beautiful IMO.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:31:26

I played three demos on the 3DS today:

1.  Mutant Mudds.  This game seems to be so hyped.  It's like the poster-child for "indie" developers on the Nintendo eShop.  The four levels in the demo are actually pretty decent.  If it was under a fiver I'd probably get it but it's closer to 10 and it doesn't seem like it's worth it at that price.

2.  Project X Zone.  WTF is this shit?  Seriously.  I was seeing this title here and there (at one point I thought it was a fighting game) so I downloaded the demo to see what it was about but I still haven't got a clue.  It's some weird SRPG type thing I know I will steer clear of.

3.  HarmoKnight.  This is enjoyable but the demo is too short (I understand the point is to get you to buy the full game).  Once again it's really expensive for a downloadable title.  I don't think it will have enough substance to it to justify a £15 download.  The only downloadable game I payed that much for was World of Goo.


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:35:34
Dvader said:

Mario Kart does look stunning. That is a true Wii U game.

What about X then?

Dvader said:

Yup. Its crazy how you can tell which games have new graphics and which are just old engines. Kart is using whatever Nintendoland is using, which is beautiful IMO.

I think that Smash and DKC might be a result of Nintendo in panic mode trying to get games out as quick as possible because 3rd parties are not joining in. I think the new marios' mandate from the start was: multiplayer and that has effected every design decision in the game. They want everyone on screen at the same time.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:44:39
bugsonglass said:

I played three demos on the 3DS today:

1.  Mutant Mudds.  This game seems to be so hyped.  It's like the poster-child for "indie" developers on the Nintendo eShop.  The four levels in the demo are actually pretty decent.  If it was under a fiver I'd probably get it but it's closer to 10 and it doesn't seem like it's worth it at that price.

Mutant Mudds appeals to a very narrow audience. Basically people who miss unfair 8 bit difficulty. It's a neat idea, and the 3-D is put to use in a good simple way. But the gameplay is very much 8 bit in the way it relies on making the gamer make extremely unforgiving jumps with very little leeway with instant death awaiting them. The only way to really get the full value of the game is if you manage to fall in love with it and unlock the secret Grandma's Attic levels or whatever the really hard difficulty levels were called that you play as Grandma with.

Watch for a sale. If it were at the $5 mark, I'd say it's worth trying out. No more than that though.

Edited: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:45:12
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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:47:35

GG X is like some magic next gen game that is working on Wii U. It is insane.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:48:32
Dvader said:

Hands on Mario World, dude trying to be very positive but its mostly just like Land. Will this game even have online play??? Probably not cause its Nintendo.

What the hell is this:

"In 2011, EAD Tokyo was given a simple, yet massive task – make a 3D Mario adventure that not only lived up to the high standard set by Nintendo, but validate that it would work with the 3D effect of the Nintendo 3DS. Put simply – the Tokyo Studio succeeded, and Super Mario 3D Land instantly became one of the 3DS’s best titles – and it still is to this day.

Considering that pedigree, it’s no wonder that Nintendo and its Tokyo branch are returning to the concept for Wii U"

Galaxy is 4 X as good, one of the best games ever made, this intro makes no sense.

" It’s fun. It’s chaotic with friends. All the type of stuff you’d expect from a successor to 3D Land."

But why would you want a successor to 3D Land that is not on 3DS? Sense, meet my FIST!

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:52:28
gamingeek said:

But why would you want a successor to 3D Land that is not on 3DS? Sense, meet my FIST!

I think it's pretty obvious. 3-D Mario games do well in Japan, but nowhere near as well as the 3-D ones. Mario Land 3-D actually did well saleswise in Japan though. This is Nintendo's attempt to make a compromise and ensure that a 3-D console Mario will be a high seller in Japan.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:54:15
gamingeek said:

What the hell is this:

"In 2011, EAD Tokyo was given a simple, yet massive task – make a 3D Mario adventure that not only lived up to the high standard set by Nintendo, but validate that it would work with the 3D effect of the Nintendo 3DS. Put simply – the Tokyo Studio succeeded, and Super Mario 3D Land instantly became one of the 3DS’s best titles – and it still is to this day.

Considering that pedigree, it’s no wonder that Nintendo and its Tokyo branch are returning to the concept for Wii U"

Galaxy is 4 X as good, one of the best games ever made, this intro makes no sense.

" It’s fun. It’s chaotic with friends. All the type of stuff you’d expect from a successor to 3D Land."

But why would you want a successor to 3D Land that is not on 3DS? Sense, meet my FIST!

Also 3D Land has no multiplayer, what are they talking about it being chaotic like Land, there is no multiplayer!

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:57:12
WW HD was simply 'ok', most games looked good, Kart, Bayonetta 2, and X looked great. Disappointed that there was no Wii U price-cut. I'll get some of these games because they'll be fun and I'm still very much a Nintendo fan but in general this Nintendo Direct was very "Meh".


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 19:01:30

I've read some feedback on the Mega Man clip from Smash Bros. and a lot of people keep saying that today Nintendo showed more love to Mega Man than Capcom has in the past several years. Sad but true. Hopefully this game will be a launching pad for Mega Man to get back out there and get a good game again.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 19:11:36

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, just watched the Pikmin 3 trailer in HD, what happened is this the first clean footage we've seen? Looks great.

robio said:

I think it's pretty obvious. 3-D Mario games do well in Japan, but nowhere near as well as the 3-D ones.

Mind blown. Nyaa But the Japanese buy more portable games, Animal Crossing DS utterly destroyed the Wii versions sales.

Archangel3371 said:
WW HD was simply 'ok'

Did you guys watch the WW trailer in HD? When I saw it in the N.Direct the video feed was bad and it looked just like the GC game. When I watched the HD trailer it looked much better/cleaner, nicer lit.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 19:18:01
Dvader said:

GG X is like some magic next gen game that is working on Wii U. It is insane.

So beautiful.

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 19:22:47
robio said:

I've read some feedback on the Mega Man clip from Smash Bros. and a lot of people keep saying that today Nintendo showed more love to Mega Man than Capcom has in the past several years. Sad but true. Hopefully this game will be a launching pad for Mega Man to get back out there and get a good game again.

Won't he play almost identically to Samus though in Smash?

Also when you were talking about the Mega Man games on Virtual Console ... I think the 3DS VC has started to see releases of the Zero games (originally on GBA).  I played a couple of those and they were really good.  Not sure how much of a legacy they've left though


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 19:31:02

Bayonetta 2 just went from LOL NO to maybe could be cool:

"Choose between Normal and Touch play styles. The Normal Mode represents the technical control scheme unique to BAYONETTA, an acclaimed control scheme that fans of the previous game love and all action game fans will enjoy. The Touch Mode, on the other hand, offers a more convenient play style for those unfamiliar with action games or simply looking for a new spin on action. Players can use the Wii U GamePad controller’s touch screen controls to easily manipulate Bayonetta as she moves, attacks and evades enemies."

Like Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword? Happy

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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 20:40:17
Yeah I watched the WW trailer in HD. I skipped the N Direct itself and just watched all the game trailers in HD instead. It looks nice and clean but it's still just a GC game in the other aspects ie. polycount etc. Of course I wasn't expecting a remake or anything but it's certainly not something that makes my jaw drop in this day and age hence why I think it looks 'ok'. They are out of their flipping minds though if they think that I will pay anything close to $60 for it.


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 20:40:40
bugsonglass said:

Won't he play almost identically to Samus though in Smash?

Also when you were talking about the Mega Man games on Virtual Console ... I think the 3DS VC has started to see releases of the Zero games (originally on GBA).  I played a couple of those and they were really good.  Not sure how much of a legacy they've left though

From his preview video I think he's going to have more emphasis on his special weapons. They showcased the metal disk, leaf shield, crash bomber, and a couple others. I think he'll end up being very different.
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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 21:36:51

Having MegaMan in Smash Bros is sooo much better than having a new Megaman game made by ex Metroid Prime developers named Project Maverick...


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Tue, 11 Jun 2013 21:50:30

Let me check in very briefly to say the conference did two very strange things. One, it confirmed there'd be enough content to eventually compel me to buy a Wii U, though after a price drop only. Second, it disappointed me terribly. I was literally able to get my brother to guess more or less what happened in the entire conference by asking him to guess what the most obvious possibility was. It went something like...

"Guess what Nintendo showed. Think obvious."

"I dunno. Probably a new Mario Kart and a new Mario. Maybe Pikmin 3. Smash Brothers too, I think. And Retro probably showed something."

"That's more or less it. Now, what do you think Retro showed? Think of the most obvious possibility."

"Star Fox?"

"More obvious."

"Metroid again?"

"No, think of the safest possible thing they could work on."

"Another Donkey Kong Country game? I thought they were going to do something new."

That conference was literally the most predictable thing possible. They showed a Mario game in line with the past three 3D Mario games, they showed another Donkey Kong Country game, another Mario Kart, and Smash Brothers. The only vaguely interesting trailer was X, and the Platinum Games titles were at least different, though we knew about them already. Everything else promised "exact same game only now in HD!". I don't see anything that I can't enjoy by playing, say, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Smash Brothers Brawl and Mario Kart Wii on a system I already own! Why do I need to get the Wii U versions of these games?

The bizarre thing is that Nintendo, even when they launch something only they have real ideas for, usually has a game out within the first eighteen months that clearly shows that they were thinking of that piece of software when they came up with the system. None of the key announced titles really need the game pad, which I do think is an interesting piece of tech. It was telling we barely saw anything of the game pad being used, which has been a thing for Nintendo in past conferences.

I think we can safely say that the next conference will unveil a new Metroid, one of Star Fox or F-Zero, and Zelda will be the conference ending kicker.

This was beyond predictable. And yet...

I'm probably still more likely to get one today than I was yesterday. Just because I know I'm really going to enjoy Super Mario 3D World, and probably Mario Kart 8, and I'll probably play Wind Waker HD at some point and some of the other games. I want to play them, because... I still enjoy Nintendo games.

But make no mistake, I'm far less into videogames today than I was three to five years ago. Nintendo's a big part of that--I very much developed my taste for playful games, which has led to my disinterest in EXTREME HIGH DEFINITION ULTRA VIOLENCE, which seems to be the norm these days, and so... I still want the silly Mario RPGs and the Mario platformers and the silly plant creature strategy games. They do appeal to a certain side of me. But replaying a remake of the same game, which is essentially Nintendo's development niche these days, only appeals to me so much. I'm going to spend a very small part of my time in the future on videogames, and that has a lot to do with... only having an appetite for a handful of these experiences every year, due to redundancy of the experiences. And Nintendo just keeps marching on as if some kind of wall flattening mechanic in Zelda makes up for the fact that they simply refuse to imagine a game from the ground up, EVER, and that people will keep coming back. I suppose everyone is making the same game over and over again, so it's not like we have much choice if we want large-scale games.

If I was still passionate about videogames, I feel like I would have been driven heavily into investigating the indie scene, and unearthing more than the ones that get widespread coverage like Braid and Limbo. But I think, in a way, Nintendo, being sort of the default home for my tastes in games, has sort of deflated my enthusiasm by attrition, and essentially transformed me from a passionate hardcore gamer who loves Nintendo games and enjoys other sorts too, into a casual player who mostly sticks with a handful of Nintendo games, and buys maybe three or four of them a year. I'm not sure how much my decision to pursue a different career path than game development affected my loss of interest, but I'm not sure they're unrelated--loss of enthusiasm coupled with newer, deeper interests eventually made me realize videogames just weren't my main thing anymore.

I initially thought I'd just stop by and post a few thoughts, for old time's sake, and check in with a few people who I used to interact with a lot, but fittingly, this thread has sort of served to clarify, once again, why I'm not really around on the gaming forums actively anymore. Nintendo bored me out of it. And paradoxically, they're the only ones really entertaining me these days anyway. Though to be fair, I have played two non-Nintendo games this year in Ni No Kuni and BioShock Inifinite.

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