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The Official Playstation 4 thread of GREATNESS IS HERE.
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Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:22:20

Don't make me post pics of our conversations LOL

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Wed, 13 Nov 2013 12:11:30



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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:05:57

The time has come to make space for my PS4. I have no clue how I am going to arrange my setup...

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:39:01

To save time and trouble on Launch Day, so you aren't waiting for an Update to DL while several MILLIONS of other people do the same, follow these simple instructions:


Update using a computer

For the standard update procedure, follow the steps below. Visit here for the procedure to initialize your PS4™ system and perform a new installation of the system software, such as for when you replace the hard disk drive.

The following things are needed to perform the update:

  • PlayStation®4 system
  • Computer connected to the Internet
  • USB storage device, such as a USB flash drive

    * There must be 400 MB of free space.
    • On the USB storage device, create folders for saving the update file.

      Using a computer, create a folder named "PS4". Inside that folder, create another folder named "UPDATE".
      PC Update
    • Download the update file, and save it in the "UPDATE" folder you created in step 1.

      Save the file with the file name "PS4UPDATE.PUP".
      Download NowClick to start the download.
    • Turn off the power of your PS4™ system completely.

      Check that the power indicator is not lit. If the power indicator is lit up in orange, touch the power button on the PS4™ system for at least 7 seconds (until the system beeps a second time).
    • Connect the USB storage device that the update file is saved on to your PS4™ system, and then touch the power button for at least 7 seconds.

      The PS4™ system starts in safe mode
    • Select [Update System Software].

      Follow the screens to complete the installation.
  • If your PS4™ system does not recognize the update file, check that the folder names and file name are correct. Enter the folder names and file name in single-byte characters using uppercase letters.


Edited: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:40:10
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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:49:47

Here's a link to the multiple ways you can DL the PS4 Firmware Update should you want to do it before launch!

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:22:34

Thank you Leo, will do!

So I assume that means you are in? Tomorrow night will be an orgy... of video game nerdism. And you can be my true friend too.

Edited: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:22:54
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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:24:09

Bye bye Saturn, I had to put it away. Sad Moved my 360 around, I am now set with a nice space on a shelf above my PS3 for my PS4. Oh and i have the PS2 below the PS3. Its a column of PS history!

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:29:32

I've had the system paid for, for months, so I was always planning on getting it at launch. It was only recently that I noticed the lack of games I want to play in the Launch Window that made me start to doubt the pre-order. That, plus the fact that I have a handful of really, really, really great games I still have to play on my PS3 makes my excitement level considerably less than any other typical console launch.

As a matter of fact, I can't remember a time where I kept the previous generation's system once the next gen came out. This will be a first, and I plan on having my PS3 for a good while still!

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:31:10
phantom_leo said:

I've had the system paid for, for months, so I was always planning on getting it at launch. It was only recently that I noticed the lack of games I want to play in the Launch Window that made me start to doubt the pre-order. That, plus the fact that I have a handful of really, really, really great games I still have to play on my PS3 makes my excitement level considerably less than any other typical console launch.

As a matter of fact, I can't remember a time where I kept the previous generation's system once the next gen came out. This will be a first, and I plan on having my PS3 for a good while still!

I will mostly be playing PS3/360 games too. Hell the best game of early next year is probably Dark Souls 2, that is PS3. Castlevania too.

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:32:18

I am also not going to be able to pick my system up until late on Frigay. I am going to two events in Westchester tomorrow and on Launch Day and I won't be home until the evening. There's NO WAY I'll be going to a midnight, either! Frigay will be an orgy of Sushi, Alcohol and hooking up the system... eventually!

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:49:37

Our first frigay launch! I will stream myself in the nude. Nyaa

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:51:30

Please do the same once you get your Oculus Rift too, Thank you. That humping commercial was awesome!

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:51:48
Edited: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:52:01
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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:55:30

Dude... Just let it go, afterall...

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:00:05

Nintendo should have made that song the theme song for all Wii U marketing. lol

So are we just going to keep posting 90s love songs cause I know a ton. Nyaa

Edited: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:00:38
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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:00:13

I've had to resist my natural urge to rid myself of excess "stuff" by not getting rid of the PS3. I actually had to order a set of Component Cables because my two HDMI ports on my TV will be taken up by the PS4 and U. It makes my skin crawl to keep this many systems, but:

  • Disgaea D2
  • The Guided Fate Paradox
  • Diablo 3
  • Dragon's Crown
  • CastleVania: Lords of Shadows 2
  • The Witch and the Hundred Knight

There's more games I want and am playing for this gen than anything next gen yet!

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:04:36

Whatever Sony and/or MS may release...

...I will always love U.

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:07:20

Bonus Track:

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:12:34

Well I can say I have never heard those before. I was thinking more along the lines of Celine Dion. Nyaa

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Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:27:06

I wish I could participate in the orgy. Sad

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