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The last of us thread
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Mon, 17 Jun 2013 15:45:37
gamingeek said:

I haven't played LFD. So running zombies?

Yes, super running zombies, once they spot you get ready for a horde charging at you from everywhere.

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Mon, 17 Jun 2013 15:46:06
Archangel3371 said:
Looks like Naughty Dog sure have a hit on their hands. I stopped by some stores yesterday and they had already sold out all their copies of the game which was quite a few.

I have never seen PSN filled with so many people playing the same game.

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Mon, 17 Jun 2013 15:55:57
Dvader said:

Yes, super running zombies, once they spot you get ready for a horde charging at you from everywhere.

No grenades?

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Mon, 17 Jun 2013 15:57:21
Dvader said:

I have to beat this today as I fly out tomorrow so marathon gaming session today. I have been fighting some humans, I find them to be so much easier simply cause they dont charge you. All you need to do is pop out kill then run and hide. Repeat.  Its super easy to manipulate them. The zombies though, damn they nailed it. There was this moment with an elevator and what comes after is some of the creepiest shit ever.

Yes!  Holy shit yes!  When I saw those rats, I wanted to follow them.

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Mon, 17 Jun 2013 15:58:44
gamingeek said:

No grenades?

Yes you get makeshift grenades and mines.

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Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:01:44
gamingeek said:

No grenades?

You have molotovs, smoke bombs and nail bombs.  All are homemade bombs made from the scrap that you find.

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Tue, 18 Jun 2013 04:05:06

Played a couple of hours, not really getting this game. As usual I am kinda the odd man out when it comes to these 10 rated games. It is more of a 7 or 8 kind of game for me so far. The stealth is merely ok. The melee combat is merely ok. The gun fighting is pretty bad. I don't get it. I am completely lost on the hype for this thing. It is OK so far but no more than that.

Why on earth can't I pick up ammo clips or machineguns my enemys drop either? Duuurrr that wouldn't come in handy so leave them behind.

Hope it gets better soon.

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Tue, 18 Jun 2013 07:21:41
GodModeEnabled said:

Played a couple of hours, not really getting this game. As usual I am kinda the odd man out when it comes to these 10 rated games. It is more of a 7 or 8 kind of game for me so far. The stealth is merely ok. The melee combat is merely ok. The gun fighting is pretty bad. I don't get it. I am completely lost on the hype for this thing. It is OK so far but no more than that.

Why on earth can't I pick up ammo clips or machineguns my enemys drop either? Duuurrr that wouldn't come in handy so leave them behind.

Hope it gets better soon.

The beginning is meh, the rest of the game is shitballs insane good.

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Tue, 18 Jun 2013 07:22:35

So this game is a masterpiece. I finished it but I did not like the ending. Still a magnificent game and it edges out Bioshock as my current GOTY. In terms of storytelling this does feel like a milestone, absolutely brilliant story that fits perfectly with the game, they are one and the same.

BTW Nolan North is INCREDIBLE in this game. Troy Baker has solidified himself as the best video game voice actor, Booker and Joel, thats the two best roles of the year right there.

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Tue, 18 Jun 2013 07:23:10


The story is just beyond anything I have seen in games. The emotional rollercoaster it puts you in is unmatched, you feel every swing of emotion. I was happy, sad, frightened (not because of monsters but because I could lose Ellie), then utterly disgusted. The last half of this game pulls out all the stops, the winter section being one of the greatest few hours in gaming history.

Then the start of Sping was just as good. So many little things that tugged at your emotions, you can tell Ellie is not the same. When you go to boost and she is not there, its like this game breaking moment where you expect the canned animation, removing that made it powerful. The giraffes and Ellie feeling like her old self again. I loved how you can see Joel finally opening up to her, opening talking about his daughter. You got an excellent section against the infected in the tunnel and then MEH.

You end the game with a bunch of military rejects from Uncharted. You build all these stealth mechanics, introduce all sorts of awesome monsters and you end with a gun fight. Yes you can still stealth it but the game is practically begging you to take rifles and start gunning down the place like rambo. It was one of the worst sections in terms of gameplay in the whole game. You are supposed to end with your best. The David shit might as well have been the end then. At least have one giant zombie attack, something.

In terms of story I wanted her back so badly. But I only killed one doctor, you guys are monsters, the other two did nothing. Then when you meet Marlene and you see what Joel is doing it starts to feel wrong. The car ride solidified it. He wasn't saving her for her, he was doing it cause he is a selfish monster. She represents his daughter, he found a reason to live and damn everyone who gets in the way. He even lies to her face. What a crazy turn around, I feel bad that Ellie will live this lie.

I was hoping for a bit more closure though, I kept reading how this game feels like no sequel is necessary. Nothing is resolved, you just learn that Joel is going to live a lie so he can raise the girl. Someone will come for her, or she will seek the truth and when she learns it that encounter will be nuts. The way the game just stops reminded me of No Country For Old Men. That movie won best picture so I guess people like the abrupt end stuff.

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Tue, 18 Jun 2013 11:10:30
Dvader said:

So this game is a masterpiece. I finished it but I did not like the ending. Still a magnificent game and it edges out Bioshock as my current GOTY. In terms of storytelling this does feel like a milestone, absolutely brilliant story that fits perfectly with the game, they are one and the same.

BTW Nolan North is INCREDIBLE in this game. Troy Baker has solidified himself as the best video game voice actor, Booker and Joel, thats the two best roles of the year right there.

That was quick, how long is it? What is the breakdown between design and story with regards to it being this masterpiece? Is it getting a lot more praise because of the story, more than the actual design warrants?

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Tue, 18 Jun 2013 18:46:31
gamingeek said:

That was quick, how long is it? What is the breakdown between design and story with regards to it being this masterpiece? Is it getting a lot more praise because of the story, more than the actual design warrants?

Too me over 15 hours. I think all the greatest game this gen level praise comes from the story, it does feel like a storytelling milestone, I wish the mass public could experience this story. If it were a movie it would be the best movie I have seen all year.

The game is still fantastic, 9 level game easily. The story and the game are one, so they are hard to separate. This is not a game full of cutscenes, most of the story plays out as you play. The gameplay scenarios are interesting and varied enough to keep surprising you for 15 hours. I still think Uncharted 2 is naught dogs best game but this is second.

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Tue, 18 Jun 2013 19:27:59

So between like all the best stories in games this gen, which are the best? Walking Dead, Last of Us? Infinite?

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Tue, 18 Jun 2013 22:31:33
gamingeek said:

So between like all the best stories in games this gen, which are the best? Walking Dead, Last of Us? Infinite?

Last of us wins

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Tue, 18 Jun 2013 23:45:36

Ugh, I'm eleven hours in and will be away for a couple of days.  I'm leaning towards this being my GOTY, depending how the rest of the game plays out.  I have a feeling that I won't be disappointed.



[spoiler]  . The part with the sniper in the house was just incredible, easily the highlight of the game so far.  The cinematic after that was very sad.  You knew it was coming, but you still can't help but be affected by it.  This may be the best story in a game I've seen in quite some time.  [/spoiler]  

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Wed, 19 Jun 2013 13:13:25

This is the best game Naughty Dog have made...I love when developers save their best for last on a console's way out. I love Uncharted 2, that is my favorite of that series and this game beats it and does so by being NOTHING like Uncharted. Like I said the other day, it reminds me more than anything of a 3rd-person Half Life. But you can also feel like Resident Evil and Silent Hill love.

The beginning was a tad slow, but also impressive the way they set up the story...its literally like watching an awesome movie the 1st hour or two.

Easily one of my favorite PS3 games. I so hope Naughty Dog plans more shit like this on PS4...


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Thu, 20 Jun 2013 11:59:31
edgecrusher said:

This is the best game Naughty Dog have made...I love when developers save their best for last on a console's way out. I love Uncharted 2, that is my favorite of that series and this game beats it and does so by being NOTHING like Uncharted. Like I said the other day, it reminds me more than anything of a 3rd-person Half Life. But you can also feel like Resident Evil and Silent Hill love.

The beginning was a tad slow, but also impressive the way they set up the story...its literally like watching an awesome movie the 1st hour or two.

Easily one of my favorite PS3 games. I so hope Naughty Dog plans more shit like this on PS4...

Indeed. I'm still undecided on whether this is ND's best, but it certainly something we need more of.  

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Wed, 26 Jun 2013 04:10:28

Online for this is fun as hell when working as a team. No team it sucks.

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Thu, 27 Jun 2013 04:20:25

I love the multiplayer.  There's a strong emphasis on teamwork, sneaking and finding supplies.  It's quite the departure from Uncharted's multiplayer.  We NEED a VGPress group!

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Sun, 07 Jul 2013 20:27:36

Yeah, I kind of screwed myself over.  I tried playing multiplayer early one morning, had to cut out of the game and lost ALL of my men. Fuuuuu!  It's cool though, starting again in week seven with 25 healthy survivors at the moment.

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