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GTAV OT - Mega Hype! Update: Loads of pics
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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 04:55:40
Yodariquo said:

So GTA is Sexism: The Game?  k

It's everything bad about society the game.

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 04:56:58

I'm in line. About 70 people here. Some dude smoking right next to me, this sucks.

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 05:01:34
Dvader said:

It's everything bad about society the game.

Well that sounds like a wholly unenjoyable experience.  No opinion on GTA specifically, though as it never greatly interested me in the first place.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 05:03:05
Yodariquo said:

Well that sounds like a wholly unenjoyable experience.  No opinion on GTA specifically, though as it never greatly interested me in the first place.

It's all satire, all done tongue and cheek. Best way to describe it is that it's like robocop.

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 05:06:01

That moment you realize you are one of the oldest people waiting in line for the midnight launch of a video game...

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 05:23:07
Dvader said:

That moment you realize you are one of the oldest people waiting in line for the midnight launch of a video game...

Ah, I know that moment well. For me, it was September 2006 when I pre-ordered my Wii; I was double the age of everyone in line. I buy most of my games online now. WinkWink

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 05:24:00

I have it, and now the 20 minute install. Yay...

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 05:25:37

My local BB is having a midnight launch. Hehe, last one was fucking Halo 3. Been a while I guess.

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 05:36:41

*Twiddles thumbs*

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 09:01:58

Got about 3 hours in, quick impressions on the controls. It feels just like GTA4 when on foot but with better animation. Cover is pretty basic, shooting does feel like Max Payne 3 except that the your enemies basically stay in cover or stand out to be an easy target so far. Driving is much better than 4, much more like old GTA. Franklins special ability is like super car handling where time slows and you can pull off crazy turns with your car, makes for some exciting chase moments.

The game starts with a bang and instantly you can tell it is more cinematic than any other GTA. The way the camera pans into the action is very Uncharted like and the orchestrated score during fire fights adds excitement to the action. The graphics are beautiful when you focus on a few objects like your character, your car, and the immediate area. The first time I was driving down the freeway (in your first mission) and got a huge view of the city my PS3 was chugging, frame rate dipped a bit and it seemed like everything was slightly choppy. Solid would not be able to handle it. At night though things seem to run better and out in the country its beautiful.  The water is STUNNING!

The missions I tried have been basic, I have had more fun just messing around. I visited Grove Street and some chick walked up to me, pulled a knife and stabbed me to death, lol. I spent some time in the strip club with the touch without being seen mini game, that must have been fun to mo cap. The gun range is great, every gun has three challenges to complete with different rankings and leaderboards, this stuff I love.

This is not fair since I have just begun to scratch the surface but comparing it to the best, San Andreas, SA gave a better first impression to me cause there seemed to be an overwhelming amount of things to do. In GTAV I stole a fire truck and there is no fire missions. I got in a cop car and no crime fighting missions. A look around and there are no hidden packages or any collectables. I did a side mission that involved a tow truck but once the mission was over that was it, it didn't unlock tow truck missions. I look at the stats and there are only 16 random events in the entire game world. Its missing so many of the things I love to just mess around with in GTA.

So yeah so far best I can say is that its GTA, which is still a great thing.

Edited: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 09:02:10
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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 09:36:08

Max Payne shooting without Max Payne AI? Eh. The mechanics really came alive with the bullet time as well. Frame thing is most worrying, though.

Have you got up to any multi-character shenanigans yet? That's the most worrying part (also the part with the most potential).

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 14:25:38
Foolz said:

Max Payne shooting without Max Payne AI? Eh. The mechanics really came alive with the bullet time as well. Frame thing is most worrying, though.

Have you got up to any multi-character shenanigans yet? That's the most worrying part (also the part with the most potential).

To be fair, it may have just been a rare occurance.  I know where he is talking about and in my playthrough I did not have any framerate issues and I was going the wrong way on the freeway.

Without going into too much detail, I will say that thus far I am enjoying the game. I will also agree that early in at least R* has really trimmed the fat on the side things.  That doesn't bother me to be honest, but I can see how it would bother others.  

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 16:37:09
gemini_red said:
Foolz said:

Max Payne shooting without Max Payne AI? Eh. The mechanics really came alive with the bullet time as well. Frame thing is most worrying, though.

Have you got up to any multi-character shenanigans yet? That's the most worrying part (also the part with the most potential).

To be fair, it may have just been a rare occurance.  I know where he is talking about and in my playthrough I did not have any framerate issues and I was going the wrong way on the freeway.

Without going into too much detail, I will say that thus far I am enjoying the game. I will also agree that early in at least R* has really trimmed the fat on the side things.  That doesn't bother me to be honest, but I can see how it would bother others.  

Yeah the frame rate is rare and it has never caused gameplay slow down or anything that hurts the gameplay. Simply you can tell the system is trying its best to hold up so much going on. Most of the time the game runs beautifully.

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 20:28:59

Missions are really really good. Other than that feels like GTA granted I have stayed in the city so havent done much of the country side stuff. Nor have I met Trevor yet. Played some tennis, its decent but nothing I spend much time on. Exploration really takes a hit when you aren't looking for any hidden stuff. Why would I go down that back alley when I know nothing will be there. The story and voice acting is top notch. I have read some of the internet and some TV, not Rockstars best work, a few good stuff though like the fake facebook stream that is always updating as you do missions.

Switching mechanic is great for when you get stuck in a boring place and you have to drive back to a certaiin location, just switch and you will be near something important.

Time to do more missions.

Edited: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 22:42:56
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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 22:25:05

I think I've finally reached the age where I can admit to myself I hate EVERYTHING about GTA games. Playing them is more of a study of the state of current day society from the perspective of gamers than a "game" in itself. I don't mean to offend anyone with this. I'm just not the type to even "play" the bad guy. I play them more for the music, the social commentary, to try and understand what current gamers value... Does this make sense?

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 22:43:22

So Saints Row is ok then? Nyaa

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 22:43:57

Not even in the same league anymore.

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 23:25:31

What started out as a bad 360 GTA clone has turned into something more akin to a --SUPER FUN-- inFamous...

...scratch that... It's BETTER than inFamous!

I'm shocked me and Aspro are the only ones playing IV right now!

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Tue, 17 Sep 2013 23:52:23
phantom_leo said:

What started out as a bad 360 GTA clone has turned into something more akin to a --SUPER FUN-- inFamous...

...scratch that... It's BETTER than inFamous!

I'm shocked me and Aspro are the only ones playing IV right now!

Yeah IV is more of a superhero open world game I guess. I still have to play SR3 which is just sitting there on my shelf.

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Wed, 18 Sep 2013 03:03:52
phantom_leo said:

I think I've finally reached the age where I can admit to myself I hate EVERYTHING about GTA games. Playing them is more of a study of the state of current day society from the perspective of gamers than a "game" in itself. I don't mean to offend anyone with this. I'm just not the type to even "play" the bad guy. I play them more for the music, the social commentary, to try and understand what current gamers value... Does this make sense?

Apart from the humour, rampages and tedious side activities that are transformed through hypnotism into fun in an open world game, that's the appeal and charm of Rockstar, not just GTA. Makes perfect sense.

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