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Rabbids Go Home - Thread of Leo and GG impressions
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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 16:28:44

bugsonglass said:
i'm trying to want this game.  so far i'm not succeeding

I never actually thought I was going to like/buy it either.

I bought it on a whim, just 'cause reviews were varying so wildly, it made me curious.

I was totally, pleasantly surprised. I don't think it's a system-seller or something every Wii owner should own, but it's unique and enjoyable enough to at least warrant a rental.

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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 17:54:53

phantom_leo said:

The game has a visual flair all it's own. It's not as "weird" as you would expect a Rabbids game to be. The humans and world are kept simple and clean, kinda like in Katamari, but not quite so "Japanese-ee."

The Rabbids have a good amount of animation to them though to make them stand out that much more. There's over-exaggeration in everything they do. Your shopping cart always looks like it's on the verge of tipping as you skid around corners and such (kinda like a Keystone Cop car), for example. The FMV and cartoon intermissions are a lot of fun too.

Its got some good animation. Do the changes you make to your rabbid show up in the in game cutscenes?

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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 18:00:43

gamingeek said:

phantom_leo said:

The game has a visual flair all it's own. It's not as "weird" as you would expect a Rabbids game to be. The humans and world are kept simple and clean, kinda like in Katamari, but not quite so "Japanese-ee."

The Rabbids have a good amount of animation to them though to make them stand out that much more. There's over-exaggeration in everything they do. Your shopping cart always looks like it's on the verge of tipping as you skid around corners and such (kinda like a Keystone Cop car), for example. The FMV and cartoon intermissions are a lot of fun too.

Its got some good animation. Do the changes you make to your rabbid show up in the in game cutscenes?

In game, yes. Cutscenes, no.

I never would have thought I was the kind of person who would get a kick out of seeing a squid sitting on a Rabbit's head again, and again, and again...

After tattooing a Skull on the back of the Steel (red-thong) Rabbid, you just have to giggle as he hops in circles and tries to admire his new skin-art on his back!  Nyaa


A few features that I forgot to mention before:

*It uses the speaker on the Wii-mote for added sound effects (from the Rabbid in the remote)... (BWAAAH!)

*It installs a Rabbid Channel that is used (at least) to upload photos you take in the game.

Edited: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 18:28:31
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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 18:13:32
What else can you do with the channel?

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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 18:25:29

gamingeek said:
What else can you do with the channel?

Dunno. I installed it and forgot about it 'til a few moments ago!

Edited: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 18:25:53
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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 19:37:18
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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 23:53:33
The VG Press
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Sat, 07 Nov 2009 15:10:17


Rabbids Go Home mixes the inanity of a good Saturday morning cartoon, the fluid movement of a Mario game (as good as you can get without the jumping), the collecting of ridiculous human stuff of Katamari Damacy and winds up serving a fun, easy comedy.

The game looks and sounds good, and, best of all, surprises with its warped sense of humor. It's another strong Wii game from a non-Nintendo company, adding to what's become an eclectic shelf of small 2009 Wii gems alongside Dead Space Extraction, House of the Dead: Overkill and Deadly Creatures. And this one doesn't even have "dead" in the title.

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Sun, 08 Nov 2009 02:13:02
NintendoLife has an official Rabbid... Why don't WE have an official Rabbid...?! I'm extremely displeased! Hrm

Oh well. At least we have footage of someone abusing the F*CK out of THEIR Rabbid...
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Sun, 08 Nov 2009 11:05:42
If we had a Rabbid he would be smoking, drinking and beating some woman up.

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Sun, 08 Nov 2009 11:39:57

A small sample of what you will be missing if you don't at least try Rabbids Go Home. This is what I refer to as the "Steel and GodMode" clip, btw. Just look at the still pic. You know what I mean...! WinkWink

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Sun, 08 Nov 2009 11:40:48

Have I mentioned that Rabbids Go Home features all the current, Top-Ten Romanian Bands (all one of them) on it's soundtrack?

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Sun, 08 Nov 2009 11:41:37

Meet the Verminators!

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Sun, 08 Nov 2009 12:15:37

It looks really polished.

Tell me about jumping. I hear you like dont have a jump button, you have to use ramps?

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Sun, 08 Nov 2009 14:04:39
^Yep. No jump button. You use ramps and Tony Hawk-style tactics to "jump" your shopping cart to areas you can't normally reach.

You'll see yellow painted ramps that will give you a small speed boost to give you enough momentum to "jump" to other areas.

You accelerate your cart by pressing the "A" button. You eventually learn to "skid" your shopping cart. This is done by holding "A" and maneuvering the cart. You know you are skidding when your wheels start leaving blue flame trails (a-la Mario Kart). Hitting the "B" button at that time will give you a super boost.

Hitting a yellow painted ramp while doing a super boost will get you a super jump.

Super boosts have other uses, though, such as allowing you to plow through certain obstacles.

Something else I think I forgot to mention: You can aim your wii-mote at the screen and hit "Z" to have the Rabbid in your wii-mote cannonball into grates and enemies... This kinda acts like the star-bits in Mario Galaxy.

Edited: Sun, 08 Nov 2009 14:06:17
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Sun, 08 Nov 2009 16:36:23

It sounds more like a racing game.

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Sun, 08 Nov 2009 17:26:00
There are a few timed segments here and there, but it's more platformer than racer...

I'm telling you though... it's really like neither too... It really is a game unto itself and indescribable.
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Mon, 09 Nov 2009 02:58:42
4/5 that's probably the highest score a Wii game has received at Giant Bomb.

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Mon, 09 Nov 2009 12:50:20
"This isn't a purchase for hardcore enthusiasts or steely battlefield veterans with a thousand-yard stare and a pico-second response time. The rest of you, should you be able to engage your inner child, could well find a big old slice of the fun pie cooling on your windowsill."

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Mon, 09 Nov 2009 19:02:46
I'm getting this game for Christmas! Should be fun to play on Christmas morning with my daughters.
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