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GTAV OT - Mega Hype! Update: Loads of pics
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Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:47:09

Trevor is hands down the biggest surprise.  I was expecting a drug addled, explosive sociopath....which he is, but he also is very charismatic and does care about his a weird way.  He's hard to describe, but he's great to play with.  

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Thu, 19 Sep 2013 03:17:51
gemini_red said:

Trevor is hands down the biggest surprise.  I was expecting a drug addled, explosive sociopath....which he is, but he also is very charismatic and does care about his a weird way.  He's hard to describe, but he's great to play with.  

Same here, he is a fantastic character. I thought he would be a dumb look, he is very smart and calculating... And insane.

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Thu, 19 Sep 2013 06:30:39

I am fairly certain at this point my copy was stolen by someone at the delivery company.

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Thu, 19 Sep 2013 06:32:38
aspro said:

I am fairly certain at this point my copy was stolen by someone at the delivery company.

And its now your mission to get it back. Go to the nav point and bring some weapons. Nyaa

Sucks to hear though. Sad

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Thu, 19 Sep 2013 07:22:21

I hope it was stolen. It's GRAND THEFT AUTO. Nyaa

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Thu, 19 Sep 2013 09:47:34

Idiot delivered it my parents house half an hour away... of course.  Started tonight, all I can say so far is FUCK THIS LOOKS GOOD.

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Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:00:47

Played a couple of hours.  Made a great first impression.  I don;t want to stop, but my body does, so I will pick it back up in the morning.

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Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:05:03

This would probably be the most shoplifted game ever (if they still kept game disks in cases at shops)


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Thu, 19 Sep 2013 18:58:25

I keep trying to taunt women until they fight me, but they never do. It makes it hard to grind my strength skill since Los Santos' population outside of the Grove seems to be 90% female.

"You kinda' look like a penis."

Edited: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 18:58:53

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Thu, 19 Sep 2013 21:43:33
Coopersville said:

I keep trying to taunt women until they fight me, but they never do. It makes it hard to grind my strength skill since Los Santos' population outside of the Grove seems to be 90% female.

"You kinda' look like a penis."

That doesn;t sound disturbing at all. Nyaa

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Fri, 20 Sep 2013 00:39:40
Coopersville said:

I keep trying to taunt women until they fight me, but they never do. It makes it hard to grind my strength skill since Los Santos' population outside of the Grove seems to be 90% female.

"You kinda' look like a penis."

In Grove Street a chick straight up shived me. Beware of the chicks at grove.

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Fri, 20 Sep 2013 03:06:19
Coopersville said:

I keep trying to taunt women until they fight me, but they never do. It makes it hard to grind my strength skill since Los Santos' population outside of the Grove seems to be 90% female.

"You kinda' look like a penis."

Women. /rolleyes. Am I right, fellow men?

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Fri, 20 Sep 2013 21:32:09

Anyone got the 360 version? What's the install like?

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Fri, 20 Sep 2013 21:39:27

So Vader, you finish it? if so how long is campaign?

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Sat, 21 Sep 2013 10:36:38
aspro said:

So Vader, you finish it? if so how long is campaign?

I've completed it.  I'd say 30-40 hours depending on how many side missions you do.  

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Sat, 21 Sep 2013 15:30:24

How is the game compared to Gay Tony and Lost and damned? And vs GTA 4?

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Sat, 21 Sep 2013 17:21:46
gamingeek said:

How is the game compared to Gay Tony and Lost and damned? And vs GTA 4?

I actually never played the expansions, so I can't help you there.  As for comparing it to 4;

-Much more colorful graphically; GTAIV is dull by comparison.

-Great cast/voice acting; This has been a pretty strong point in the last several GTA titles, and the trend continues here.  The cast is varied and interesting to watch and interact with.  The story between the main 3 characters is fun to watch unfold...although for me, Franklin was the least interesting of the 3.  I still think Trevor is the stand out of the bunch.

-Driving controls are much smoother and nowhere near as floaty as they were in GTAIV.  At least now when you do a 180 spin, you believe it's actually your fault.  Speaking of the cars, it's also nice to see that when you get into a certain model of car that you don't see all of a sudden the same model of car everywhere.

-Police pursuit; the cops are smarter and more aggressive without being too difficult to escape.  It's a nice balance where as in GTAIV it seemed too easy.

-Heists; If this isn't done more in the series I will be sorely dissapointed.  You basically manage your team and what tactics you use well in advance and then get the things you need and try to carry it out.  These were very tense and exciting to pull off.

-Hanging out with friends; my favorite part about this?  You have to call them!  In short you are not being constantly badgered by your circle of friends and don't have to worry about getting special talents from them.  This was one thing that really annoyed me in IV.

Overall I think this game beats out GTAIV in just about every way.  Missions have more variety, you can explore the enitre world at the very beginning, switching between characters during missions adds another level of strategy, plenty of side stuff to keep you busy, the heists are a lot of fun to prepare for and even more fun to pull off, and it is filled with a great cast that you will both love and hate.  It's definitely a great all around experience.  The only thing I can really knock it for is that the story trips itself up at times, and while the targeting is improved it could still be a bit better.

Edited: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 17:23:39
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Sat, 21 Sep 2013 17:43:14

I am nowhere close to finishing this game.

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Sat, 21 Sep 2013 20:10:05

Great write up gemeni

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Sun, 22 Sep 2013 18:46:52

I've started to have many missions where you switch between the characters, it is a fantastic addition that adds much more variety to every mission that is involved. When in mission the switch is practically instananeous. Rarely have I had a mission where all three are available at once, its usually two. When you can switch is determined by the mission, in some the switches are part of the mission themselves, you play a segment as one and the story dictates that you become another player so it happens automatically, this is the equivalent of a scrited moment. Just having all three main characters perfoming different tasks make the missions seem much larger in scale. The moments where you are in control so far for me have been one guy a sniper while the other is sneaking around, or needs cover in the main firefight. I had a mission where two characters were in a major shoot out and you can switch at any time between them. One had a choice where you can fly a helicopter or bethe guy gunning on the side, I decided to switch between the two constantly. This allows you to either focus on what you enjoy to do or simply keep the variety up by trying to be in total control of everyone.

So how does this work in practice when AI is involved and missions can be failed, so far pretty well. When you switch away the computer basically goes into a near scripted routine of what it should do. In the firefight mission Trevor had a shotgun equipped, when I switched to him I changed to a rifle, when I switched away the AI went back to the shotgun and he had a sort of pre determined route through the level, just like partner AIs in older GTA games. In the mission where one is sniping and one is on the ground, if you are on the ground the sniper will call out hits shots and he seemed to always hit his mark. When you are the sniper the guy on the ground is moving constantly so you have to be quick on the rifle to shoot guys befor they spot him. I found if you want to stealth that mission you should stick to the ground as the sniper AI is really good. Either way they present two totally different gameplay situations.

I am still just in the early stages of the multiple player missions but so far its been great. I have not have a siutation where the AI ruined the mission. If the AI is ever in trouble a giant red flash will appear around the character in trouble, even these moments seem scripted as in the shooting mission franklin always got in trouble in the exact same spot. Basically they are towing the line between a scripted mission with options that allow you to take different roles but you can't really break the script, which is fine cause it allows for some amazing missions. There are plenty of moments in this game that allows for totally unscripted meyhem, the beauty of the game is how balanced it is between fantastic designed missions and an open world playground. No other open world game comes close.

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