Forum > Gaming Discussion > Straight from the Course Catalog -- The Wonderful 101 (101)
Straight from the Course Catalog -- The Wonderful 101 (101)
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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 17:51:04

As you go along, get more morphs and get used to the different enemies and attacks, it gets easier. Read the beginning of this guide for tips, if you need them. Collect those Space Vegetables too; read the spoiler about them if you want to know why.

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Sun, 29 Dec 2013 20:06:40

I'm starting to get the hang of it. My timing is still really bad (though that's just my curse for being shitty at action games), but I'm starting to catch the right que's on how to play. Using Blue's swords to reflect the right attacks, using Green for anything too far to reach, etc. And it's getting easier to switch back and forth between the characters as well.

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Tue, 31 Dec 2013 14:51:34
I think the Wonderful 101 is as close as we'll ever see to a video game representation of the effects of cocaine. The game has two speeds - paused and balls to the wall.

Its actually making it hard to enjoy. I don't mind the difficulty or the controls. I've gotten past that. But I have to take a break every 30 minutes or so. Just too much of everything going on.
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Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:50:55

Just started this game over the weekend.  I'm enjoying it a lot.  While I think that the camera isn't perfect, making certain things harder than they should be, in the end it doesn't matter because everything is so over the top.  I love how the enemies are over the top, how the action is over the top and how the story is over the top.  It truely is the gaming equivalent of all those bad kids programs, in a good way.

My biggest grief with the game so far is that they didn't put those incredibly obvious zippers on everything, the kind every monster in the Power Rangers had on the back of their costumes.  Grinning

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Mon, 24 Mar 2014 09:00:44

Just unlocked WonderWhite this weekend.  I'm starting to get better at it, but I'm still a way off from mastery to the level where I can avoid being hit by most 'normal' enemies.  The boss battles are insane, I'm certainly not used to boss fights that have so many layers and keep going on for so long.

I still curse the camera angle though.  It's horrible for the few platforming sections I've come by so far.  It's near impossible to judge your height and relative position to the platforms, let alone doing so when there's 99 others clogging up your view.

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Sat, 18 Oct 2014 12:11:33


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Sat, 25 Oct 2014 00:48:20

I'm in the club now! Cool

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Sat, 25 Oct 2014 01:28:58

Welcome! I hope you brought your ass-less chaps and lube...


**Wait. Wrong club, sorry!**

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Sat, 25 Oct 2014 01:29:49

They are in the car!

Damn, wished I shaved.

Edited: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 01:30:34
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Sat, 25 Oct 2014 14:02:26

What the hell is this crap?  Screw this game!  

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Sat, 25 Oct 2014 14:04:38

Just kidding, this game is amazing.  I'm getting a better understanding of how the game mechanics work.  That's one thing the demo didn't help with.  I can tell that by the time this game is over, the camera will be my enemy.

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Sat, 25 Oct 2014 14:41:38

It says it somewhere in this topic already, but make sure your picture fits your TV screen. If the borders are even slightly off, your entire team may be in a corner and you might not be able to see them. This was happening to me at first and I was getting frustrated.

Look up my tip in here about collecting Space Vegtables and getting that Platinum Credit Card! There's one item in particular, that is expensive, but well worth using the card. If you take damage and are knocked off your feet, if you hit the jump button before hitting the ground, you will absorb the damage and spring right back to your feet. It's invaluable!

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Tue, 28 Oct 2014 01:38:11

Operation 2b is where I noticed the first big problems with control. I had a few seconds to draw a gun and simply couldn't get it to recognize the line.  I repeated this several, several times to no avail.  After about the umpteenth death sequence, I finally got it.  I love the Frenchie death sequence, but after about three times, it got old.

I also picked up a drill then had to climb up a ladder.  I simply couldn't drop the drill to allow me to climb.  I couldn't change back into the hand without losing the ladder.  So I had to restart just to climb up a ladder.  Am I missing something when trying to drop enemy items?  I tried every button press but nothing seemed to work.

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Wed, 29 Oct 2014 10:04:21

Ummm, the W101 thread is here , GG.  Nyaa Thanks, I might never have figured that one out.  This game has so many pure gameplay bliss moments.  You're constantly doing something new.  I just picked up Yellow, btw.

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Sat, 01 Nov 2014 17:36:05

Lol, 3-C! It's just amazing!  

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Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:26:34
robio said:
I think the Wonderful 101 is as close as we'll ever see to a video game representation of the effects of cocaine. The game has two speeds - paused and balls to the wall.

Its actually making it hard to enjoy. I don't mind the difficulty or the controls. I've gotten past that. But I have to take a break every 30 minutes or so. Just too much of everything going on.

Now that you mention it, this is probably my biggest complaint with the game. I don't like when games feel too "busy". And this game is fucking BUSY. In fact, I'd say that's also the worst thing about Resident Evil 6....way too fucking busy all the time. None of the creepy spooky downtime like every other RE (even RE5).

I don't mind stretches of a game that are hectic. But when its like that from start to finish it gets annoying IMO.


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Sun, 02 Nov 2014 12:06:00
edgecrusher said:

Now that you mention it, this is probably my biggest complaint with the game. I don't like when games feel too "busy". And this game is fucking BUSY. In fact, I'd say that's also the worst thing about Resident Evil 6....way too fucking busy all the time. None of the creepy spooky downtime like every other RE (even RE5).

I don't mind stretches of a game that are hectic. But when its like that from start to finish it gets annoying IMO.

That's pretty much why I put it aside. I don't like games that make me feel tired.  Pacing is important. Funny how many game designers don't get that.

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Sun, 02 Nov 2014 12:14:17
robio said:
edgecrusher said:

Now that you mention it, this is probably my biggest complaint with the game. I don't like when games feel too "busy". And this game is fucking BUSY. In fact, I'd say that's also the worst thing about Resident Evil 6....way too fucking busy all the time. None of the creepy spooky downtime like every other RE (even RE5).

I don't mind stretches of a game that are hectic. But when its like that from start to finish it gets annoying IMO.

That's pretty much why I put it aside. I don't like games that make me feel tired.  Pacing is important. Funny how many game designers don't get that.

Jeesh. Get out the walkers, fellas. You guys are getting old.: Nyaa

The VG Press

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Sun, 02 Nov 2014 12:16:39

Oh yeah well you should get the douche out because you're getting douchey! Ha! Good one Robio.

And before you make fun of us you need to play the game first. I won't have any of this "I haven't played the game, but I'm judging you for being old anyway" crap. I'm a grandfather and I know my rights dammit!

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Sun, 02 Nov 2014 12:20:58

I own it. I'm still playing Bayonetta 2, which is the definition of "too busy." I'm also older than both of you, and I ain't complaining!

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