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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII |OT|
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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 20:07:10

What did the demo cover? I have no idea...

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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 20:11:03
It covers stuff. A little stuff. I think its the game's intro. Lightning comes in fights Snow he runs. She chases him and fights a few more monsters and then a big dragon. 15 minutes from start to end
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Sun, 16 Feb 2014 20:52:04

Yup. That's just the very beginning, the intro to the game. It covers the most basic of game mechanics and that's it... Nothing about the Time Factor, nothing about Skills, Equipping, Schematas, Quests... nothing!

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Mon, 17 Feb 2014 00:12:55

I finished the first Main Quest part that takes place in the city of Luxerion. I am getting the hang of things and it's getting slightly easier. Different Schemata, levelling up Light by completing Quests and Sides, powering up your Skills, getting used to the flow of Battles and timing your attacks and defense right, this all gets to be second nature after a while. As long as you prepare for battles, in true RPG style, that's HALF the battle right there.


There's one battle which I won't spoil outright against Noel from XIII-2. He uses Wind Attacks and Physical Attacks, but if you equip Lightning Spells and Accessories that cut down on Wind Damage, it made it doable, but I still won with barely a few HP left. It was only after tweaking the different Schemata, Weapons and Skills and LOSING a whole lot that I was --FINALLY-- able to take him down!



The time element is getting to be manageable as well. You get 13 days total --BUT-- you start with only 5. The Eradia you earn by fulfilling people's wishes feeds Yggdrasil, the World Tree; the more it grows, the more time you get. While doing the Main Quest I was able to complete a good amount of Sides, so I am hoping the Eradia I earned makes a difference and takes some pressure off of me. During the day, I was able to use the EP Skill Chronostasis, which freezes time for a good while, to make getting everything done possible. You earn a tiny bit of EP with each battle, or you reset it at the Ark at the beginning of each day. Still, I was literally down to the last few minutes when I completed the first Main Quest of the game and met another familiar character from a past FF XIII game. It WAS tense, but it DOES seem doable to me now.


Edited: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 22:22:20
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Mon, 17 Feb 2014 12:09:30

I'll likely get it when it's cheaper like I did with FFXIII-2 (unlike the first which I bought at full price). I require a 'very hard' difficulty for satiation, though I'd probably just stare at it and choose something easier.

By Miu Watanabe.

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Sat, 22 Feb 2014 23:43:25

To save time **which is a precious resource in Lightning's world!** for future players of this game, I am going to give a suggested order in which you should tackle the game's Main Quests by location:

  1. Luxerion
  2. Yunaan
  3. The Wildlands

I am still closer to the beginning than the end of the game and have come to the conclusion of this order by a lot of trial and error, so far. You will most likely want to travel between locations IF you have the spare time for side-quests --AND-- there are at least two other locations: The Dead Dunes and ????????? but I haven't reached them yet and don't know which order they should be approached in as of yet. I will update this topic as I get there myself!

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Sun, 23 Feb 2014 17:09:28

Alright, I admit it, the game has won me over. It may not be the easiest to play, but it's definitely something different in a good way. I'm sorry, I'll never understand the hate FFXIII garners. It's probably the most complete and coherent set of stories Square has put together. They created a universe, a history, characters and mythologies, planned futures and various different gameplay styles... and RPG fans have done nothing but complain. Again, is it the developers or is it the overly entitled gamers? I will admit it, I am going to miss Lightning after this game is done... more so than I've ever missed characters like Cloud or Tidus. It's ironic, everyone has complained about her lack of character and her stoicism in past games. The game that ultimately starts to show she is human and even feminine, is going to be almost entirely ignored.





Edited: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 17:13:58
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Sun, 23 Feb 2014 22:56:37

I agree about the hate on FFXIII, I dont get it. But Leo if you can explain to me the story that would be great cause XIII-2 makes no sense what so ever. And I heard Lightning is even crazier. They have different time travel theories working together, none of the rules make any sesne.

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Sun, 23 Feb 2014 23:40:46

I could explain, but it's a pretty long story. It actually all makes sense when you break it down the way they did here. Seriously, read it and you'll see how the three games fit together.

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Sun, 23 Feb 2014 23:53:31

I really like FFXIII. Unfortunately, I suck at the combat, and JRPGs in genereal. Someday I will finish it!  . . . maybe.

The VG Press

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Fri, 28 Feb 2014 02:04:08

Been playing Lightning Returns pretty exclusively, despite just getting Lords of Shadow 2, too. I still maintain it's quite unlike any other game I've played recently. It's more like a very story/character driven MMO than a typical Final Fantasy game. It's hard to judge how well or poorly I am doing though. I am on day 6, with 5 days left, but there's a potential to earn up to 14 days. I have finished 2.5 of the Main Quests. It seems you need to do 4 before the last day and last area opens. I have about 26 Sub-Quests under my belt, but I think you need 37 or 39, iirc, to access additional plot and gameplay areas. The plot borders on intriguing and silly at times, but, really, what FF isn't like that? The entire concept of The End of the World approaching and how people choose to spend their last days, though, is a solid foundation for the plot. Even stoic, stony faced heroes like Lightning, may reveal their more human sides as the end draws nearer. I actually --REALLY-- like what they've done with her in this game. So far, I have no compaints other than the difficulty and adjusting to unusual gameplay at first, but now I am loving it! It is a fitting end to this series and I --WILL-- miss it once it's done, if Square doesn't mess it up and start re-using characters from this game and diluting their personalities and unique stories.



I was mistaken when I said earlier you only play with Lightning alone; she gets a companion later in the game. His identity is a mystery for now, but I have my ideas about who he may be! Also, notice the Schemata Lightning is wearing? She has a ridiculous amount of really cool outfits she wears that gives her tons of special skills and spells. You can waste a day away fine tuning those, if you're not careful! More to come!


Edited: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 02:06:32
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Fri, 28 Feb 2014 02:19:59

We all know about the Tomb Raider stuff in the game already, right?




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Fri, 28 Feb 2014 15:42:25

^ Thats cool.

So its like Majora's Mask with the end of the world coming? Why didn't you say so?

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Sun, 02 Mar 2014 18:42:25

If you want a game that's --REALLY-- going to challenge and reward you,

If you want a game with moments that will genuinely give you chills,

If you want a game that shows the progression of a series, character and story-line,

you --HAVE TO-- play Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII ! ! !


I've gone from not being too sure about the battle system, to having some of the most --REWARDING-- battles in --ANY-- FF game! Caius!

ALL of those FF moments you've grown to love from the Job System to the over-the-top, dramatic cut-scenes, to even, yes, an opera, they're all in there!

I love how a developer from Japan was --FINALLY-- able to make a cohesive story-line that explains things from game to game, shows believable character progression and development, yet still knows how to throw in those head-scratching goofy moments that JRPGs are known for!

I --LOVE-- Lightning, as stony-faced as she is, shows shows growth and heart in this game and I will be sad to see her go! One of the most awesome things about this game is how they throw former game's --BOSSES-- at her, or enemies that were next to impossible when you had a --GROUP-- and she --STILL-- takes them down! A-W-E-S-O-M-E ! ! !


**She is Square-Enix' Samus Aran, and I --LOVE-- her for that reason!**


Edited: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 18:47:37
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Sun, 02 Mar 2014 19:30:14

I take back my sentinment at the beginning of this topic about the time limit. It --IS-- manageable and gives the game a sense of urgency that is completely lacking from most others. You are constantly watching the clock, so you always feel a bit under pressure, but creative use of EP Skills and the seeking out of certain enemies to get the time under control, makes the game even that much --MORE-- rewarding. Some people say the clock kills this game, I say it --MAKES-- this game!



Another thing I love about the game is the --TONS-- of references to other FF games, and I'm not just talking the obvious FFXIV tie-in:

In the Battle Arena in Yusnaan, when you win a battle sometimes, the crowd will start chanting the FF Battle Victory theme! Little touches like that are all throughout the game!  Happy

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Sun, 02 Mar 2014 21:55:46

^ Are all the good fights in the battle arena closed behind DLC?

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Sun, 02 Mar 2014 22:03:58

As far as I know, there will be --NO-- Story or Battle DLC for Lightning Returns. I think there will be purchasable Schemata **outfits** and Adornments **purely aesthetic** but that's it!

Edited: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 22:44:02
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Sun, 02 Mar 2014 22:12:59

One flaw that I just realized about my time-extending, monster-hunting strategy... You can hunt species of monsters into --EXTINCTION-- and while you do get Special Weapons, Bonuses and Upgrading Materials for doing so, you also don't get the benefit of hunting them for EP anymore!



The two creatures above were --ROYAL PAINS IN THE ASS-- in FFXIII and FFXIII-2. One of them was a tough as nails --BOSS-- Lightning and Hope had to fight in FFXIII. They are now common monsters in Lightning Returns. I have already hunted one of the two species into extinction. You get a BIG-ASS, PURPLE-GLOWING SWORD for doing so, but no more free EP for fighting them! I gotta get moving on the story-line, main-quests or I'm gonna run out of time!


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Sun, 02 Mar 2014 23:32:12

This game sounds awesome.

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Mon, 03 Mar 2014 00:24:59

It really, really is! I am sooo glad I --DID NOT-- listen to reviewers and other players and start this game on EASY! Getting as far as I have, working through the toughness of it in the beginning, makes everything feel like I've --EARNED-- it! That's the sign of a --GREAT-- RPG!



Believe it or not, the sumnabich shown above is giving more trouble than a few of the --BOSSES-- I've encountered! There are times when there are "Chaos Infusions" that appear. Chaos "clouds" appear in the environment, making all enemies inside it stronger --and-- giving them REGEN throughout the battle. You need to beat them QUICKLY and EFFICIENTLY. Meeting a Chocobo Eater in a Chaos Infusion = DEATH!  Hrm


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